If i ever run out of money I"m just gonna take my last 100$ buy 30 4 packs of steel reserve and sit there and drink all 30 of them, then go to a rehab and tell them, I have seizures when i don't drink, get on some atavan, and go into a residental treatment facility, all paid for by the wonderful people at medicare, then on my release they will help find me housing, so that i don't get tossed out on the streets and use drugs, and help transition me into a nice place, i'll probably be able to enroll in school, make a few connections while I"m at it and have fun in a new place.
I can do this anywhere now that i figured out how to play the system, then I just talk about recovery and go on my crazy ass tangents about God and recovery and trying every day for the day to get through the day and the days that become weeks and then months andt hen years and after a couple I get bored and move somewhere else.
I'll stop when I find someone I want to make a family with, it's not improtant to me where as long as it's near large bodies of water.
Wozny does it bother you that Gigi's son who you raised for ten years hasn't contacted you since he left for college despite how close you believed you two were and the role you believed you played in his childhood as his only father figure?
He's delivering mcdonalds as a self contractor xD
I particularly am doing well, I should be studying for my exam tomorrow but so confidant in my knowledge that I will do an hour or two right before bed and a half hour when I wake up in the morning.
I can't wait to see Maria tomorrow and get my new dab cart and then I'mma go out to lunch with the two weirdos (male) in my environment class, neither one of them are gay but they seem like they would be based on how off they are, but nah they're not, so i got asked to go tell them about the month I spent in wisconsin and so we can catch up and sdiscuss environment stuff I guess LOL
pretty excited cuz like is aid i didn't think i really had very many friends, and between Muhammed, Maria, Bernie & his friend (the environment bros) & the old lady in my philosophy class, i got quite a few friends from college now that I Think about it!
wait joe rogan from fear factor became joe rogan of ufc became joe rogan of the radio show? Really? Have i really been watching this nigga for 20+ years?
why dont u go to totse2 with helladamnleet and u can circlejerk each other with the other 4 posters that don't like Lanny for some reason
how can I prove it to you?
I'm in miami right now bro
I moved back to florida btw and am not kicked out of school, just failed math, the other 3 classes i'mma get an A or a B in
ya ur making a lot of excuses when u could just drive to miami in a rental car 1-2-3
oh and ph0x where is that fat motherfucker at
Pretty confidant he's been killed, his real name is Leonard.
also what happened to misguided russian and shopping cart for brains :(
ive never spent 200$ on someone on a shopping trip ever LOL
that's really awesome DT, did u ever mail me that ukrainian money btw !!!
I'm excited to read your thread and I most likely will have a few questions (i've always wondered about getting an asian prostitute since asians are so hard to find, much less find and fuck)
Don't let that go to your head Tara, but I do think you are attractive.