Originally posted by Crispy
I cant swallow pills very well, especially 6-12 at once, i always end up vomiting on bundy anyway so i cant take too much or i wont be able to move and i may choke on my vomit and die. I just cant stand the taste of the syrup. Limited on the amount of bunders i can have
You want whatever has the most bundy and least everything else. No other active ingredients. Robotabs seem legit I still want to try them at least once. They look like the smallest tablets. Robogels usually make me puke. Syrup may or may not.
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Originally posted by Bradley
She doesn't need to get into opiates
I never said anything about opiates, Crouton is safer than any opiate. They're my absolute favorite and I highly recommend not even trying them. Like after having a serious dope habit not many other things do it for me. There's also a slightly high what I think is permanent tolerance now. I'd probably need a whole 80 oxy for a satisfying feeling. Even after years of no kinds 20 or 30 mg I barely even feel now. It's ruined things but Crouton helps me not think about it as much.
I'm here to advocate for crispy to not use any substance but I was smoking and drinking at her age. When you get into other things keep in mind there's lots of all kinds of drugs that have fentanyl too and it wouldn't take much to put you out.
Stay off drugs especially if you really aren't an alt and are younger it's dangerous and not worth it to risk your life.
Seems like you need a good hobby
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Don't do it, especially at your age. The less drugs you do the better off you will be, I know personally. But especially hard stuff just don't it only ends up ruining your life.
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Originally posted by Crispy
It smells good to me, i just dont like the taste
I used to burn down all day erryday but the last few years I don't enjoy it like I used to. It still has some purpose but I don't just smoke to get high anymore. I never thought I'd become a lightweight but it's actually better. And bundy is awesome if you don't abuse it all the time. I've had life changing profound experiences on it that people wouldn't believe. It's hard on your internal organs especially the syrups with mass sugar and shit. I don't ever go against dex but I just say use harm reduction.
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Don't do meth seriously. You will end up getting in over your head with it and it's truly the worst substance as far as being super toxic. If you insist on altering your mind just smoke some bud.
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All I have to do is laundry but I wish I didn't have to do anything. I was thinking about smoking a little herb all weekend but haven't yet, probably will later when I get done with what I have to do.
Guess I'm gonna dose some Crouton and get to it.
Enjoy your stony Sunday!
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All that stuff is much more fun when you are underage and it's illegal. You just need to find a shady Arab store that will sell you cigarettes. Alcohol you will probably have to ask someone. And you can gamble on anything you want at any age. Once you're of age and it's legal it kinda loses it's magic 🪄✨
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I'm ready for a girlfriend too homie. I want a (somewhat) good girl that is cool with me smoking weed, using Crouton and psychedelics (she can do them with me too).
I really miss having someone to come home to, talk about our day together and cuddling up with before we fall asleep. I feel like I'm ready to try to start a little family again, I had a good one with my baby's mom in my early 20's but I wanted to be a drunk piece of shit then. I'm a little more mature a couple decades later lol.
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