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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    It won't go off unless it's aimed at YOU.

    He was very clear
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy but it belongs to this jackass.

    Who Feloniously beat the shit out of his own daughter Serenity Raphael.

    And could sure use a trailer warming present cuz they just moved to a new park,+Bay+City,+WI+54723/@44.586658,-92.4563252,1160m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x87f82759cfcb19b7:0xa928561d5ec15fca!8m2!3d44.5890529!4d-92.4575793
    ^right there.

    Actually he moved a while ago but is just now getting around to updating his information with the child support police.
    They had to get involved because him and his wife got a divorce.
    Now his children have a broken family.

    My lawyer called and said I cant get any money out of them because they already have so many civil cases again him and his ex-wife.

    Just look at this shit.
    And that is only 1 court.
    ^This case alone is $10k
    $15,763.19 in this one for fucking property damage?
    What the hell did you damage?

    And they aint doin so hot with him driving under a suspended license all the time.

    Honestly I just keep feeling worse and I find out who the fuck I ever even bothered trying to be friends with.

    Here is his Facebook
    Here is Whitney's Facebook (the baby momma)
    She works here
    Check out how hot she is guys

    This is a picture of their children.

    And if any of you guys want a girl with daddy issues here you go

    What stupid ass fucks

    Ill beat your ass any day dude.
    You ain't nothing but a piece of shit.
    Get some help. Maybe another court ordered psych exam or another round of anger management.

    And guys, I have a feeling there is a whole lot more to our old neck bearded punk ass pal Brady Raphael (rotlf)

    But I figured I'd drop this and let ya'll have some fun too ;)

  4. Bradley Florida Man

    He has several children and likely will come forward with their own horror stores from Bad Dad Brady.

    AngryHDL Do you do the homeschooling to reduce the chance your other children will #metoo you? You were home schooling years before covid, why?

    I really wanna ask you to please not fuck your little boys head up with this abuse.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    They must just take one look at you and feel awful knowing you're gonna leave none for them.

    The only one threatened by your presence is children online.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by jesuschristmarie don't know how to embed since myspace

    For YouTube is [vidoe] link [/vidoe】

    By spell video right. Images is the same except img
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by jesuschristmarie I was here. Since you wanna bombard on my thread like a 12 year old. Guess it makes both of a us now. Inspiration is a bitch.

    OK imma be 100 with you, our forum functions on expressing attention to others how you would like to.

    Your lackluster thread was moved by our admin to the trashcan/mongolovoud.

    Do better.

    Also any time you interact with another user or think about them, you're the community try to reflect that.

    And remember always !!!

    My words aren't dicks, so you don't have to always take them so hard.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bradley You need a best friend bro. Do you have ANY hobbies that aren't sexual

    Originally posted by Bradley Do you shower before and put on clean dress clothes before you go out?

    It's not a discussionboard if you don't respond to your audience
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Wariat the reason that chick at the dive. ar in capitola village threw a punch and tried to harass me was because i just got out of jail after the markley incident and went there and i hqd short hair so she asked if i was in the army and as a joke wnd due to me not wanting to tell her i did time or was in jail said yea and she started asking my questions ahat unit or some shit i may have said marines and said she was an army brat. and afger a while she knew i lied or fwke being a marine and started threatening and harwsing me and saying shell get home boys to beat me up and started hitting or slapping the empty beer glass from my hand and i said why dont you do something instead of relying on your homeboys or other people and she threw this telegraped punch lol.

    Yeah that's called stolen Valor ots a felony here, u can't tell people you're serving in the army and not expect military veterans to spank you in the face
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Make America Fun Again

    Fuck Joe Biden and Fuck China
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I don't vote for all that shit I don't give a fuck about like Milwaukee Co fiscal treasurer or some lady at the library, I don't for mayor or Gouverneur either .

    I only voted twice because until Donald Trump didn't stop the steal, I genuinely liked him as a friend and I support my friends.

    Everybody else can get fucked!

    (Honorable mention:Ron Paul)
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    I like asking people if they like bidden or Trump and then whatever they say, I disagree with them.

    Within about two minutes people have the same reaction of looking stunned I don't get it / personally insulting me

    I like mail in voting a lot coz someone else has to sign the seal so i say I have to seal it and always peak to see how they vote lol sometimes I point and say I THOUGHT WE TALKED ABOUT THIS

    Lol I only vote for Donald Trump but I'm open to voting GOP line forever
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    SWIM said they might call you a sharp nonce after you do it a bunch
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Do you shower before and put on clean dress clothes before you go out?
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Two men with knives or the smaller of the two with a pistol you're able to go as two men pretty much anywhere. But you have to believe he won't abandon you to save himself.

    No one wants to die you know? But it's also how you carry yourself, two men with confidence are a lot harder to victimize then a guy by himself, I assume you're not armed with a knife are you?

    You can legally do a lot to a group of people who are using force against you, stab the closest one and run like hell call 911 and tell them you didn't want to die.
    . No onewill bother you after you do this in your town. Try not to do it too the most liked person in your neighborhood
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Wariat also from perosnal experience like me having my skull cwved in polqnd recentky by three offduty bouncer apes or one main one and his gang unferlings its usually never one on one. i remember even in a bar in capitola village some chick tried to punch me wnd i blocked it wnd wrapper her headup in a standing triangle and all of a sudden all hell broke loose and everyone started grbsbing one another and i left but it always makes me realize i regret those situations as its never one on one and i hate having to explain myself to anyone later.

    You need a best friend bro. Do you have ANY hobbies that aren't sexual
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Wariat do you think wozny could beat me up?

    No. But he definitely would call 911 as soon as he's safe
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    I ate so much red sauce between the great triangular food obstacle for the first 20 years of my life

    The school serves red sauce coz it's good for the kids!

    My mom after a hard day at work, knock off Prego/spaghettios/ raviolios

    Then when I finally get a break and I'm in juvenile detention


  19. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm done with this thread
    I hate almonds. I can't think of any other food than almonds and RED SAUCE!!!
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Bradley how often do you drink Vinny

    so you literally add water to this shitty chink vodka until it's 10% and then do what with it? Drink it like that cold?

    Can you answer this? I am actually curious
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