2022-11-26 at 4:18 PM UTC
This has to be fake
damn that's crazy!!!1
so what's your ideal age range vinny
He wouldn't leave, he'd just make another account, Cali_CockPleaser111
2022-11-26 at 2:35 PM UTC
Irma when I come in you I'mma do so directly.
2022-11-26 at 2:32 PM UTC
RIP Bill Krozby
What happened to Kev? Anyone got his real name? Sophie, I think you might!~!~!~
2022-11-26 at 2:29 PM UTC
This has to be fake
Weird, if that were the case I figured you wouldn't be so attracted to <12 year olds.
2022-11-26 at 2:28 PM UTC
what i should have done guys
no because you just see demons in the shadows, never anything benevolent.
HTS you've now gone down the rabbit hole, upload a picture of your foot so we can decide what % nigger you are.
unsub are you looking for a man or something?
2022-11-26 at 2:20 PM UTC
what i should have done guys
When he doessn't use meth he can't produce art since the art is just channeling a demon that comes out while tweaking.
2022-11-26 at 12:03 PM UTC
I simp to regular ass peopel that I don't even wanna fuck just cuz I enjoy being kind and making people feel good about themselves, or at least making the effort to let them know that I do like them.
A lot of times people go through everything in life and don't realize how much of a role they play in the lives of others and how valued they are to those people, not BradleyB, if you matter to me, I tell you. Mostly because I know what it's like to feel like you don't matter to anyone, and that's not how I want anyone to feel.
EXCEPT anyone who doesn't like me, those faggots can eat shit and die.
2022-11-26 at 12 PM UTC
Candy do you also smoke inside?
should i buy the blue one so we match?
or you could really be healthy and drink water out of your water bottle.
:( I hope you feel better, boo.
How many monsters do you drink a day?