2022-11-14 at 2:22 PM UTC
What's for Dinner?
Sorry I haven't been posting much everyone, I've been working on cutting my weight down through caloric deficiency.
2022-11-14 at 2:21 PM UTC
Prove to me
Brain surgeon are you just mad you can't see your son and you're stuck being a cook forever?
^ RIP Totser wanted me to post this for him and I figured who AM I to stop someone from replying
i figure this is how it's gonna happen, imma act extremely respectful, wear dirty dress clothes, not carry any money, or any weapons, no jedielery, and imma try to be 100 with people and focus on being "RESPECTFUL" and "WHITE"
also that was the worst sexual experience in my life i was fuckin and as soon as they came they were like ya im done and became all submissive and i had to pay for my own uber back guys i didn't even bust
but that's ok, i can waste 15$ on pursuits like this i was just irritated, im gonna make sure i know ppl a lil bit better before having (unprotected) sex with them at what appeared to be some cuban grandmother's tiny house
2022-11-14 at 2:13 PM UTC
Prove to me
hi everyone local homosexual and alcoholic here chiming in, RIPTotse got me to relapse by putting evil ideas in my mind, he's a quintessential hater at the core, in all honesty he WAS & IS in a better place than me both in his sobriety and his position in life, he also took it upon himself to kinda like idk get into my head and make me feel bad about a lot of things and got me to start drinking one day, the relapse and the drinking was all of my fault obviously, but having been his friend for ten+ years I didn't really expect him want ill for me for the sake of just laughing at me being in a worser position. Probably one of the more fucked up people i've ever became friends with IRL & Online, but he's fucked up in a way that's just IMO evil but he'll be successful regardless I'm sure at whatever his pursuits are.
Now I just gotta climb outta the pit my relapse of two months left me in LOL.
No mention of how I get back and I'm turning over a new leaf, meeting strangers for sex from the Internet without being billy badass and needing a weapon.
I think the worlds a good place and I want to be what I want to be in the world
Big white pipe 4 submissive brown btm
I hope when you want kids you find out she's on the pill
And I hope you get gold teeth but you never have a grill
I hope you get a charge and they ignore how you feel
When they go above your plea deal
2022-11-13 at 5:17 PM UTC
So you didn't even fuck? Bro you thousands of hours to be in that position and then BLEW it did you even cum? Sad
Steel Magnolias the short novel really SPOKE to me
And everytime you shower your whole body itch,
I hope your top lip gets bigger than your bottom lip
And at the end of everything you drink you taste salt
I hope your family stops talking to you and it's not your fault
I hope your vision gets blurry everytime you blink
And when you shave you won't look up from the sink
I hope there's nothing wrong with your baby except it won't stop cryin
I hope you tell people you're doing well, but you won't stop lyin
2022-11-13 at 3:20 PM UTC
Prove to me
It's good to be blessed, you can't hate on someone like riptotse for being blessed by having a good family.
2022-11-13 at 3:13 PM UTC
Hey Lon Lon-Chon
Sorry I didn't mean to upset you with my drunken rant. How u doing
2022-11-13 at 3:06 PM UTC
Quitting smoking.
I don't know what that means