If you are a female, it would place you intellectually as the smartest female in our community (#2 Don'tTellEm, Kafka was not considered).
obbe are you a woman or a man?
Serious question, someone referenced you an old totsean as a female, because you only talk of an intellectual nature, I have never viewed you femininely.
Thank you for your answer.
they knocked on every door with two cops and would say all loud and official "Did you see anything?" and every one of us has muted the TV/Music and we're all next to the window to the patio outside listening to see who is snitching in our community. After about 4 or 5 houses, everyone turned off their TV, made their kids stop talking, and didn't answer the door.
I waited till they were like 5 more doors down and then walked outside with a beer and a cigarette and told them no, I come outside to smoke but I don't come outside when there's a lot of kids and people yellin and shit.
"What were they yellin?"
"Not sure I don't speak spanish."
Then I walked around and looked at the blood in the center of the patio and laundry area and balcony that connects the two. I tried asking the police what happened and they asked me to finish my cigarette away from the crime scene. I looked down and pretended to be surprised and said "oh shit they was really gettin it" and went back inside
also the police showed up because a gunshot was fired, guaranteed, so when they did show up, they wanted to see which convicted felon (Most people in the ghetto are felons and can't possess firearms) because if someone is shooting at someone and they have prior felonies, you are "STOPPING CRIME" or w/e the goal is and send that nigga off to prison
You can't just randomly test people where there's no witnesses, just a bunch of bruised sweaty people that were shouting at one another when you walked up, and test them for gun powder residue.
But if 1 old lady talks to a cop inside her house or on the phone and tells them every detail, or just confirms the bare minimums
They arrest and test everyone and seperate them, well bro like when they all came back negative for the gunfire, and the police have to spend 3 hours with 8 (MINIMUM) cops for these 8 angry minorities. You kinda wanna have something to show for it other than warnings when you were responding to the gunfire in a residential area full of kids on government assistance.
That's the difference between a first world country and Lodz, Poland.
it's a money making operation
i fought twice in this living room and both times that table got knocked over and the glass didn't break and the post didn't get damaged, and this is one (I forgot the wrestling term where you pick someone up and drop them on something, SUPLEX maybe?) will be destroyed in the next fight without a doubt. It can't fall over so it's just gonna break.
but we get to have our dog, a nice sized bathroom, a real kitchen small size, and a living room that reminds me of a small shoebox
today he got a new tableand the shit is so fucking big and he got rid of the tiny circle ones with 1 small post, and replaced it with our friends GIANT glass top square, with wood trim on the side for another 6 inches and a footprint equally big at 3 ftx2 1/2 feet
Folks I have to walk around this bitch all day, the dog has been running into it, my roommate LOVES IT, Gloria probably loves not having it (her house is the same size as mine) cuz the 3 sofas/chairs give u about 10 inches of legroom till i pushed that motherfucker to the center of the room and now the walkway 10 inches, i told my roommate this is a very nice table and I hope one day we live where it'll fit.
these are one bedroom efficiencies, or 2-3 bedroom models but the bigger ones require children to apply for, me and my homosexual retired professor roommate can only get in housing for single males with the 1500$ voucher section 8.
if one of the cuban lady's had to shoot in the air from her porch, them two blacks were fuckin shit up, guaranteed.
2 of the hard hitters are big black guys that still play not professional football but still with pads and teams and shit, i don't remember what it's called, ITS NOT SEMI PRO
then the other 6 are cubans varying in size from 4ft tall and rail thin, to one who looks like the fast food places already know his order when he walks in.
the manager's son i buy dabs from said later I can go to the office with him cuz he wants to watch the whole thing too~!~!~!~
i said didn't the police ask for it, he said nah i didn't answer, if they call me back i'mma just tell them they delete every 24 hours in 26 hours from the incident's time
im like nigga u the coolest
he said I KNOW!
hmph never knew that truthfully i thought the conductor operates the vehicle, what is the drivers title? Engineer or some grandoise title
I think you and him would meet up and go get taco bell (You are driving a large truck and large and in charge, he looks like a tiny chinese guy with buck teeth and long black hair and a smooth hairless body)
and as you sit in that taco bell parking lot (his first time having non rice based food, he chose a beans and rice taco) and u got like 14 different items for yourself.
And yall start arguing
vinny ate his food because he hasn't eaten since he got on the banana boat that brought him there and you don't give a fuck and soon there's 1 tiny former ladyboy screeching and you're driving back to the dock telling him to take the taco bell to his shit hole family and then don't give him his backpack when he gets out of the truck, just drives away.
I'd watch if u streamed it.
I heard that it's not gay at all to get your dick sucked by a ratface as long as he is a heterosexual tranny fucker and says if he pretends to be a girl it's not gay cuz he's not a guy, dumbfuck
i kinda wanna have scron suck my dick as long as it won't make me gay if i ignore he's a ratface with a lil dick
I live in america, a very individualist society, I will likely be shot, stabbed, or beaten to death. Maybe get whacked really hard and my head bounces against the curb. Or I'll be doing some shit like that to somebody and the police, they friends and family, someone shoots me 3-4 times while I'm menacing someone.
THe older I get I try to really stop doing guns up funds up type robbery, i think i might have made myself retarded through drugs like marijuana and LSD between the ages of 12-19 and around 24 (my second prison bid, entry age) i kinda stopped drinking for 4 years and my brain caught up in maturity and development
but I still really upset a lot of people regularly through my words, actions and opinions. One of them will kill me and I won't die alone.
This thread is now about dying alone!~!~!~!~ (Like WellHung in a portapotty he's taking pictures of other men's shit in when he gets excited and has a heart attack)
YOu understand this is vinny's village when they sweep everything up on the New Year holiday so imagine this + more trash + 22 identical looking brown people of various sizes and ages and you have the reason why he will not die alone (it also makes it hard to molest, but as he has proven, not impossible)