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Thanked Posts by trippymindfuk

  1. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Definitely been beautiful weather, well at least good temps anyways. I'm glad the 100° and over days are done for a while. Enjoy your day!
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  3. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I guess this is a place where I can feel right at home. I'm the same way, I couldn't wipe my ass going upwards it just feels unnatural, I don't see how anyone does 🤷
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  4. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Being called "our best worker" just means that your workplace is going to exploit you with too much work and not enough pay.... I've been there a few times, overrated if you ask me.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I usually look at the fatter/uglier chicks when I'm drunk, not dudes
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  6. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I feel like it's much easier to toss and wash and get it done quick rather than make a drink that's not going to taste good. I realize some people can't do that though but it's the only way I've been doing it the past couple years. When I first started taking Crouton I'd mix it with tea and it really wasn't too bad, kinda complements each other with an earthy taste.
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  7. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Life sucks sometimes, I think this post was meant to say I should go out and go fishing sometime soon, at least that's how I'm going to take it as
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  8. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Just stumbled on what I suspect is his dating profile from back in the day

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  9. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes Can't you alternate between smoking and snorting smack instead of injection?

    You can alternate ROA's but if you're a shooter then shooting is the only thing that will cut it. With xylazine is doesn't matter how you do it you still end up getting sores from it.
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  10. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Why aren’t my videos playing? What’s the problem?

    I noticed a bunch of mine are like that too, I don't know what the hell is going on
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  11. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I always think of shit like this

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  12. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Incessant You ever had them? Has the world every seemed brighter or shinier to you because your happy and drunk in ****?

    I've had a better outlook on life, I guess you can say, in the times when I wasn't depressed and I felt like I had something going for me in life.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Smoking my last ciggy before I try to get to sleep, haven't really been sleeping too well lately but I have an early alarm time tomorrow so I at least am gonna try. Night night space homies 🚀
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  14. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    It's one thing to be high at work, I've stayed high to some degree at every single job I've ever had, but damn can't you wait to beat your little meat til you get home? I guess they want some jack pay guess I can't say I blame him.
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  15. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Any time you don't give a teenage girl drugs with ill intentions towards her is a win for society as a whole
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  16. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I've changed in some ways since I've been here, not really sure exactly when I joined I want to say 15, I was on redfern right before here. I've been through a lot of stuff since joining you fellow space cadets.....

    I served out a felony charge
    I was off and on homeless, like in a tent under a bridge homeless
    I've overdosed countless times
    I've been to rehab
    I've been to sober living
    Been back on the streets
    Worked a bunch of different jobs, mostly temp day labor stuff
    I lost my mom
    I moved to a new state
    I quit doing dope and hard stuff
    I've been up and down fighting depression

    So all this stuff I definitely feel has changed me in some way or other but I don't notice it. Probably one of those things like if I were to hang out with someone from my younger adulthood they would probably be like "damn, homie, you changed"

    But that's life
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  17. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 System? You just mean a license plate database?

    Law enforcement wouldn't usually do that in a parking lot like that though right?

    I got stopped driving my ex's car from a cop that had a reader that was in a Walmart parking lot. I'm not sure if that was specifically what he was doing, it was a small town so he may have been. I lived like a quarter mile away and he followed me home, luckily he didn't actually pull me over because I didn't have a license. It was alerted from a warrant 2 states away and it wasn't even felony because they didn't do shit, just told her you know you got a warrant....I didn't know out of state misdemeanor warrants even showed up like that.
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  18. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    The fact of it not just being socially acceptable but also being fairly cheap is the main reason. Once you're at the point of being an alcoholic it's hard to quit because it has the worst withdrawal hands down, if it's serious you can't detox on your own you need a medical detox or you can die. I wish the stigma about drugs was different, alcohol being acceptable and having been around so long many people don't realize how dangerous it really is. I wish you all the best, I know it's not easy to quit.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  19. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    Obvious 3 are looking right @ me 💖

    Office Space
    American Beauty
    Fight Club
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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