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Posts by Landy Pamm

  1. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    You people watch some faggy ass shit
  2. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mashlehash did you graduate

    You failed metal shop
  3. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    wut did u dream about last night

    None of your effen business, OP. you fucking glow nig piece of shit
  4. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    I should just stay in the bay and open a cali-comfort food and join mainstream and offer Walz Tacos made with mild mayonnaise on the menu.
  5. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I saw the pics of Bianca Devins. When a 40yr old internet creep that insisted several times that I get in his car talks about wanting to behead me in a Telegram group I'm going to take that seriously, and anyone insisting that I don't wishes it would happen to me.

    how are you being stalked by every entity on the global net scene? what are you saying to people
  6. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby's Ghost This between the boy scout and his scout leader.

    I'll smash yo head in with my love, little man-child
  7. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I grew up around Greeks and Italians, I use olive oil.

    Its all I use now. I see the prices going up. perhaps invest in the Olive Industry?
  8. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood It's gonna be competing for space with the pizza and cosmic brownies and that peanut butter sandwich I had at 3am

    No one boards the bus without tasting a bit of Peedy's Pizzaria special of the Day. Now get back in the kitchen, Boy!
  9. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Semiazas Maybe a tranz hookup. Which one of the users was into that as well? Here's another

    Got damn it, bro. if this is what you want to do its your right but find a woman and do trad shit.

    Clown world.
  10. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood all you have to do is change the order of the "Books of Apocrypha" and change the word "Godhead" to "Trinity" and it's basically the same thing

    perhaps the old testament books were removed because Christ rebuked some of the ancient laws? not sure why. who would dare remove books from the Bible and think they had the authority to do so without something that seemed logical at the time that those books contradicted Christ's teachings.

    they left eye for an eye in for references to not resort to violence when possible and just walk away from a punch or smack. be the better person.
  11. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood There are rocks on mountains with sea shells embedded in them or some shit, i've seen them with my own eyes but it's pretty easily explained by science and glacier pangea ice flows and the sea level over time and they would probably still look at any "God floods the earth" person like they are crazy.

    I'm gonna have to defer to William "Nye" on this one

    Hi Hello? continental drift happened a lot faster than they claim.

    God didn't just Flood the planet. he tore continents apart. mountains caved in and new land rose from the aftermath
  12. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    USAID funding stopped.
  13. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Got damn Depeche Mode was gay af in the earlier iteration of their band

    when Dave died for like 4 minutes and came back, in the 1990s they became Gothic af. I listen to their later albums for hours on end. some older songs are good. but most of them were so fruity tunes.

    but then again I like to change it up a bit. it's good dance music.

    Lanny said something like "They're faggots" insinuating I am a Gay. hurtful biggoted things I was so hurt. but then said something odd like "They're something I would listen to, You Faggot"

    it wasn't until later that Frala said she puts a big black strapon and goes deep in him. He likes to be Pegged like Simon.
  14. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i'm a KJV onlyist

    He didn't write for the Catholics he wrote for the Church of England

    King James I of England was a Protestant and the head of the Church of England. He authorized the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible in 1604.
  15. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    fuk u scron. always mocking me

    you fren me then turn on me then fren me. teh hurtz fweelings

    Get back in the Kitchen. them pots aint cleaning themselves
  16. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby's Ghost That's racist

    they like to call it "Reverse racism" but it's still racist. most of the elite were white males up until people like Oprah started making fat bucks. they apparently invited her in. they changed their color rule and leaned towards power and influence and wealth.

    I use oprah as a figure-type. I don't know if she's really on board but the new wealth is not white. and in a sense, We could say the Arabs were the first great wealth prior to the European Control for the past 2-3 centuries. that wealth power changes hands. Satan does this so it's always fresh and new. but the poor is the poor. color had never anything to do with it. it was who control the game board. Whites were poor and privative people up until maybe what 800 years ago? after the dark ages.
  17. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker So you tossed your logic for a Vatican lie.

    I'm not God. but yes, I believe in this. not so much the modern Catholic twist since I was introduce to the protestant faith then joined the catholic church, couldn't relate and left it. I pray at home now but yes, I accept Christ. I don't always obey and do get frustrated at times but I come back around.

    the world today is an absolute Satanic Circus. people back then usually lived in towns that didn't push equality or DEI. people back then lived in groups of their own in villages of their own outside of Rome where they allowed DEI and "Your God is Your God, Mine is Mine". Rome fell.

    Jesus called Canaan's "Dogs". "Oh how Racist of him". but he meant their lifestyle at the time.
  18. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby's Ghost Yeah it's dope. Women don't want to sleep with feminine men so if you just own who you are and act with purpose, standing tall and speaking well you can attract a lot of mates especially among women of color.

    I always thought that the left could understand not all white people owned slaves or working class whites but then it became an unseen attack to breed out white males. demonize all of us but then the new power that utilized this tactic (mostly people of color and or non whites) where then trying to climb the pyramid and push their own back down.

    its always greed. always. same shit, different shade.
  19. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You don't even know what you meant.

    whatever. it's all scrambled eggs now because given enough time and called crazy just makes it blown off. shit they're taking in Real Time happenings and memory hole them days later.

    create another event or make shit up and push the false agenda to hype it up. You claim apart of this, shit-head. you have no soul. Second Death, Gnashing of Teeth. that's where you're headed if you don't stop
  20. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm is that the formally known as- Paladion star system and they changed the name? i forget what it was called.

    I meant Pleiades but Palladium is also a star system. I think Betty Hill drew it but it wasn't known yet. or she drew a solar system or some shit which was discovered later.

    forget how that story goes.
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