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Posts That Were Thanked by Bradley

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    google translate:

    Ukrainian soldiers brag about computer programs and laugh at Donetsk because of the use of paper maps. I decided to be clear. While Ukrainians regularly fill their databases with programs donated by their American owners, we don’t even need to invent or install anything, we just use their programs online. It is very convenient and economical. I want to draw your attention to the fact that ALL of their programs. Now you know why a lot of things have not worked out for you lately.

    The coolest troop control program is the American DELTA program, which is actively used by Ukrainians. My loyal followers of the Killnet hacker group really wanted to break into it, but dad did everything for you guys a long time ago. I decided to show you how DELTA works and looks from the inside. Yes, I added some of my own creativity to make it more fun for you to watch. Didn't hold back.

    And by the way, just don’t suspect Vadim Novikov, the chief administrator of this program in Ukraine ( At least he himself calls himself the main administrator for it. Yes, he did not fully work out my money, but I forgave him a long time ago. I did not need his help, I could use the help of his mistress, with whom he is too frank or a lover. Not the point.

    Why am I claiming access to your program, you ask? Yes, vanity speaks in me, but you can’t change anything exactly. I infected every computer that ever entered DELTA (and not only) with my virus - my idea. As you all remember, the Joker is an idea. And I also changed the data there a little, rearranging different squares with rhombuses and other strange figures. But will you fix it? Sometimes paper maps are better. Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha…
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  2. CandyRein Black Hole


    It’s Jason and them!!🧡🎃 🔪

    Ohh noooo!!😱
    It’s freddy and’nem too!! 🎃🧡🔪

    This is honestly the best Halloween ever ! 🧡😭🎃

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  3. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Sophie Also how the fuck does a corpse get a living woman pregnant? How does that even work?

    It's pretty easy for me to believe in corpse boners. Dead bodies do all kinds of weird shit. Corpse ejaculation, though... I would agree that seems like a bit of a stretch? Then again, who's to say how much pent up charge there is in a dead man's nut-busting muscles just waiting to be released? And who's to say what tools she might have used? We can make dead men twitch with electricity. Maybe a more careful application can make them cum? Or maybe the sex itself causes it somehow, like... working electrolytes from the (presumably coagulated) blood into muscle cells in the region? Maybe her pussy juice is just high in sodium and it works like pouring soy sauce on a dead squid?
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  4. WellHung Black Hole
    Folks, they are not particularly attracted to each other. However, they are adequately tolerant of each other to both deem it worthwhile to cohabitate, and pool resources together, thus allowing for a much more comfortable existence for each. They do not possess a strong emotional/physical attachment/preference for each other. Their relationship can best be described as purely functional.
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  5. Originally posted by WellHung Women are users of men. and men are users of women. Relationships are transactional. Most of the time resources are limited. The same entity can/will rarely provide all/every resource a particular individual is desiring. Life is complicated… lots of moving parts.

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  6. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    wait what are you even asking here? like psychopaths happiness outcomes generally, or their happiness outcome vis-a-vis aging? because i feel like a big part of why narcissistic personalities might trend towards unhappiness with age is that after a point, age starts to destroy your looks, your athletic ability, etc. mostly tho, narcissists might want (need) to succeed and be cooler and better than everyone else, but most will just be boring ass regular people their entire lives. as more and more people have more than they do, that's gonna be a source of anguish.

    and even if you've achieved a lot in life by the time you're 70 (big plus for narcissistic types), you're prob never gonna be as spry as an 18 year old who's young dumb and full of cum (could see this being a huge negative). you can lord your wealth and achievements over them if you have those, but they can just be like "lol lmao im 18 not 900 like u i havent had time to make that much yet. but i can do a backflip, loser. can u?" and you've got no comeback (or u try it because ur ego is fragile and break ur hip because ur an old fart and it is also fragile)

    aging itself is unusually relevant to those with narcissistic traits, but prob wouldn't be super relevant to the happiness of people with psychopathic ones?
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  7. blaster master victim of incest
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  8. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
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  9. blaster master victim of incest
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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by STER0S this forum is extremely boring now actually

    Originally posted by Speedy Parker It always has been

    yeah but at least it got broken up by someone sniffing glue out of an old shoe and having a seizure and getting psych warded or something like hydro losing an arm and becoming a one armed bandit is really the last good memory I have, i used to think people dying was funny and we would all joke and holler about it while iothers got upset and then my friends joined that list and now this place just sucks and is full of the biggest faggots yet and there is nobody left to fuck with them

    so it just breaks down into a DH retardier oversocialized irma randy rain from da future man nice alt tara OH YOU BITCH YOU SAID THAT IN THE TELEGRAM LAST NIGHT TO JAY CEEEEEEEEE IM GONNA TELL DTE ON YOU REEEEE!!!!! and the fractions and different yiddish circles of fractional anti trianglists that all agree on one thing that drugs should remain illegal

    but it's not the only, first or last thing in this world to be bled dry into a bleak morphed distorted mutant, it seems like it's more and more every day something else gets ruined or taken away, I can't buy crypto currency it's become totally illegal federally, kiwi farms shut down, all my favorite youtubers are bannned, drugs I never even got to try get prebanned before they even hit the underground market, fast food is 2x cost and they rip you off on everything now, everyone is a kike,ATM fees go up for no reason, all of my bills are basically being jacked up for no reason

    I would just say do drugs lol xDDD do met until you die and smoke weed but ive done every drug, all stimulants are shit and nobody has any desire to invent new ones. If you did make one three would be a mob outside your house saying THAT BREAKS THIS LAW!!! THAT HURTS MY ILLEGAL CORRUPT METH BUSINESS WHERE I PAY OFF POLITICIANS!! ITS UNTESTED!! EVERYONE GANG UP AND GET HIM!!! the meth cooks, police, church, junkies would all grab you by a limb and pull you apart like a string cheese because at the end of the day society is nothing but a toxic deranged evil amoral secular capitalist hellscape and all the people keeping it running love love love love it more than life, more than humanity.

    The machine is all that matters anymore. Join it or you are against it
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  11. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Nigger rich...

    One of my ammo speculation moves just netted me 15k.

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  12. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kafka

    Originally posted by troon why is there so much scroll space showing in the scroll-bar?

    your conversation goes on after that. you are not being truthful.

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  13. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Russia has never been a serious conventional threat. Not even prior to the collapse of the CCCP.

    to who ? to the US ? europe ?

    russia did take out the masculine germany it can take out any western european counties as soviet union.

    you are not qualified to talk about military matters.

    escept about the dont ask and dont tell part.
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  14. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka

    why is there so much scroll space showing in the scroll-bar?

    your conversation goes on after that. you are not being truthful.
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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Haxxor Heard!

    same idiots posting the same shit 24/7


    all you do is complain about people , check my latest threads and quality posts like;

    Originally posted by Ghost all single use plastics are illegal.

    Today I noticed the twist tab on my bag of bagels isn't made of plastic it's fucking paper.

    I'm sorry but i'm all for saving the environment, burn a car save a tree. But they are forcing us to use an inferior product, if paper was good at straws or bread tabs we would have used it 100 years ago

    but paper is actually THE WORST for this. This is a band-aid solution for not investing enough into material science and green chemistry

    legalize organic meth

    "What are the chances an average person can identify a fake gun

    nancy pelosi has been attacked

    album names for my upcoming rap albums

    Kanye West Admits He “Posed As A Backpack Rapper”

    China is not a communist country, last time I checked"

    lets see the amazing contributions you have made

    wow we got a real savior of totse here folx really bringing back the old days with his 10 threads all complaining about other people on here and how much this place sucks. Wow I bet his posts at least are full of actual information and discussion that isn't just bitching about people right?

    Originally posted by Haxxor Don’t you have a child you should be molesting right now?

    Originally posted by Haxxor Damn son you certainly seem to have your panties in a bunch this mornin. Clyde hurted your feelers did he?

    Lol nice to see you caught & fixed the typo ⬆️ made on the original rage post

    is this what "quality posting" looks like you are obviously very upset, so by your standards that means this must be the greatest post ever made in history because it's just complaining about all the times you complained about people and since you are the best poster clearly that mean's i'm right and actually the best poster

    with you being a very far behind 2nd but if you ask me it should be a reverse with you at the bottom and me 2nd last .
    Yeah you are definitely more retarded than me
    I never claimed to be a "good poster" not like I even know what that means. Isn't this place for writing erotica and drug cook guides ?
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  16. WellHung Black Hole
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Arent u like an incel or something op?

    aren't u a junkie fuckup from a rich family that always buys your way out of trouble, for u?
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  17. cigreting Dark Matter
    with single mothers if you are a man.
    You are openly telling everyone you are a low quality male without having to say a word. How pathetic and desperate can you be? I cringe when i hear "i take care of another mans cum" all proud from these men who are obviously being used

    How many women do you know of that date or marry single fathers? Ive known 1 and it was obvious she was using the man for his resources as usual.

    If you marry a single mother you will always be minimum 3rd in her list of importence, more likely 4th after her baby daddy

    Single mothers are scum of the earth and an overwhelming majority are on public assistance funded by working people. I thought they are strong and independent...dont need no man (government)

    The government awards these losers with financial assistance because they made poor choices. Can i make some poor choices and get on assistnce as a white male? If not wheres the equality? Why are you democrats and feminists not standing up for mens rights?
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  18. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Based on the analysis of the publicly available information, it appears reasonable to conclude that
    the COVID-19 pandemic was, more likely than not, the result of a research-related incident
    . New
    information, made publicly available and independently verifiable, could change this assessment. However,
    the hypothesis of a natural zoonotic origin no longer deserves the benefit of the doubt, or the presumption
    of accuracy.

    Covid was the most expensive science related accident ever. After seeing what has happened we should be asking ourselves if science should be banned forever.
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  19. Originally posted by aldra it's better than nothing, and I don't care enough to learn moon pictures

    enjoy wallowing in homosexuality amd trannification.

    yes. translation leads to trannification.
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  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung i punched out some dude just a few days ago for making fun of my fanny pack.

    I doubt you would do that to John the RifleKid

    John the RifleKid who walks around his neighborhood packing a rifle on his shoulder is making at least one non-gun owning resident very nervous. John Schultz, 19, is from a military family and carries his grandpa’s WWII 303 British Enfield to help protect the area. The Walnut Creek teenager also wears a bullet-proof vest, packs a knife in a holster, and carries some extra ammo in a vest pocket.crime

    While walking around the Walnut Creek neighborhood, the rifle-totSEing teenager also picks up trash and has spotted several Peeping Toms and would be robbers. When Schultz encountered those who may have been planning on committing a in the area, they ran away when they saw his rifle. He walks varying routes around Sunset Road to get some exercise while watching out for those who live near him.
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