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Posts by Warlord

  1. Warlord Houston
  2. Warlord Houston
    or actually no she said to nie or basiclaly then no i wont give you even a contact wven a chance and im 17. why would she say this? why are they so ageist or so ge discirminant in Poland?
  3. Warlord Houston
    also the one who did that last to me like two weeks ago even asked how old sre you on the street as i waited for cross walk lights and is aid over 20 not even over 30. why would she just do thst or say too old and start leaving?
  4. Warlord Houston
    Originally posted by Crispy 17 is old, if she was a few months older nobody would give a shit

    why do u thi k these polish girls tell me im only 17 or some crap here in lodz when theyrE so old and i try to hit on em or get their number? when its 15 popand legal?
  5. Warlord Houston
  6. Warlord Houston
    look at those girls in this rele or story at the ukrianqin club in lodz:

    how does someone like me or w guy my age even approach them outside joining porno? kadka wat u fink?
  7. Warlord Houston
    iwodmer what chicks in snatana row or san francisoc or london would most LiKely accept if i told THim. streamem im. streamer a blogger or an artist?. also sin chicks.
  8. Warlord Houston
  9. Warlord Houston
    look at this guys eyes kafka look:
  10. Warlord Houston
    Originally posted by WellHung If those niggers ended up getting fucked
  11. Warlord Houston
  12. Warlord Houston
    how come star trek doesnt repsond with my statements even when i mention him how poland is?
  13. Warlord Houston
    Originally posted by Instigator When the fucking laws came in. you thick cunt.

    but in poland it says 15 yet the wannabe ticket cops or one female in particular decided to harass me for hag Inf out with the redhead in a park and drinking and trying to tell me i should go to a brothel who isnt even a cop in addition later (just ask jig) harassing me for drinking in a park nearby with two almost 18 yr olds and making me pay some 500 zloty tit FOR FAKE INSUKTING THEM SHIT on top of me continuously beinG rejetced even by 17 yr olds who ti k tme telli me im 17 is suppsoed to scare me in poland where 15 is legal.
  14. Warlord Houston
    the game is greta but the intOR is so low level it is like ultima 6 style.
  15. Warlord Houston
    it iw 5 bucks or on sale on ips and i got it on ipad. and i watched the intro and i was like damm ita coool and all but damm my art and writing could help jeff vogel a lot.
  16. Warlord Houston
    i started to watch the nba again literally last i was watching or following or hearing on this radio or foollowing the sport at all was like in 2016 in reception maybe 2015 as I sropped following once i left prison reception. so since 2016 basiclaly qnd kebron fucking jame sis jsut as good as he wa.s this is insane. i remember kobe sucked and died when he was like 38 jordan around 36 lebron is my age literlaly a few months younger and hes srill goat.
  17. Warlord Houston
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Why isn't he getting a big parade like the CEO killer?

    he looks like a winner in life no? like hes doing better than me and bradley no?
  18. Warlord Houston
    what about cobra?
  19. Warlord Houston
    whats ur take on the gatez republican tuy who fucked the 17 yr old hooker?
  20. Warlord Houston
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