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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Nah the guys a huge pussy he deflected when I asked if I should detour by his place next time I'm thru AZ and he said the only person from the site he would meet is SpectraL

    dude speedy is such a try hard lame faggot who walks with a cane but whoops everyone LOL

    I can't believe he's afraid of u luigi
  2. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker

    "Know the old expression time is money? As one computer said, if you're on the train, and they say portal bridge, you know you better make other plans."

    Joe Biden

  3. Bradley Dogsbane
    what was on the phone
  4. Bradley Dogsbane
    DT What is your first language?
    She was talking about past ACCOMPLISHMENTS like civil rights, equality in society, and other shit rather than focusing on what they're GONNA do, no one likes to hear about someone's successes/good things they've done for the world if they're unhappy currently. They want to hear what you're going to do next, not what you did previously.
  5. Bradley Dogsbane
    she's been doing this on our site and DH for like a decade
  6. Bradley Dogsbane
    saw this, very cool. He pretty much sentenced that Premier to death by asking him to step in, first you can see him ask Xi and Xi dismisses him, knowing this moment will be scrutinized. Anyone critical of Xi or his three terms, will be asked to leave.

    That old man will have the SPOOK put in him and dropped off at home.

    Ironically if he had been a better manipulator it could be him at the podium not his once underling.
  7. Bradley Dogsbane
  8. Bradley Dogsbane
    He just bought Parler, is changing his name from kanye west to "Ye", lost all of his contracts, named the jedi, said george floyd got killed off that fetty, & is best friends with donald trump who he encouraged to start using parler.

    NGL he sounds like a pretty solid guy
  9. Bradley Dogsbane
    ah ok, i used to have an eating disorder
  10. Bradley Dogsbane
    Im scared of being 80 years old with no friends or family in a mental institution getting high and sneakinvg alcohol in while i try to have nasty old people sex with other residents and trade around pills and talk shit.
  11. Bradley Dogsbane
    dude u did the same thing of the video of gigi leaving you when i uploaded it
  12. Bradley Dogsbane
    Yes tehery do
  13. Bradley Dogsbane
    it says atypical anorexia so she had osmething different
  14. Bradley Dogsbane
    Very woke, I don't like when people make rape/spousal abuse jokes because they're normally garbage people.
  15. Bradley Dogsbane
    GOod on em
  16. Bradley Dogsbane
    Nah bro i use 4 yoga mats, or a folded up blanket, just don't be a pussy about it
  17. Bradley Dogsbane
    i got atavan and ambien perscribed to me and i can'tw ait to get more, my next longterm goal is to get speed so i can be just like paul wozny
  18. Bradley Dogsbane
    wow yall suck at cooking
  19. Bradley Dogsbane
    wow ur such a creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep eeeeeeeeeeeeep
  20. Bradley Dogsbane
    Originally posted by aldra this cannot be a real thing

    ya they make them do it as like an order and tell them its not gay and they'll make them start with a finger, then a couple, then a fist, then a laptop.
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