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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    OP is missing
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm one of the happiest people I know!
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    How long have you been in the child's life to that you now speak of him as tho u own run shit

    why don't you make your own family and get away from some other niggas life
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Candy & I are same user
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    hi s+l1
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    bee urself
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    i wanna steal someone's ps4 so bad i aint got no 300$ for this shit
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    s soon as HMDs become mainstream

    fwhat is HMD?

    OP is right
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    definitely the most powerful
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Really great perspective, understandably one of the most iconic memories many jedis had.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    2 Stars, Needs more Obama
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Wariat I tried to message some chick just now and it said error you can only message mutual contacts at this time. Anyone knows what this means or had this happen?

    Your account was flagged and deemed to be a danger to others.
  13. Bradley Florida Man

  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson The price is what makes something luxury…if it's more than speedy parkers $13 casio, it's luxurious. There are Tag Heuers in the tens of thousands of dollars range..or 236yrs wages as a rickshaw driver.

    I wear a watch that only costs 45$ new, it is like a knife or boots, it's a tool that I use/wear/carry because I like that specific item. My leather band lost it's little band thing that holds down the band foreskin. I don't consider the price to be more important than its utility, much like a rented mule or your niece.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    I'd rather be the suspect than the victim
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I thought about getting a new wristwatch but realized how hard it would be to steal the 4 or 5 i think would really improve my joy, saw it's fruitless and got 25 minutes to think of other shit I want to steal this weekend

    gang gang
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Solstice I am far too educated on science and the subject in general to listen to your belittling edgy bullshit. Yes, exercise is a very important and useful tool for improving mental health, but neurochemical imbalance and damage to neural pathways is a real thing that cannot be corrected by the release of endorphins and dopamine.

    You might as well tell someone to go for a jog to cure their cancer. Your generation as a whole is largely uneducated and ignorant to the reality of mental health issues because you grew up in a society where it was ignored, dismissed, and swept under the rug.

    Jogging isn't the cure for hereditary heart disease, nor can eating healthily guarantee in them a long life but what is understood by all current medical health doctrine is that these FACTORS will be reflected in how their body responds to aging.

    I personally have a 4/10 diet and 4/10 level of fitness. I do however use drugs and medication and study non white women deeply.

    So like I wouldn't give me life insurance tbh but I'd bet I could kill no less than 4 hours on a Sunday at the ymca locker room
  18. Bradley Florida Man

    upload pic
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Solstice I'm leaving this shit hole because I don't need this negative influence in my life anymore and 90% of my visits here just bring out the worst in me and force me to interact with retards like you.

    You win. Goodbye.

    Next time you want attention you can keep it to yourswelf. Lonely ass nigga
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    OP is a pussy that is afraid to brush his teeth
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