i can't believe i had fucking cops come investigate me for them shootings that was FUCKED. i kinda blacked that out after the valium and just realized all of it that happeneed
fucked upmy whole life for a couple weeks damaged so much shit and had so much fuckin fun turnin up, i'm really strugglin to get back into college and ya i did lose out on some of my earthly wealth but u know who had a fuckin blast!!!!!!!
i'm all caught up in 2 of my 4 classes, the first of which was me learning half the material i had missed out on in math, in 6 hours before exam 1 yesterday,
last night got 100% on weekly msissed quiz chapter after doin the hoemwork due to that night
then did the missed quiz same class, 100% caught up in dat shit.
Now i gotta write 1 600 page paper about some gay ass philosophy shit, drop that bitchoff, and then CUZ U GUYS KNOW ME BRADLEYB AM REALLY HEAVILY MOTIVATED BY REWARDS
I'mma figure out way to get a hold of Maria (the cute columbian girl from my science class i help) and tell her my dad died and i need her help to catch up on stuff if she wants to get dinner and doesn't mind helping~~!!~!~!~!~!~!~
Dno't have a cell phone anymore so that's why i haven't messaged her already!!!
gotta download WHATHSAPP again, when im 100% caught up, i'mma finally make a dating profile Peppino Grande type shit
so yea just an u pdate for everyone i am bck in miami and sober, i am not PERMANENTLY on a no flight list, just through every airline that runs through Milwaukee Mitchel international airport , and GREYHOUND (aka my niggas) dont care if u have a bow as long as you tell them "I didn't bring the arrows LOL"
2022-09-23 at 4:10 PM UTC
I got arrested last night
are you gonna drink witih that girl in the near future
not sure if they got dat in russia but im pretty sur
i heard ukraine isn't part of nato so it would be 100% just like if George Washington nuked Osama bin Laden after 9/11 but then was like oh ya whoops i got kabul & baghdad and rushed in with troops to "secure the election claims" and voted themselves 51st & 52nd states of the USA
Just like Putin is gonna do to half (all?) of Ukraine
it just might take him awhile cuz in 'murica, my president is Biden has a nuclear arsenal in a lil chrome book witha big ass button that says GO!
wow people on this forum are a lot smarter than i presumed
2022-09-23 at 3:04 PM UTC
Dietitian gave me this
kafka ur the coolest, i also have a thing to fill out about what im eating with various foods.
You know you only get these if you're extremely mentally lacking like ur a fish that can't figure out how to eat fish food right
2022-09-23 at 2:22 PM UTC
I think that meme was funny as fuck and am reposting it to my facebook.
Folks, he died so u and i could live, eat hot dogs, fuck fat girls, nad most importantly eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,EEEEEEEEEEEEE
ya cuz that's a good idea, while people are paying by the hour to focus on their young daughter's budding dancing talent they want some goofy ass geiko caveman with some OTHER NIGGAS CUM he's playing with to come up to them and their precious daughter (That's 100% biologically theres) and have some dude creep on them trying to fuck LOL Ya good idea Fona and then 1 of them can tell ur Lil People Big World (Not actually your's) baby mama on u and you'll be homeless
god damn nigga i was in a milwaukee psyche ward RAPING myyself high on valium with a bitch that thought i was her dad (????) and ruined my entire life and have no medications, stopped drinking, and have been having a "HARD TIME AT LIFE" tell i read ur posts LOL
i'd rather be super crazy alcoholic college students with mental breakdowns and anti social features than be a good step dad like fona LOL
bro if ur not secretly a pedophile, fona, u realize this is all for pretty much nothing right. Not sure which is worse (Doing this all for nothing but some midget pussy from a 4'10 out of shape milf with a man face / Secretly being a child molestor i'mma see on courtTV in a month)
-u have 2 options bud ur too fuckin nice to everyone
1) get really fucked up and get CPS called, make sure everyone knows u r NOT a fit parent, agree and stop taking care of some other niggas cum
2) Stop taking care of that other niggas cum and stand up for yourself and say "Nawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" and walk away LIKE A REAL NIGGA SAY DO!!!!
lol something came up
fonas name was first name listed
ahahaha i love it