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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    i asked my psyciatrist at the wisconsin retard centeer "Will i be still crazy when i am ooff parole?"

    She sai d"Well if you're fouond crazy once by a statee and receive impatient secure treatmenet, it should kinda tell you smoethihng about yourself"

    I said "WOW!' as loud as i could (one of the many pretend tics i had)
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    and you knwo why i hold this opinion fuys, because hee himself shared it with me. We eare both outspoken anti abortionist (Not pro life) and anti suicide (he was catholic, I am a mean man that holds grudges)

    So if anyone calls me a piece of shit, consider the speaker.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm not drunk right noow thoough, i'm drinking a bang and trying to be mature about my feelings and explain them.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    but im less said about Bill Krozby doing tweak and then knifing ihmself.

    do you thyink i think aboout doming myself sometimes space nigger so i don't have to feel sadness

    BUT DOO YOU TYIHNK MY MOM DESERVES THAT if a single one of you consider yourself my frieend I will have betrayed you by the act of suicide.

    It is sad when VIPER did the bad DMT someeone from our community and he's cleaning his mosene nigant oor some retarded long gun and he shoots himself and when his horrified mother ran in the room Tortilla, panthrax, semisazas were all shacking their dongs back in forth tos how his mom thee last thig her son had been looking at, was flacid dongs in a chatroom with a rock song

    That's AWESOME! That adds so much meaning into my life and is a tradegy that unfolded.

    But Bill Krozby picked not to know us and I can't support that actin at all.

    Great guy, love him, miss him, sad we got to bury him but hee got what he wanted for himself and fuck everybody else that did care.

    He wanted to get through this "Slow Turning Wheeel" justice case and come visit me and do pornography and drink 211 and do tweak. Now what? Thanks, Douglas Monks, a friend to the end.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    im sad evereybody i know oof my demagraphic (Young drug using male the western world) is dropping cuz each one its lik ea little piece eof mee goees too and i suqeeze my steel reserve hard enough to dent without realizing im sobbing standing on the side of the road bracing myself against a beer in one hand and small tree that nice neighborshoods have and im just shaking with angry and sadness, police officers stopped me (I dress lik ea gangsrter and am drunk crying on the side of the road at 9am trying to power walk/power drink) and i just think about i guess i can say it cuz they' re all daed and they ask me if im ok and i say "No all my friends are dying from fentanyl and i don't do drugs anymore and i can't stop them."

    the one cop lookeed shook and asked me if i needed anything and i told them no and they gave me some suicide ehootlinee COPE card that i threw away when i threw away my beer cans (I doon't litter)

    I can see why when everyon just getes soo shoook and has thee idea of death alrady in theeir mind.

    Like a child that's molested that starts having sex before puberty purposelessly cuz i'm 27 and all my 38 frieends shouldn't be dead

    I knew thought whene Bradley B dieed and i took my friends name that I would have threee dozen more deaths before i turned 28.

    and oone day i get reeally scared that one day that death will come for me.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by WellHung What do you miss most about Douglas, Bradley?

    talking to him on thee phone

    so call me and we'll talk about it oon the phone

    bring some drug of choioce if u want to
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    i hope none us ever actually leave and if we do it's just to make an alt
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I like knowing all of them even the ones i detest
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    fuck other peoples kids

    but not really cuz that's also a probleem foor some here
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Sudo Whats interesting tho is that you literally abandoned a child to a drug addicted prostitute and a buttfucking pedophile after the paternity test proved your virginity loss didn't result in a hydro baby. I guess that was all you needed to know to leave a baby to an unfit mother and a pedophile.

    that's eexactly what he should've done he was 18 with the minc of a 12 year old, hitchiked to a traileer park to get buttfucked and dress in drag, shee calleed §m£ÂgØL's parents and was telling his parents that they were gonna be grandpareents.

    Just this one time sudo, yoou need to get ooff ur high horse and admit §m£ÂgØL did the right thing in order to havea nice life.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    i remeemiber posting about it, didn't the news makee a mention that they had access to 1 firearm
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    i was told u were smoe nerdy kid who some old lady is molsting nad buys toys and works hard to buy more toys and stuff. U actaully seem lik ea really coool dude
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    also fonaplats i had no idae u were thisi much oof a raging drug addict and now like you even more having read this
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Of of thee most fucked up moments of my life is reflecting on AM2201 and the two years i speent in college of that i have memory at all of aside from a couple photos and 3 felony possess with intent charges.

    I would talk and mumble and it was so bad n oone started talking to me on the phone they would just text
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian We came up with the conclusion that armed whites would end up taking over the whole bitch + some and basically revert things to a modified version of the 50s usa.

    nigga that was ur uncrerative ass idea all ur barfuck militia friends likeed
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    ur just upset I said japanese are better than chinese and took it to ur little white rice fueled heart.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I've mever been fucked by a dude in my ass but i kinda want to, i consider myself quite the homosexual these days and wanna try taking sme dude'es little 4 inch penis and have me in more pain than he who takees mine.

    Never wanted to be tongued or fingereed or douche or any of that weeird ass fag homo being disscussed ITT.

    faggots likee u give the BLT movemeent a bad name
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    it's tuna sald with cheese adn brocolli florettes

    that's healthy right
  19. Bradley Florida Man
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    watched first two miutes ago.

    it sounds like me when i play zelda and just retard swing thet sword
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