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Posts by oatking
2016-09-24 at 1:28 PM UTC in ATTN Soph^ Sweet, I've never been there, but always wanted to go. I've done a decent deal of hiking and there's nothing better than to sit down by a fire after a long day's walk and just talk for hours because you're too tired to sleep*. That is, if it's not raining. Pitching a tent in the rain and at night is a pain.
2016-09-24 at 1:26 PM UTC in Why are SJWs all in games, mtg, programming?Sorry for the wall of text, something fucked up the formatting and I can't edit it anymore :(
2016-09-24 at 1:23 PM UTC in Why are SJWs all in games, mtg, programming?I understand your point about labor becoming divorced from capital and that sounds like it'd make a great topic to talk about. But, based on what you said, it sounds like SJWs are unknowingly in league with what you call the bad guys. The bad guys would love to build a stick out of SJWs. They can use that to take out anyone, they can literally banish you from labor forever. Then your labor is worth nothing at all, because you become a pariah. You say that the bad guys are counting their coins happily while "hackers" fight with SJWs. I see SJWism as the ultimate tool of coercion. No application of force or threat, not even economical. Just pure social status. Call that man a sexist and watch him lose everything he's ever had - his money, job, family, and friends. And you got "society" to do it for you. Beautiful, isn't it? And while I abhor what you call conservative alt-rightards, I feel that SJWs are a threat that's an order of magnitude larger than these tards. Alt-righters are playing at the old kind of fascism we all know and love, but SJWs are building some new horrible kind of fascism that's never been seen before (just look at their methods - public court, infiltration, etc.). Where the old fascists happily try to recruit the dumb poors, these new fascists are actively targeting everyone above the lower classes. --- New sjwism today: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12568552 I like how this is just another white guy who got two fucking degrees (rich parents much?), went to berkeley, and calls himself a "founder" because he made one fucking web application, which I shit you not, is an "Uber for dogs" (I thought this kind shit only happens on parody shows like Silicon Valley) and his only tech skill is in nodejs. Oh, and this guys plasters "head of development" everywhere he can, even though he's barely graduated with a bachelor's and hasn't really worked in more than 1 company. It's just sickening that someone so far removed from reality has access to resources and just wastes them. Well, waste isn't the right word - he just disperses them to anyone that wants to make some money off of his warped view of the world.
2016-09-24 at 1:05 PM UTC in Are most people shit?Yep, Im on this with Soph. People generally want to do good, but society has bred the good out of us. Ever since you're young you're taught to obey, to rat people out, to respect authority for authority's sake. I'm not gonna say HURR DURR lets all be hunter gatherers, but cooperation is the most efficient way of living - it gives you the biggest economical benefits with the lowest risk. Sure, you might be tempted to gamble once or twice (ie. steal something etc.) but if you fail, there's a big price to pay. Basically, if we cooperate, we can all grow fat and rich.
2016-09-24 at 1:03 PM UTC in ATTN SophWe should all meet up in Washington, somewhere in the rockies, sit down and talk.
2016-09-24 at 1:02 PM UTC in rudeYo OP, I got the same issue. I reset the circuit a couple of times until I get the JS to download and then I can log in. I have no idea why under some IPs just the javascript comes back as 403 forbidden.
2016-09-22 at 9:19 AM UTC in Why are SJWs all in games, mtg, programming?Look, more stuff: github hires big SJW so that xe/xhe can take care of harassment issues ie. enforce political correctness: http://archive.is/ZW27l . That was earlier this year and since then github has been on a downward spiral. They changed their fonts to something godawful. Or just look how this guy was trying force a code of conduct on a project: https://archive.is/dgilk . I also love how their arguments are so fucking stupid. Stuff like "10000 projects have accepted the Code of Conduct so you should to". Yeah, and thousands of germans killed jedis, so I guess that makes it okay. Or "this just makes the project a safe space for all", no shit, it just makes the project a safe space for transgender pangalactic wolfkin whatever mumbo fucking jumbo people call themselves. We already have laws in place to protect us from libel, but there's a good fucking reason why we don't have laws (except fucking France) that protect us from being offended. It's against everything humanity has built for the past 300 years.
I fucking hate SJW's fuck their triggers, fuck their perpetual state of victimhood, fuck their safe spaces. There is nothing i can think of that we could do, except for oppose it and expose it for what it is, preferably more often than not.
Yeah man! Fuck them! Fuck them to hell! I think about this shit more and more every day. The "normal" system does not work since they just take you over to street court where their minions can throw rotten vegetables at you. Technically it would be possible to hit their nerve centers - wrest away their communication platforms somehow, but this would take a lot of time and they can just make another twitter account/blog etc. in minutes. We could fight them using their own weapons (what the manosphere or vox day are doing, it appears). I don't know, still thinking a lot about it.ESS jay dubs are just new age leftists why do you care so much
Because they are destroying things that are dear to me. They're attacking open source software, which I think is great and is my lifeblood. They're also destroying freedom, which means that as they grow, my potential place of living evaporates. For example - now that Github is SJW-territory, I can no longer even apply to them for a jerb. I can't get involved in OS projects that have a code of conduct for the fear that I'll become a target. I've already slipped away from one such attack because my language was "divisive". -
2016-09-22 at 9:06 AM UTC in Ok guys i think phase one of my ransomware development is complete.I'm now thinking if I can use this to attack some SJWs. How do you test this stuff? My first thought is to run it in a VM and see what happens. I've got some linux and windows xp images lying around for stuff like this.
Also +1 for OSX version. A lot of fuckers are running OSX, should def. be able to target them. -
2016-09-22 at 9:05 AM UTC in Communication: how to win verbal fights and get what you're owed
It wasn't meant as an insult <3
I know, you're kewlzzz bro. But I'm afraid Lanny thinks less of me now, if at all.
Also, I kinda agree with the fact that society is becoming too feminized. But maybe that's because I hate SJWs and their complete domination of the emotional sphere of life. I kinda see the manosphere as a counterforce to SJW and while it too is filled with despicable people, at least it's not attacking the very foundations of modern society ie. procedural justice, freedom of speech, etc. -
2016-09-22 at 9:03 AM UTC in Money in 30 days.I think that online freelancing is gonna be tough because unless you're in the top 10% of developers, writers, designers then you're competing with people from Iran that are happy to do a 20 hour job for 5$.
How about selling snacks/food? When it's summer, people sell bottled water to people stuck in traffic. I've been entertaining the idea of selling baked goods off the street, but I'm afraid I need some fucked up license to do just that. I just want folks to eat some good home baked bread from yours truly.
Other than that - what about PC repair? That stuff is easy as shit. You can automate the fuck out of it if you get your hands on an image of geeksquads MRI software or just roll your own solution to clean up malware and shit. PC building is easy as fuck and I've seen people pay money to get PC built (???). -
2016-09-22 at 8:58 AM UTC in Pollution is kind of a false concept.
Pollution is bad not because it is pollution and it is bad but it's bad for the same reasons you don't spray paint all over your walls or throw trash on your floor. If you do that, you're a low life piece of shit and do not deserve a say in our worldly affairs. We should take care of our planet because it is our planet and our kid's planet and our grandkid's planet and so on. If you don't give a fuck about the planet, well, there's plenty of people who do.
Im which you on this. Maybe this has something to do with getting old, but I find that the constant noise, the smell of exhaust, and other such shit just make me more tired. Like, whenever I live in a new place, it takes me days to find that one good spot where I can go and read books that's quiet, clean, no fucking kids, no people asking you for money.
Also, as much as I fucking love industrialism in all its forms (the architecture, smells, sounds) I gotta admit that there's no better rest than going deep inna woods for a few days.
So yeah, pollution means less rest, less comfort.
2016-09-20 at 12:54 PM UTC in Ok guys i think phase one of my ransomware development is complete.Nice use of psutils, definitely easier to reason about than dd. Question though: is there any difference in that code between the 'linux-root' and 'win32-admin' branches? It looks like it's doing the same thing either way. Also, if the i is inside the list-comp, then I don't think it'll be in scope of the disk.write call later unless Im missing something?
2016-09-20 at 12:30 PM UTC in Why are SJWs all in games, mtg, programming?Today I happened upon a blog post about how SJWs have infiltrated wizards of the coast and have gotten someone banned from tournaments from life. I havent played Mtg since my HS days, but this is just a another SJW attack that I've become aware of.
So SJWs have infiltrated the tech scene (code of conducts, the recent libreboot WTF, the takedown of mozilla's Eich, etc.) and this area is near and dear to my heart. They've also attacked gaming, which while I don't dabble in much anymore, I still think of very fondly. Then they've attacked areas like universities, meetups, charities, political parties... I read that there aren't many SJWs and they rely on hivemind tactics to attack, but now it looks like there's a ton of them, infiltrating and attacking every little piece of earth.
I can understand that organizations like mozilla or some companies are under attack by SJWs but how come they're attacking programmers or gamers? Is it because those groups of people are socially awkward and easy prey? Is it because programmers have lots of money? But games are generally poor.. Why? Why? Why?
I've been reading up on Kegan's theory of the evolution of ethics where he divides ethical development into a series of stages. He says that stage 4 (out of 5) is required to function in modern society. Stage 4 is the stage where you understand the system of society, why you pay taxes, why you can't shit all over someone, why contracts are good, etc. basically why things like agreeing, keeping agreements, and law (as bad as it is) is important. Without these things, we'll revert back to small farming settlements - stage 3. Stage 3 is built upon relationships and emotions. You're own sense of self is built up from other people's emotions. So if you told someone you'd do something, but someone else comes along and tells you that they're going to be sad if you don't help them out RIGHT NOW, you're coerced into breaking your earlier agreement. Given enough of these situation, modern society breaks down - nothing can get done. This is 100% where SJWs live. SJWs are literally pulling civilization back into level 3. If this has been going on since the 90's, no wonder the world is becoming such a shithole.
Also, this isn't a left-right thing - SJWs could just as well be on the right as they (pretend to) be on the left. The left just didn't have defenses against this kind of memetic weapon so it feel to SJWs first.
So.. what the fuck? What do we do? Is anyone here involved in the struggle against SJWs? What can one do alone? -
2016-09-20 at 12:20 PM UTC in Is it bad practice to initialize a null variable?As Lanny said, it's better to stay away from writeable globals. It always comes back sooner or later to bite you in your ass. The first function looks nice and clean, and it's easy to read because it's self-contained.
2016-09-20 at 12:20 PM UTC in Communication: how to win verbal fights and get what you're owed
So I just googled Mike Cernovich. Is this a joke? Holy shit, just reading some of the pages on this dude's site I'm honestly unsure if he's a parody of shitty self-help bullshit or not. It hits every major point I can think of.
Shitty poorly understood and decontextualized philosophy quote? Check.
It's a Nietzsche quote? Check.
Endless rambling about strength training? Check.
Overly reductive poor understanding of evolutionary theory? Check.
Uses the term "beta male" unironically? Check.
Fox news appearance? Hey, that's just above and beyond the call of cringe-lordery
This guy is actually like a notch above retardation and I don't understand why seemingly smart people would like him beyond his comedic value
Awww man, now I feel bad cause Sophie compared me to this Mike guy. What do you think about my adviceors, Lanny? -
2016-09-20 at 12:13 PM UTC in I wonder if armsmerchant is still alive.Wait, he got a gov funded house? So he doesn't have to live with 20+ cats to keep warm anymore?
2016-09-16 at 10:14 AM UTC in The official Niggas In Space meetup is to take place in Washington LEGAL WEED LOLI'll be in WA 9 months from now. Totally down to meet up some of you then. Except the coppers.
2016-09-16 at 10:14 AM UTC in Communication: how to win verbal fights and get what you're owed
You remind me of Mike Cernovich, for some reason. That's a good thing btw.
I looked him up, I... don't know how to feel about this. Maybe I came off as one of those internet tough guys or a self help guru, dunno, but this shit really works for me. Part of me is really god damn tired of MBA cunts asking me to work for equity (ie. make believe money) and you can only say NO so many times before you punch someone. Maybe it's the curse of being interested in something that generates lots of money? Like shit, I could just spend all day at home and mess around with C or Python or some shit, but now there's a bunch of greedy sonuvabitches that are willing to lie, cheat, and scam just in order to get some free labor.
Also, what do you think of my advice? I know it's not T&T related, but I wanted to give back something to the community -
2016-09-13 at 3:32 PM UTC in Communication: how to win verbal fights and get what you're owedOriginal title: Communication skills are important
I'm a bit drunk, but hopefully it will only add to the magnificence of this piece. I want to tell you guys about how fucking important it is to be able to argue your point. Most people can't do it and fuck up negotiating a salary, getting promoted, or get swindled by a store/credit card company/online seller, etc.
Now, I'm no expert at this. I'm not a lawyer or a radio talk show host. I can't think up and fire off "negs" like someone from the projects. But this shit will happen to you, especially if you fall into both of these categories:
1. socially retarded
2. high skilled labor
I think it's because the first one is seen as a weakness and the second one is just too tempting to pass up for a greedy MBA fuckwit. So you gotta know how to guard against this. Here's a story, that I've mangled a bit to make it more anonymous.
I was doing work for a client, let's call him Al. It was a short project, about 6 weeks of part time work worth roughly 12k (pre tax :(). We got it done, shook hands, and parted. Al handed the finished project to a junior manager, Liz. Now, Liz thought that the project was missing a bunch of stuff but couldn't get any budget to hire someone to add this stuff. Here decision? She contacted me and right off the bat told me that <list of missing stuff> was in the scope of the project and unless I finish this by <deadline one week away>, they're taking me to court.
I was so pissed that my hands were shaking, so I waited for about 4 hours to cool down. I then requested a detailed <list of missing stuff> and she got that back to me along with a threat of needing my decision by some ridiculous hour like 8am. I thanked her.
Next, I proceeded to collect every piece communication between me and Al and me and Liz. I collected everything into text files or screenshots and I had this handy.
Then I emailed Al and his boss simply asking for help in this matter along with a few examples of signed-off work that I did, the original scope of work, and items from the <list of missing stuff>. I also asked them flatly that if they wanted all of these things done, why didn't they just ask in the first? Why should we be going to court over this? I can refer them to a friend that can work on this project. I also stated that I don't think this is right and if they want to go to court, then I'll oblige them.
Al responds back, adding Liz to the recipients, that he thinks this is a mistake and asking Liz to provide anything to back up her point. Liz can't reply - she and Al are in different timezones. Everything ends well and everyone lives happily every after, except Liz, who got put on a PIP and fired.
Here's the story broken down into actionable points:
1. CALM DOWN. If you're an aspie, this is super hard to do, but you can exercise this like any skill.
2. CYA - cover your ass. Be courteous, collect evidence, insist on email communication (paper trail), ask for clarification, but don't counter attack yet. Your opponent thinks you're bleeding out, so they might threaten you once more and/or put their guard down (go to sleep, go on vacation, etc.)
3. Look at the evidence and figure out your narrative and get in touch with someone higher then your opponent. Here I played the "old business relationship, who's sad that it's come to this" card, but I also drew a line in the sand "this isn't right, I'm not doing this". You don't want to go overboard - you cannot let yourself be perceived as a raving lunatic, shouting about unions, lady liberty, etc. Also, keep your communication short - stick to the essentials. It's better to talks less than blabber out something that'll bite you later. Also, AVOID saying things like "maybe", "seems", "perhaps", "I assume" - these make you look week and uncertain about your position. Hell, it probably DOES mean you're uncertain about your position.
4. Offer an easy way out for them (Al and his boss). This is where I offered to put them in touch with a friend and where I acted confused about this ending up in court. This is a way for them to save time and face. The flip side is that they will have to sacrifice your opponent :).
5. Wait for them to duke it out amongst themselves. Thank them for their help and offer to meet for drinks some time in the future.
This approach can be used when you're dealing with customer service, bureaucrats, a toxic coworker, a loud neighbor, and lots of other situations. DO NOT use this approach when you're in court, when you're stopped by the police, when you're talking with lawyers, gang members, or if you're not calm. This approach only works well when you can leverage the organization that's wronged you (or its allies) to attack an opponent that's part of this organization. You can't do this with lawyers - they'll talk you into your own grave. You can't do this with a gang - they'll just shoot you. Also, don't use this scorched earth approach to negotiations. Negotiation is a million times more subtle.
So, once again:
1. Get calm and stay calm. The person who loses their shit - loses.
2. Cover your ass. Get as much in writing as possible. If not possible, check the privacy laws in your state/country to see if you can record the other person (voice, video) without their consent (in the US there's a a lot of single-side consent states, so only one side - you - need to consent to recording anything).
3. Using the above step, ensure that you're in a good position. If you mention court, make sure you can follow up on that threat.
3a. NEVER show uncertainty. Never use the words that I mention above: "maybe", "seems", "assume", "perhaps", "I think". Something IS or IT'S NOT.
4. Put pressure on your opponent, often quoting their words back at them, but show a soft side and offer a way out to their superiors. For example, catch and inconsistencies in your opponents arguments and focus on them. Then, to their boss, say that you're sure everything will clarify once we straighten out all the facts.
5. Try to use any communication obstacles to your advantage. Data mine your opponent to see - maybe they're in a different time zone? Maybe they just moved? Maybe they're out of the office? Try to be first to contact their boss and introduce a delay before they can respond. You want your opponent to become a weight, an obstacle, something that makes their boss come in to work and think "for fucks sake, I can't do an honest day's worth of work without having to babysit this fucker".
6. Don't say too much. Using email, outside from leaving a paper trail (esp. if you RE and FWD ALL THE THINGS), gives you time to reposition yourself and attack strategically.
How do you actually run with this? It's pretty hard. In my case, it evolved from flame wars on internet forums. It's pure rhetoric - nobody cares about the fucking facts. You'll dissect your opponent's posts into 10 parts and argue each part separately. You'll call in your bros into the thread - which is like 20 pages long at this point. You'll post citations to back up your logic and your opponent will do the same, but no one will even click on that. You'll be digging up their posts from 20 pages ago to point out how retarded they are for being inconsistent.
That's a good starting point I guess. Another part is, even if you're an aspie, you gotta make sure you can voice your thoughts. Take that speech class in college. Print out a speech (Obama has some good ones) and go to an abandoned area and just practice it for a few days. Get used to using your voice. Get used to speaking slower and louder than you normally do. The awesome thing is, this gives you a lot of confidence in all other areas of life.
Some people have had a lot of success after joining Toastmasters clubs, but I've never tried that. I'd do it though.
Look for small situations in real life when you can assert yourself. Buy something at best buy (worst buy, lol) and return it. Call your landlord and get them to fix some silly ass thing. Small stuff like that.
Finally, be on alert for situations in which you can really exercise this shit. Did you get scammed on amazon? Maybe your phone bill is too high? You can't practice this shit if you're not on the look out for natural situations in which to practice this. Just go for it!
Also, use this for good. If you get a good guy at best buy helping you out, don't fuck up his day. But if you get some lazy asshole - just steamroll them.
Last but not least, some reading material for y'all hobos:
"Bargaining for Advantage" - https://www.amazon.com/Bargaining-Advantage-Negotiation-Strategies-Reasonable/dp/0143036971 - AMAZING book that really sets up a framework for negotiating things. This book introduces a subtle, complex, and layered approach this. Something you wanna use when you're negotiating a salary or your mortgage - for win-win situations. Everything I wrote above is based on this framework, except taken to the extreme and reserved for win-scorched earth situations.
"SJWs Always Lie" - great book that describes how you don't need logic to win arguments - just pure rhetoric, raw emotion. It also says why logic fails in these situations and the only tool is rhetoric. Also, pretty good reading about SJWs.
"Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion" - good book too, although very dry. Combines well with the first one.
Well, I'm almost sober. Dammit. Hope this helps one of you aspie fucks.
2016-09-13 at 1:25 PM UTC in Funny article for programmers.
Does the NSA ride around on eagles while smoking DMT out of a pipe? If so, i need to get involved…
Yup, that's kinda our thing, man. That's why no one can catch us. We're so high over the clouds.Programmers are usually some ill conceived form of libertarian. Leftists are uncommon and authoritarian socialists are downright rare, represented usually among that hated caste known as architects. Combine somewhat smarter-than-average people with a lifetime of semi-conceited praise for fixing computers and a culture that valued a narrow technical kind of freedom which has since transformed into a shibboleth and as such is generally taken wholly out of context and you get the modern programmer: convinced markets are infallible and sometimes smart enough to pull up some self-serving paper that doesn't really say that but looks sorta close if you squint at the abstract the right way.
Interesting the influx of SJW has not significantly reversed this trend. It's as common to hear perceived bigotry described in terms of some kind of bizarre subsidy-by-patriarchy that's getting in the way of glorious markets which are totally-fair-and-never-ever-short-change-people-due-to-factors-they-have-no-control-over as it is to hear the typical leftist response which would be "regulate that which is evil".
You forgot to add "managers" to the point about the hated caste. Maybe an architect isn't so different from a manager though.
Beautiful words, but I will one day barge into your abode with a copy of Hayek's The Road to Surfdom and educate you against your will until you profess unending love for Freedomâ„¢