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Posts by Tab Numlock

  1. English is the perfect pan-European language. It's basically old German with half French words and newer words made from Greek and Latin. Most Euros under 40 already speak it in the northern half of Europe. Just make it the only language used in the schools.

    I made a new flag for them.

    I also have one for an expanded US.

  2. We need to annex Canada and impose order on Oz, NZ, GB & Ireland. Put Europe under German rightist rule with English as the official language. A few nuke EM pulses should do it.

    Jevvs banned from positions of power or influence, of course.
  3. Music died with the 20th century.
  4. Me: Irish/English/German/Lithuanian/Russian
  5. Deleted, wrong thread.
  6. Originally posted by igbo thank you for the recommendation. how has your life improved since purchasing this coffee maker and smart plug from walmart?

    *Coffee stays on for 4 hrs instead of 2 as with Black and Decker
    *Don't have to reset clock and timer when someone unplugs it or power goes out
    *Don't have to set clock twice a year for DST
    *Don't have to push the Start Program button
    *No worries about my relatives breaking it since it's only $12.87


    If I leave the house with the pot on, it won't turn off until 11AM the next day. At least that's some peace of mind when you go on vacation. Actually, you can check its status and turn it off via the app. In fact, you could just turn it on from bed and have it fresh brewed.
  7. $12.87 at Walmart. Or $15 at Family Dollar w brand name.

    Get some 1200 watt smart plugs, 4/$20. Coffee maker is 900 watts.

    I set my coffee maker for 6AM-10AM. Also turns on the LR light at 6AM.

    Also comes in white.
  8. Originally posted by Semiazas Did you build that table yourself?

    No. It's very old.

    I took the drawer out and put a VOIP box there. Can you find the drawer?
  9. We have TP-link systems at two houses.


    *Doesn't really matter where the service comes into your house.
    *You can plug in stuff like VOIP boxes. I have one hidden in this stand.

  10. Not really. But it does have 40% of the calories of mayo.
  11. Originally posted by Rough Rider Damn sounds like a nice place to plunder

  12. Originally posted by Rough Rider We should start building AMERICA POWER museums in Tel Aviv

    I would move Israel to New Britain Island. Move, or no more money or military aid.
  13. I like that it has one big drawer so you can divide it the way you want. And no wasted space in the middle. Also, you can see into it. My sister's $3K fridge has corrugated plastic under the bottom shelf to hide stuff, WTF.

  14. Originally posted by Rough Rider Op do you live near black people

    95% white suburb. We don't lock our cars or houses.
  15. I hate FNC. All the ads have sick or crippled people or suffering animals.

  16. The Jevvs only sign negros and girls now.

    The exceptions, IMO, are The Killers and early Owl City (Adam Young).

    But Brandon Flowers grew up in the desert listening to his brother's old cassettes. Adam Young recorded in his basement and uploaded to My Space.
  17. I would say these are flaws.
  18. TIA
  19. Originally posted by Dirtbag White men are incompetent, that's why they're not getting as many university places as women, and now want to make things unfair for women again instead of making more of an effort to study.

    Before white men civilized the world, its population was half a billion, average lifespan 25 yrs and literacy <1%. The population is now 16x higher, lifespans nearly 3x and literacy approaching 90%.

    Nearly everything you own or know was the invention or discovery of a white man.

    We are truly god-like.
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