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Posts by Bradley
2022-09-04 at 4:31 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todayFrench onion french onion soup is not considered a gravy boat although my roommate did think I was eating gravy out of a bowl so that's that I've been buying a bag of mixed vegetables so I'm just b*********** you I bout one so far and I finished it today so I'm thinking I'm going to go buy another bag of mixed vegetables and then I'm thinking I want more bananas
I'm still going to continue eating can sardines because I read one topic one time that said eating sardines is good for you and I like to eat canned goods during the day I'm also going to get some Beretta but not garlic bread just I'm going to get some of that regular f****** deli bread you know what I mean that that cheap ass s*** so that I can use it with soup or like when I eat oysters
I like to put it in there oysters and sardines are always can by the way and then I'm thinking I'm going to get a spinach spinach cuz I'm thinking for a healthy meal one of these days
I can do like a handful of spinach with like a couple handfuls of heat it up mixed vegetables and then tuna fish and just smush all that s*** together with no mayonnaise or fat or butter or anything and if I make a big ass bowl of that s*** I can eat like three times and obviously I'm taking vitamins whoever told me to eat vitamins I really appreciate it thank God thank you -
2022-09-04 at 4:28 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todayNo bang no hot dogs no grease for me today
2022-09-04 at 4:28 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todayToday I do two scoops of refried beans with !mix vegetables in two tortillas with a lot of hot sauce. Some espresso bareback. Vitamins.
Gonna skip lunch or have a banana and then for dinner I'm doing sardines Rice and vegetables.
Also I drink about half gallon to gallon of water throughout -
2022-09-04 at 4:25 PM UTC in The TRT Thread: Its the end of the world as we know it so GET WHOLESOME edition
2022-09-04 at 3:36 PM UTC in Bought a nice watch to flex in rehab.that's super badass I really can't believe they found nazi patches on them though. Not gonna lie this whole time I thought they were fighting for soverignty, the USA money and patches kinda thro9ugh me off though, i wonder if it was planted.
I haven't worn the original OP watch in weeks, I now wear the sleek all black citizen eco drive that was like 190$ truly it is a nicer watch and I see people who like peek at it when I walk around so taht means that the watchies or w/e you call epople interested in a small facet of fashion are called think it's something.
I think it's bottom tier in terms of nice watches. -
2022-09-04 at 3:29 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todayI'm a lot less stupid now that I quit smoking weed and am not drunk from 8am till I go to sleep
2022-09-04 at 3:28 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread today
2022-09-04 at 2:53 PM UTC in What are you thinking about....If I could buy a slave, I honestly would and knowing me, I'm pretty like nice and what not. So it'd start with "You don't really have to acutally work all day." cuz i get really uncomfortable when someone's like cleaning the house and I"m just sitting there, or even like when someone's busting their ass doing something and I don't help. IDK why. I think my mother made me like that growing up.
So you know what starts as really relaxed labor load or shared labor loads, quickly turns into me making sexual jokes and complimenting them (which I can't but help doing both unless I"m told to fuck off) and then at some point I'd turn to my slave (who I wouldn't rename as that's a really fucked up thing to do IMO) and say "Jezabella, what say you and I go out to the tavern and get some food and ales to go?" next thing you know I'm balls deep in some black girl and she's telling me she loves me and tells me she can't imagine me having a white wife and i'm like ok and then we make u -
2022-09-04 at 2:44 PM UTC in What are you thinking about....
Originally posted by CandyRein’re poor so you come from poverty .. no one in your family had slaves hundreds of years ago for you to even begin to pretend to be superior on the Internet
Get real and get some self awareness and self esteem
Yo so honestly, this is why I struggle to see why you dislike me. I'm anti racist, talk in a manner you can tell i was raised in section 8, am not a whiet person who pretends to be something i'm not, and honestly think black girls are pretty. I do not like when they wear weaves and wigs and what not, I think they're pretty with really tight braids or afros or what have you, not trying to be some western idea of what's attractive when it comes to hair. I think i'm also a really nice person.
That being said I am well aware of my people (well not my dad's side lol got that commonality too) were poor, my people didn't actually get here till after the civil war, most of them traveling here after WWI because they felt as though world wars were going to continue and didn'tw ant to lose everything again. That's also why I'm from the midwest, it was the closest to Finland & Germany they could get (on my mother's side).
I'm a real person who had a fucked up life and make fucked up jokes. I would never IRL make fun of someone for their race and even racial slurs kinda make me uncomfortable. I know I have white privledge and use it to steal, get good deals at sentencing, and take advantage of a racist system. But who wouldn't if given the opportunity? I aint got shit else going for me and we both know it.
/rant -
2022-09-04 at 2:30 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todaybro i have to watch two half hour videos and then do 30 slides worth of notes and honestly the hours and hours of notes don't bother me, the videos do.
2022-09-04 at 2:29 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todaybro you realize you hold a fucking microwave machine up to your ear to talk on the phone with me, have wifi in every building you live in, breath smog constantly, used to shoot up barely enhancemented drugs, drink water with loads of additives in it,
So yes, I eat wheat that was genetically modified to have higher production yields and be more resistant to pests, grow in subpar environments, and be resistant to blight.
2022-09-04 at 2:25 PM UTC in NIS fitness clublike ur an old faggot who has no friends and lies on the internet
2022-09-04 at 2:24 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todayotf?
They're illegal here too, that's why I'm now using mine to cut garlic bread instead of thieves. -
2022-09-04 at 2:24 PM UTC in Would you tradejust take a video, screen shot the still, upload that to imgbb and upload that here.
Sometiems i don't even bother with the video and just do a screen shot while the camera is on (as i did today) -
2022-09-04 at 2:23 PM UTC in one night stands and eating assya i would highly recommend not drugging and raping people
Not cuz god said not to
but because drugging and raping people is a fucked up thing to do. -
2022-09-04 at 2:14 PM UTC in What are you thinking about....meant to say sciences hopefully that's not on the exam
2022-09-04 at 2:14 PM UTC in What are you thinking about....Oh and CandyRein if I owned you, our children would be 4/5ths ofa person but I would still include them in my will (and set you free)
2022-09-04 at 2:13 PM UTC in What are you thinking about....Time for me to do some earth mufuckin scientists, gonna bang out a whole chapter (the week's material) in 2 four hour blocks today. See yall at 230 on my break.
2022-09-04 at 2:11 PM UTC in Quitting smokingNot sending things to canada. go tell your PCP in your socialist country and see what they can provide you.
2022-09-04 at 2:10 PM UTC in I ate a whole loaf of garlic bread todayI'm from the diary state and diary made but I try not to eat cheese cuz it just seems like processed milk into something that's basically a gluttonous blob that you slice from.
Kinda like u