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Posts by YouMotherFuckers

  1. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
  2. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    what a great game. Ive been playing the emulation verison of it on my ipad and realzied how games used to have a sense of like adventure and discovery they dont anymore. anyone play it?
  3. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes No. No girl wants to get with an unemployed mephedrone addicted loser. You are a loser and need to get a job, quit stimfapping to granny porn, and make your mom proud instead of perpetually disappointed. If you where my son I would have disowned you long ago, why you still get money will never cease to amaze me.

    Im not necessairly talking long term here just how do u get chicks to do tricks in the middle of the night on the streets?
  4. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    yea but what about underaged or young addicts how do u get them to do stuff or how do duddes do it without getitng in toruble?
  5. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    vinny suggested this simply offer them mone and such i just dont have it in me.
  6. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    do you think i could get young girls to suck my dick if i simply took advantage of them and didnt feel bad about it like most men do in drug circles? vs being such a good or nice guy all the time but going on two yrs now no sex?
  7. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    trying to remember what that was like to have sex with a 1`6 r old that one you guys remember i kept posting in my pad who i butt fucked slightly before she ran off and kept sucking my dick? i miss that and her.
  8. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    also what i wanan know is if you walk by a girl on a bus sotp and ask ehr if she know show to suck dick or do you need to go to authorities to get her parent sin trouble for not caring that their child is in the middle of the ngiht durnk if that is a felony just asking that way nto using the internet like it states above?
  9. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)

    „ Oklahoma law forbids engaging in sexual activity with anyone under the age of 16, and while sex with a minor is considered either statutory rape or first degree rape, depending on the age and apparent consent of the victim, even simply asking a minor to engage in sexual activity is a sex offense.

    Soliciting Sexual Conduct or Communication with Minor by use of Technology (21 O.S. 1040.13a) is a felony sex offense that carries the possibility of 10 years in prison and requires sex offender registration upon completion of one's sentence. However, this offense is often charged in conjunction with Lewd or Indecent Proposals or Acts to a Child under 16, a crime which carries a sentence of 3 to 20 years in prison; if the victim is under the age of 12, the sentence is 25 years to life.”

    its weird it says sex with 16 yr old is legal in oklahoma but soliciting with any minor thus even 16 17 isnt? so asking is illegal fucking isnt?
  10. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
  11. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    That’s gross man.
  12. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    A he question is this guys should we to back to those time sir were they right or not?
  13. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Or she was done so long kept you waiting in a toilet you think to yourself what else could she be doing nib there but poop?
  14. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    How would you feel if the chick you took to a pub or were getting drinks for or took out took a poop in the toilet while you waited?
  15. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    But I also remember something crazy guys also worthy or serious discussion how during a few years after this Georgia changed their wideom 14 to 16 and I just find this out now when to catch a predator aired there they literally were destroying lives giving the yes to dude sneering nor even rucking chicks barwy younger na d maybe same age as their94 or before 95 age or consent law.
  16. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Crispy If they cant legally work, you cant legally fuck em. So 14+ would be good age of consent

    It was 14 in Georgia u Rick as late as 95 meaning my liferime and brads and meaning myliferime even in USA as I moved as a kiddo California in late 93.
  17. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Originally posted by Crispy If they cant legally work, you cant legally fuck em. So 14+ would be good age of consent

    I’m talking about sex for pleasure being legal not marriage per se and this my folks is a discussion also worth having is sex being legal the same as marriage age or should it be different? Asp imo my into really getting eimmed and sucking sick like a fork sucks it I control her head and upside down on Doug and me getting massage dna dpampwrwd should my type of sex be diff then penetrative sex age of consent?
  18. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Read or Brad this is the one document that will change ur life ur view on rhings.
  19. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Please read it Brad as it was written not that long ago 1986 by multiple Psychiatrists and psychologists with ohs degrees bro advocating like me for the same thing or 12-15 being the six:
  20. YouMotherFuckers Houston (banned)
    Also Brad did u read the file or part doc or website I’ve been referring to actual phds in 1986 advocates for the overall age or consent to be this age or 12-15. Alders did u read it?
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