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Posts That Were Thanked by Sophie

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sophie No, no. We have another word for that and it's suicide. Basically the only argument i could see for it being a sin is this: God gives you life, that's pretty fucking dope. Then you go and say: Lol FUCK YOU GOD! I don't want be alive, i'm out. But if God would take offense to that then he is a petty and spiteful God. And not good and therefore not God.

    I agree. It's bullshit that we don't have a choice to be born to begin with. Christian logic says you HAVE to love God or your burn in hell. Never giving a person a chance to say that they don't want to be in that position. THAT is fucked. THAT is why I'm no longer a Christian among a host of other reasons.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle

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  3. Originally posted by Sophie Yeah like Bayer when it used to be a chem company.

    Siemens, IBM (altho American), Porsche was a Nazi wasn't he? And obviously Volkswagen. BMW has their origins, they made engines for the Luftwaffe. One of the Dassler brothers (of Adidas and Puma) was a Nazi?

    Really the Nazis continue to contribute a lot to modern life
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. I pronounce it "Randy"
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  6. I,for one, think the forum software is great.
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump uncle but RAW

    that's the worst kind of uncle
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  8. Originally posted by mmQ I was at my mom's house last night and went to my sister's room (she's going to school in Thailand right now) and she has a picture of my dad and I just looked at it for like 10 minutes and had a cry. Fuxk man if you ever lose a parent. It sucks. I sure miss that guy.

    your sis is banging 8 y.o. hookers
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  9. Oh yeah. And fuck you Bill Krozby.

    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Yours isn't relevant at all because my mom has never paid my rent dumb fuck, so post your ugly picture you nigger

    Originally posted by TORTILLA I've gone over this with Bill Krozby before, but let me reiterate. The fact of the matter is, Bill Krozby will never own a hotdog stand. He doesn't have the financial discipline to stack away 20 thousand dollars. besides, with his current finances, he doesnt even net a profit every month. Here's the breakdown:

    Bill Krozby told me his rent in hip town USA Austin is 800 dollars a month, not including utilities, internet, gas, and the general expenses that go along with being a fuccboi. So I'm just going to assume a conservative figure of 1,000 a month. Bill Krozby makes minimum wage at his pizza job, which amounts to 7.25 an hour. He works ~30 hours a week. That comes to $870 a month before taxes, which nets a loss of over $130/month. Where in that figure is there room to start stashing away 20,000 dollars for a hotdog stand you might ask? I'll tell you where: mommy.

    Last month, Weedsmoker told me that Bill Krozby's parents supplement his rent every month, which is truly the only way he can possibly maintain his housing. For months douggie D would cam up in tinychat, jobless. Considering the fact that Bill Krozby is an alcoholic, I have 0 faith he had any amount saved to be paying his bills while he job searched for months.

    What we are witnessing here ladies and gentlemen is what i call, The Art of the Fuccboi. I am a leading expert on studying these people. It's a severe mental illness, whereby an individual lives in a false reality, saying and believing things that just aren't true, all while maintaining a lifestyle of promiscuous sex with overweight ginger women, combing of the hair into the eyes, and making excuses as to why they cant join in on the mosh pit at the death metal concert, then going home and telling everyone on tinychat how you kicked peoples asses in the mosh pit.

    Here's a picture of Bill Krozby showing off his ass to a homosexual. Remember, Bill Krozby maintain's hes 100% heterosexual too, (lol).

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  10. Originally posted by mmQ Lol there's like 3 users here who aren't scared to show themselves .

    It's always funny when people on a site known to be associated with criminal activity and fringe culture, talk shit about people not wanting to post pictures of themselves.

    Like nigga do u even kno where u r
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  11. "legitimate research"
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  12. Lanny Bird of Courage
    So the literal answer is that`map(...)` is an expression (it evaluates to some value) while `for ... in ...: ...` is a statement, that is you cant do something like:

    new_list = for x in range(10): x+1

    although you can

    new_list = []
    for x in range(1): new_list.append(x+1)


    new_list = map(range(10), lambda x: x+1)

    does work.

    The better answer is that they convey a different intention. `map()` indicates you're creating a new sequence with a 1:1 correspondence with its first argument, to do anything else with it would be really bad style. A for loop can be used to create a new sequence with a 1:1 correspondence with the thing being iterated over, but it can be used in a more general way as well. For example you could do something like:

    for filename in files_to_make:
    f = open(filename, 'w')

    This doesn't produce a new list, it takes some action with side effects for each item in an input sequence. By contrast map is much more constrained, it always produces a new list and it will always have the same length as the input list.

    You might wonder why we would ever use a less powerful construct like map. The main reason is that it conveys meaning better, because there are fewer things you can do with it, it's more obvious what you intend when you use it. Compare with while vs. for loops. While is a more powerful construct, it can be used to iterate over a sequence like for, but it can also loop indefinitely until some condition is met. We prefer for however because it makes it explicit what exactly we're iterating over. Likewise map makes it explicit that you're producing a new bijective sequence from an existing one. You can also use the length equality and callback convention for some optimizations like preallocation and memoization, but that's kind of an aside, not every language that implements lisp map (python's map is inherited from lisp) does this.
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  13. Lanny Bird of Courage
    4srs tho, thanks to the folks who PM'd me, takes a village to run a website apparently.
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    too paranoid sorry
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I believe they're all velcro'd on so their positioning is really all her fault
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  16. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. Originally posted by Dargo Why did it take you 100 years?

    I dunno, why did America have to get France to beat the UK in the war of independence? Can't you faggot fucks fight your own wars without having to run to the French?
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  18. Spanish is only usefull in third world countries. Fact.
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  19. Who cares, his site, he can do what he wants
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  20. I appreciate everything you do too

    *pours a vermouth and throws darts to decide who should be mod*
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