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Posts by aldra

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    maybe my dad and I aren't so different after all

    that's a disturbing thought
  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    doubt it
  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GGG Aldra I don't feel like researching enough to argue with you, but you know I'm right, right? I'm always right.

  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    so was Kosovo, as well as Crimea's original handover to Ukraine
  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    what do you know about trianglism
  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I got one of those the other day, just clicked the lights themselves and it accepted
  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    neither Hitler nor VVP are/were communist though

    would've made more sense to call him a fascist or authoritarian or something
  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    lul, I'd heard references to road pirates before but didn't get the joke
  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by misanthropy the average IQ of a jury is about 90 so you can't really trust any conclusions they come to

    especially given how... 'politically inclined' the locals are. there really should've been a change of venue
  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra I honestly have a hard time feeling bad for Bill Krozby because he effectively cut this girl out of his life; in the end it's not really his problem anymore right?

    I feel like regardless of who you are though and what circumstances led to that choice, you'd be getting torn up over whether you made the right decision and whether you could've helped if you let it play out some other way.

    There's no way out of this, and the only thing to do is to try to put them first and make better choices if you ever do have kids in the future.

    I get that kr0z is probably going to laugh at most of these and call us fags, but let me know if there's anything you want help with, and by that I mean more along the lines of digging up information than hugging you while you cry.

    I have zero recollection of making this post

    apparently pregabalin makes me sympathetic to kruz
  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    add battery acid to neutralise it
  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I honestly wonder if he'll even be able to form a sentence in 10 years or so
  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I was just correcting myself because I'd said earlier the car didn't hit her.

    From the information available I would've expected self defence or manslaughter
  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GGG Are you serious? Russia invaded two neighbors in the past few years and nothing came of it.

    Crimea's been Russian territory for 400+ years, it's been under the stewardship of the Ukraine since the height of the cold war when that drunk Kruschev gave them stewardship (against the USSR constitution). For the last 20 years or so Crimea's been running referendums (which have been ignored by the Ukraine) to return to Russia, each and every time getting 80+% of the vote. Nevermind the fact that the literal only infrastructure there is the Russian naval base, and that Ukraine has done little to nothing to maintain or improve the region... So yes, technically it was an 'invasion' but it was completely bloodless and morally sound.

    A large part of the reason for the western-backed coup in the Ukraine was to seize control of that naval base (very important for control of the Black Sea), so Russia dropped in the Spetsnaz, blocked out the Ukraine Army and ran the referendum one more time (with multiple international observers no less) and reclaimed the landmass.

    Regardless of the panicked nonsense coming out of the western media, there was no Russian military invasion of the Ukraine. A number of ex- or off-duty Russian soldiers entered to fight on the side of the Eastern republics, but that's a far cry from a 'Russian Invasion' given it wasn't state sanctioned and the numbers were not significant compared to those already fighting.

    I'm guessing your second 'invasion' was Georgia (though it was longer than 2 years ago)? The first shots were fired by Georgia because Saakashvili is a full-tilt nutcase, attempting to destroy Abkhazia because he was apparently convinced the Russians were going to attack him from there. Whether or not they intended to initially, they certainly did when his artillery started firing.

    It's worth noting that Saakashvili was and as is a US asset; after he lost all popularity in Georgia they moved him back into play to be the mayor of Odessa, and I believe he was being groomed to be Porky's replacement until he was driven out of the country.

    Lately Russia broke the Geneva convention by making those Ukrainian soldiers film a video stating Ukrainian blame. There's zero excuse for that. It's also against Russian law lol. They're supposed to be sharing medical information on the soldiers and then return them to Ukraine ASAP, as soon as they're healthy enough to. Which they already were it appears.

    I have no idea what you're talking about
  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Also, fyi the girl's autopsy indicated she was hit by the car but not hard enough to sustain any major injuries. I posted before that I'd heard she hadn't been hit at all, but it apparently wasn't the case.

    She got nicked and had a heart attack.
  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Technologist The BS twitter page, and actually believing he was startled, so he mulled down a bunch of people, yeah right. Other people were hurt and are still recovering. Man you’ll believe anything that suits your commie beliefs. Glad the justice system worked. Lock him up 😁

    lol, commie?

    He never meant to be on that street in the first place. According to the history on his Google account, he was trying to find his way home and it directed him down that street because Google did not have it marked as blocked off.

    Once he turned down that street there were people chasing him with guns and bats; I don't know why you would find it hard to believe that he panicked and hit the accelerator.
  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    inb4 tl/dr

  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny easier said than done.

    theres a limit to how much a human can know and do, and how many languages you can master.

    buy more IQs
  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by GGG I do believe Trump's organization is involved in a collusion or partnership with Russia.

    Depends on what you class as 'collusion' I guess - VVP's never explicitly said it, but it's an open secret that the Russian leadership preferred Trump over Hillary due to her insanely aggressive policy toward them. I've not seen any credible evidence that the Russian government manipulated the 2016 US elections in any way - the only properly documented accusation is that divisive campaign ads were purchased on facebeak from Russian IP addresses, but that doesn't prove the buyers were Russian (could've potentially been VPN or proxy users), let alone Russian government. All of the arrests I'm aware of under the Mueller investigation have been for corruption and bribery or not fully complying with the investigation; none indicate a pattern of pro-Russian subterfuge. Flynn, for example simply talked to a Russian diplomat before he was officially signed in (it would've been his job) and failed to tell Pence about it.

    The US establishment had been ramping up aggression against Russia even before Trump, and for his part he's been trying to roll it back - ramping up cold-war rhetoric and simultaneously closing down embassies and lines of communication (specifically over Ukraine/Crimea from memory) is an extremely dangerous course of action, allowing for minimal deconfliction and setting the stage for minor misunderstandings to escalate into serious political (or even kinetic) conflicts. This is one of the few things I think he deserves the highest praise for... The way the media and political establishment go to town implying, if not outright saying, that he's a traitor just for discussing current events directly with VVP is quite literally insane.

    I don't believe this is evidence of it. This is evidence of witness tampering, which Trump has done by instructing Cohen to pay off people who were going to spill the beans on his misappropriation of campaign funds.

    I'm not aware of this. Got a source?

    I don't think we're going to see the Russia collusion be anything like 'Trump knew they were tampering with the election.' It's more like shifty financial investments and partnerships that will be tied to his organization but possibly not to Trump himself. Don't forget that Manafort was wired millions on the day he began working for Trump. I believe he has most to hide. Russia tampered with US elections (and others) all on their own.

    Wasn't Manafort on the payroll for the coup-imposed government in Ukraine? I thought that's what got him done. As for Russia 'tampering with US elections', feel free to cite how. I've been through a lot of claims and not found a single reliable one.

    Russia benefits simply by causing chaos and diverting attention away from the middle east/Ukraine/Crimea.

    Russia is trying to draw attention TO the Middle East, Ukraine and Crimea.

    They're regularly pointing out how the US/SDF has no legal reason to be in Syria as well as posing questions as to how ISIS is able to survive inside SDF-occupied zones while ostensibly being targeted by the world's most powerful air force. They're (through media such as RT and SPUTNIK) telling people that US policies against Iran are ineffective and self-destructive and need to be rethought. OH, and let's not forget the recent chlorine gas attacks on Aleppo, launched via mortar from within Idlib. The western media has been almost completely silent on this matter because there is absolutely no way they could twist it to blame Assad this time, Russia and Syria's calls for a full investigation falling on dead ears.

    They're regularly pointing out that huge sections of the army and 'volunteer-battalions' in the Ukraine fly NSDAP battle flags and carry out attempts at ethnic cleansing, that they're continuously provoking the Russian navy (and fishermen) in the Black Sea and that they're regularly committing serious crimes against the breakaway Eastern regions with the US and NATO turning a blind eye.

    They haven't bothered putting Crimea in the spotlight much in the last few months, but up until (and just after) the bridge connecting it to the Russian Mainland was completed they were constantly comparing Crimea's industry and standard of living to how abysmal it was under Ukrainian stewardship.

    They're trying to create a precedent of being allowed to act freely in spite of any agreements.

    LOL, I hope you're not serious here. What agreements have Russia broken recently?

    In contrast, the US has unilitarally withdrawn from the JCPOA (which was illegal under international law considering it was agreed upon by several member-states and officially ratified by the UN), and not only that but is attempting to force the other signatories (who are still attempting to abide by the agreement) to abide by the unilateral sanctions on Iran the US has since re-applied.

    They're also set to withdraw from the INF and the newSTART missile treaties, spuriously accusing Russia of breaking them when in actual fact they've been deploying static 'anti-ICBM interceptors' that can also fire cruise missiles all over Western Europe. It's also been pointed out that several months prior to the US accusations, the Pentagon released tenders for the development of midrange (500-1000km) cruise missiles - indicating that they're already developing new missiles in violation of the INF, and that the accusation that Russia is doing so is just a smokescreen so that they can withdraw from the INF without appearing to be at fault.

    At this point, no sovereign country can sign an agreement of any kind with the US and expect them to honour it.
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