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Posts by trippymindfuk

  1. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost My ex boyfriend did drugs and let me tell you what a loser. He would get up for work in the morning and take a bunch of his "snuff" to get him going and this was before he even got in the shower.. he smoked a joint while he shaved and stunk up the house, I would have to cook him breakfast while he did cocaine and by the time he got in the carpool I wasn't sure if he was even able to walk.

    They all did it too at work and in the bathroom of the bar after work.. always in the bathroom with drug addicts why always the bathroom.

    I think they do more than just drugs in there.

    Also who do you think had to get the stuff for him? it wasn't him always at work it was me at home and I would have to ring up the dealers myself because he said if he had to do it when he got home it would never get done and they run out of the good stuff early. A few times some of them even came onto me when they come over and bring the drugs its like they dont even want the money they are all sex addicts and get paid in sex but im not hooked so I didn't even want it!

    I did end up leaving him for his coke dealer I was sleeping with but even him it was just cocaine 24/7 even when he slept his dreams were about cocaine he would wake up and slap me for not writing down the meeting details between him and the Gulf Cartel and im like wtf are you talking about and he tells me he just spent 8 hours in mexico arranging a deal with the cartel for 100 kilos and im like you just woke up are you sure it wasnt a dream??

    So i left his ass too now im single no drugs no crazy drug men I dont even go to the bar any more too many people doing drugs, weed is legal in my state now so everyone smokes. it used to just be netflix nd chill now its netflix and smoke weed.

    just want to find someone sober like me, anyone like that out there? hit me up!

    I'm sober for the time being....want to exchange pictures of our genitalia???
  2. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Just be aware that there is always a chance that someone, either an owner or fixer upper, may walk in while you're there. I've had this happen.
  3. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR โ€  See you when I'm back.

    Keep your head up! I just got out of rehab almost 2 months ago myself
  4. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    I would just keep a couple chained up to make me sandwiches after I beat off
  5. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Why no cough gels?
  6. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity Someone told me that Walmart has its own forensics department that takes fingerprints.

    No prints, no case…as long as the person covers all other things.

    I've heard this about Target, idk about Wal-Mart but I would assume they do as well. Always cover all your bases...
  7. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop With baked beans(come on who else eats any other kind? You're Trash!) it would seem to be over kill.

    Garbanzo beans or gtfo
  8. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    That makes me more attracted to them. Ladies, if you have whorish tendencies you can contact me, I will nourish your inner who're.
  9. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Fonaplats

    Would definitely play this
  10. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Fuck that, that ain't no fun
  11. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ifitdontfitacquit prove it. send me some pics privately NOW BITCH.

    I am no longer aroused, post something to arouse me once again
  12. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by NARCassist you should take the opportunity now to fuck the dogs dead body as it is likely to be the last chance you get to fuck for a while.


    Red ๐Ÿš€
  13. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by jedi.Goldstein Narcy searched his heron addled brain and found a fresh new gimmick to use.
    Heron's are beautiful creatures. Protect the marshland and nuke Israel ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ=๐Ÿ’ฉ
  14. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
  15. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cartof So I masturbated right? So I was just laying there on my bed with cum and Vaseline on my hand, then someone knocked, I though it was one of my brother's friends so I didn't wash my hand or anything
    But I opened the door and there were two jahova witnesses guys and I was like shiiiit! I talked to them to try and make them leave and at the end I shaked their hands with cum and Vaseline on my hand
    I tried to clean my hand with my shorts as I was talking to them but you could still feel the moist on it, and when I shaked the first guys hand, I think he noticed it smh

    You should do this more often and report back
  16. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Put a finger in your butt...someone else's though or it's not as fun...
  17. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Danny Carey is the best
  18. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Mine are kinda bad....stained from coffee and nicotine, missing 4 in the back left side. One is broke, missing half of it, need 4 root canals, couple more need filled. I had braces when I was younger so at least they're straight and my fronts look ok. Plan on getting full dentures at some point.
  19. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the pat-man you know i gotta say one time my buddy farted and everyone who smelled it said it didnt smell bad, it was weird to the point where we were all convinced he had a horrible disease.

    I imagine mine are intolerable to others, I have the opposite disease of what you guys thought your friend had, I guess...
  20. trippymindfuk African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala That is a vastly explored butthole.

    Those are the best though
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