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Posts by Warlord

  1. Warlord Houston
    in the bootie?
  2. Warlord Houston
  3. Warlord Houston
    any of u beaide sme ever experienced this weird feeling?
  4. Warlord Houston
    like iamgine the feeling you and your mate both late 30s men wirh two girls barley legal who clsime dto be almost 16 and almost 17 could be ur daughters doing lines drinking driving sround making out a but and they st
    art singing.
  5. Warlord Houston
    i remember when i was in the taxi with thwt dude I kciked it with and he was with the 14 yr old who lied said she was 15 or age of consent almost 16 and i was with the almsot 17 but in relaity also lied was almost 16 and we made out a bit and later her mom or her due to feeling guilty next Ay next day and having s boyfriend made thretas on me even tho it ws shim not me touching Up on heR and kissing her iw as with the legal chick plus she wa spasse dout and i was jsut co forting her nowt of the night after doing one line and never drugs before how ewrliwr they just started singing to each othe rone formf ront dewt to back while making some finger pointing signs or some shit. it was so weird and childish.
  6. Warlord Houston
    is they are really like annoying anc hildish but wt the same time make you feel young no? like they change thwir voice start signing acting afool all the time. but at the same time they make you feel.
  7. Warlord Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag No because everyone wants to bang him and I don't want an STD. His facial proportions are perfect though.

    do u think anyone wnats to bang me?
  8. Warlord Houston
    i ask because im watching this ww1 documwntary and wonder if it was before the age of vondent was chsnged to 6 or 13 or when?

  9. Warlord Houston
    in england or the uk child prowtitution or wven under 18 prowtitution stopped being so open or like it ws sin v icotrian time sin certain parts of london for instance like east sides or slums where you could go and get asked if u want ur rick sucke dby them or some shit? like when did it start really to become penalized and taboo?
  10. Warlord Houston
    do they finger themselves like us males jack off to pcitures or just look at em?
  11. Warlord Houston
    why do women on reddit say they feel guilty about saving his photos?
  12. Warlord Houston

  13. Warlord Houston

    i think kafka and hts should enjoy this.
  14. Warlord Houston
    also notice how theyr efer to an 18 year old ad a sophisticated woman not girl back then.
  15. Warlord Houston
    so im guesisng it means her vitinity was tkwne but how is thw truined? how is the term ruined refer to that and why is it their oarnwts woudlnt take them badk in if they were rwped even?
  16. Warlord Houston

    „ Thomas Hardy's "The Ruined Maid" is a poem about a woman who loses her purity or virginity during the Victorian Era, which is looked down upon. This poem displays how the ruined maid sees herself, but also how society sees her. Though the poem takes on real issues of culture during the Victorian Era, Hardy intended this poem to be light-hearted.
    The poem is presented a conversation between two people. To depict this, Hardy uses two voices: For the ruined maid he uses proper English, and for the other person he uses a working-class dialect. The poem features a couplet rhyme scheme which can often be found in satirical poetry. This form is also known as an "aabb" rhyme scheme because every two lines rhyme in each stanza.”
  17. Warlord Houston


    ‘Oh! fatal Day when to my Virtues wrong,
    I fondly listen’d to his flattering Tongue,
    But oh! more fatal Moment when he gain’d,
    That vile Consent which all my Glory staind.’

    In this print of 1786, a young woman of some fashion appears to have received a letter from her beau, informing her that their dalliance is at an end. Knowing that she has surrendered her virtue to an undeserving suitor, she weeps and leans again the sofa for support. A half-draped portrait hanging on the wall, showing a conversing couple hidden from view, hints at their clandestine affair.”
  18. Warlord Houston
    in vicotrian times. what does the term ruined actually mean? and when did we as society stopped referring to females as ruined?
  19. Warlord Houston
    imagine being the guy who made a website thet got like 600 people convicted:

    also imagine naming it what he named it and thinking ur gonna g
    wt away with it.
  20. Warlord Houston
    Originally posted by Warlord

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