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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Dogsbane
    In China you can't buy knives at many stores and they have to ship them to your door step so they know who has a pointy piece of metal at all times. › ...
    Mind you don't cut yourself ! – buying a knife in China

    In Xinjing (Muslim area) they require applications and grant permits for any form of knife over 2cm since 2015.

    Authorities in Xinjiang Require Special Permits to Buy ...
  2. Bradley Dogsbane

    Caliente Dogos!
  3. Bradley Dogsbane
    Contains 3 reservations
  4. Bradley Dogsbane
    Ya I just stab and run

    If you didn't look like such a deranged junkie to wouldn't have police frisking you constantly.

    Or if your gf was a passable tranny you could just have her carry it

    Sucks 2 suck i see
  5. Bradley Dogsbane
    It's been 25 days since I was cured and released from rehab. Still no girlfriend and that won't change in the next 120 hours so I guess imma go make a grindr account ive been holding out on.
  6. Bradley Dogsbane
    I have to agree with the sudo science, you do have a tendency to take fringe data outliers and string them together in a manner that lacks any consistency except in the fact you are always the chief victim in every scenario.
  7. Bradley Dogsbane
    Ya I won't give blood, donate plasma, jerk off in a cup unless you gonna drink it up, etc
  8. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by Meikai

    this guy is my coach i am the chug champ-to-be i will ruin you

    You should chug this dick
  9. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by Steven No, they killed them all and named their sports teams after them. There are no tribal lands here.

    There are a lot of reservations in Wisconsin. Stop being so ignorant.
  10. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by Murk Lore I had a dude (white dude about 18) drive his car into my bike while I was riding it (at 19) and I suffered severe brain damage from it. was hospitalized with a head fracture.

    It shows.
  11. Bradley Dogsbane
  12. Bradley Dogsbane
    Imma just tell them to get a job.
  13. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Look at bradley lol, dude packed up his shit went halfway across the country and has just been living off our tax dollars foe free this entire time lol.

    I'm disabled. This was confirmed in 2017 by three different physicians over a six month period with no chance of recovery. I'm sorry you're an able bodied man who can and should have to work but don't try to lump me into your ableist life style because your jealous.

    I know YOU PERSONALLY don't have the opinion I'm disabled but you also are a 34 year old manually laborer with 7/8ths of a two-year degree versus 3 doctors who have 3 masters degrees in Rheumatic Diseases. Lol
  14. Bradley Dogsbane
    Well u do have many
  15. Bradley Dogsbane
    I drop the hammer like thor homey
  16. Bradley Dogsbane

    but i am
  17. Bradley Dogsbane
    but yea if i go visit africa i'mma eat every animal there, if I go to Vinnyland I'mma eat a lot of fucked up weird shit, and now i'm in florida so I got like 40 more different types of meat to try.

    Gonna bag me a young alliGAYtor too, there's this road called alliGAYtor alley where they all go to sun in the wintertime, gonna just pitch fork a small one now that I found out they don't fight in gangs unless you're already wounded/fighting over meat, so a young one <3 years should be pretty easy to bag.
  18. Bradley Dogsbane
    Mind you pretty much every wild game meat I get, I take meat tenderizer, do a rub on it, beat it with that tenderizing mallet, cut it into strips and soak overnight in whole milk, fry in small amount of butter & dip in hot sauce if it doesn't "smell good" when finished cooking.

    had some weird experiences doing this ngl
  19. Bradley Dogsbane
    Most birds of prey taste extremely terrible as well, including owls, hawks (haven't eaten every type of hawk the breasts of two different kinds were enough for me to say that's enough), never got near a falcon but i shot at two (missed due to distance), eagle was OK but it's because it was young.

    Oh and vulture I won't eat because of diseases within their meat.

    Coyote are OK but very very dry tough meat.
  20. Bradley Dogsbane
    I've tried eating seagul (terrible), every animal in wisconsin, every fish in wisconsin, with the exception of Muskellunge (Due to me never netting one, only caught 1 but it broke itself on the shore and escaped) & Sea Lamprey (disgusted by their appearance)
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