Moments that really fucked me up as a person, this is not an exhaustive list but rather on general recall from the most recent to when i get sick of typing:
April 2021 My mom breaks her shoulder falling in the shower. I live 2 miles away in an apartment with my friend's little cousin.
I answer the phone two hours later as she's in the hospital getting treated. I come over and we hang out, eventually my mom convinces me to move in the house because her recooperation time will be months and my lease ends in August anyway.
I break the lease and move in. I spend most of my time talking to this mexican lady at night online (who'd I eventually go on to date and move in with) and helping my mom during the day. My mom goes back to work like 60 days later and begins yelling at me for marijuana smoking and drinking, telling me I need to get my shit together and move out. When I could have just stayed with my friends little cousin and signed up for another year on the lease.
Folks I would sit in the backyard crying just wondering why I moved in with my mom and ended my lease, agreed to help her, and now am at the point of being homeless because my dumbass tried to be a good person. And at some point I remember the evil thought that created this thread, "THis is why, when I look back, people will see why I am as evil as I am."
2022-09-30 at 2:40 PM UTC
I was lost but now am found.
it's so they can smoke, drink soda, swear, do bad shit, fuck, and then come out and look reposed
im thinking about going to the beach and using my friend Lance as a translator to talk to beautiful women
that's a lot of dicks troon
ah i remember when i had fancy lists of things i wanted to get done in video games,
i remember when wariat got frustrated that 15 year old girl drank only 1 beer with him and kept asking him to get her more candy and bubblegum while she sat on the phone ignoring him and he was all mad she used him for bubblegum
like how does a 40 year old chomo get angry a child is USING him for candy while he drinks and stares at her from a lonely parkbench with a semi hard erection
I'll talk to you if you want :) I have off school today
4 out of 5.
do you have dark souls
2022-09-30 at 1:50 PM UTC
Vandalize loonix.
what this do
fona doesn't have a savings account, never has never will, doesn't penny pinch, no emergency reserve, no retirement, tf he need dat for
have you seen any twelve year olds running around in there