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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    i wish my dick was as wide as a soup can that'd be hella tight.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra a healthy society should not encourage deceit

    I think it's fun, ;ole wearing fancy clothes instead of all of us having matching MooMoo robes

    The diversificationt hrough intentional manipulation of the body's appearance through make up or preening or style is part of fashion and eroticism, always has been, it's natural. Not surprising that men engage in this bheaviour when they are trying to be more sexually attractive to more masculiine men.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm not, I try to accept the factr that everyone is a bad perosn. it lowers the bar for me to try hard to be a good person too.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't think you have a girlfriend either bud
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    I have a 7 inch penis and my penis RN flaccid is the same size as that mans.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    I picked his Dad cuz he's a bitch like his mom and his dad loved that.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I wanna learn how to do make up to make me look like an old person and then hit licks as an old man. Think outside the box you guys.

    Also most trannies wear a great deal of make up. Drag queens. and feminine men do too.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    i think he adds a sophisticated perspective that our discourse would be lacking if removed
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    I put that iron to your mother
    I put that iron to your brother
    and when they come with them chalk lines
    I pretend I don't know anything
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Not buying more is the pro gamer move.


    on topic imma crush this 20mg adderall IR and snort it
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    ireland is gay
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    are you watching the trial rn
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    I think that shits' disgusting and a realistic way to get E. Coli poisoning.

    I know a lot of gay people do it, but that shit straight up disgusts me.

    Do you ever eat ass WellHung?
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Donald Trump straight up fucked the Republican Party up in a lulzy way that will probably cost them several more presidental elections.

    I supported Donald Trump until he didn't march on the capital with everyone and basically became a pussy and let that 1 lady get shot in the throat.

    The trump I fell in love with wouldve lead the vanguard and stopped the steal for real.

    Hail Biden
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by WellHung

    :/ Do you really think I want a black person to touch me, like even shake my hand?

    I didn't eat food prepared by a black person for the first 19 years I was alive until I went to prison.

    Fuck outta here.

    I am interested in eventually bottoming if I find a man I love and trust. But the one I am seeing now is Mexican and looks kinda like Slag according to Tortilla.

    You can make fun of me for real things, but I assure you I don't go on BBC adventures like your mother.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I believe in Race.

    I believe in I am a White man. Much like how that Supreme Court Justice describing pornography, "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it"

    If you are 1 race that visually appears one way and you've been raised by your people of similar visage, you will have a good understanding.

    Whether it's a social construct left from bygoone stratification accross the world with varying melananin is an opinnion at best.

    My skull, hair, DNA and soul are entirely distinct from a non white person. It does not make them less of a person (Except negro) to not be like the Caucuazoid Homosapian but you're trying so hard to be multicultural that you fail to accept glaring facts that are contrary to your own world view and what you want to beliebe.

    Also the jedis are a distinct race that is entirely seperate from the rest of humanity and much more akin to that of a viper or asp family.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny are you trying to come out ?

    how many bears have you had.

    Gay side note: I kidna hope/plan to look like this when I'm old. He kinda looks like Sean Connory.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Between my racist friends, militia friends, and Asatru friends, and other white people like my mom, have all taken offense to my opinion that that police3e officer Chauvin killed George Floyd as a result of not getting him medical attention and smushing his neck with his knee for ten minutes.

    You're entiteled to your opinion, but I've had cops kneel on my boddy. Not for even a minute because I am white and stop resisting when I am face down and don't want a felony for fighting a cop that already has my name.

    But I could see them fags doing me like that if I was nigger. So fuck them, I hope he gets 25-40 years where as Sudo eloqeuntly put he will be stabbed to death by a young Crip doing life because the Skinheads reject him. That or he goes to live with the child molestors and guy with AIDS in Protective Custody, which IIRC in the Minnesota prison system consists of 23 hours in solitary confinement, 1 hour comingling with pedophiles, cops, gangmembers who betrayed their people, and the guy with super aids.

    Hell ya.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Being a dumbfuck like Slag and being aware I used to be really really smart.

    That's why I don't do motorcross or ride motorcycles.
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