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Posts by Landy Pamm

  1. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    I'll stomp a mudsize hole in your thoughts, PUNK
  2. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Still dodging the fact that You should go back home and know how it feels to be the new victim of colonization by the brown people of India and now Africa
  3. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    I still remember what you said under a drunken stooper.

    almost as bad as Kinkou
  4. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I remember it well. Those were the good old days.

    what the fuck is this. NetB split again

    Eat a dick "Taggard"
  5. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    This is what happens. You take dirt out of the yard and plop it on your dinner table and expect it to be a Good thing.

    Like Educating Hood rats which won't go straight. they'll just be more educated at their crimes.

  6. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider You forgot to include the consumption element

    You didn't earn Accolades. You were forced and then got clapping hands afterwards. Here, SIT IN THIS CELL FOR 3 DAYS..

    ..OMG You are so patient, Sir. You managed to sit all on your own in this LOCKED PRISON CELL!

    You didn't do shit on your own. FUCK OFF
  7. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider No he's white


    got damn it, don't you have Lights Out soon?
  8. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by shitty titty They are both bad. I once turned a gay man gay again.

    Lanny was gay before and you pegging him didn't keep him "Straight". is this why you two seperated?

    Originally posted by Rough Rider Paul "Yes I can baby sit, I've been off probation for six months" Wozny

    Forced by court into a cush center to be forced to get his 12 step trophy because he didn't have the heart and will to do it on his own like most people.

    You didn't solve your addiction, cunt! You don't get honorary attributes from this. You didn't earn SHIT! And this is why our SYSTEM IS BROKEN!
  9. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider Why did u get so big

    Used to work out and gained a lot of muscle mass and the started to get older and back problems and slacked off going to the fitness center.

    thats how, you worthless cunt Prostitute of the system for gibs
  10. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Why do you care what they do? You have enough of your own shit to worry about, Beigey.

    Because I too collect it and if he (Trump) "across the board" cuts it then I'll be fucked.

    so the hope is its cut against abusers like Bradley who make shit up
  11. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cosmopolitan Keep in mind, MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING needs to charter a military heavy lift aircraft before he can travel anywhere, that's the only plane he can still fit on.

    There is a reason why he got overweight. a health reason. I wont say because he might not want me to but his weight issue isn't because he's an overeater.
  12. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by shitty titty Alt I know is you got 99 problems and a bitch ain’t one

    send photos of the better tit
  13. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Rapes minorities so he must "not be racist"
  14. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider Take your meds bro. I can tell you're starting to twitch

    You are abusing the system because you are lazy. I hope you lose your SSI with your new Job. even if it means getting free rent in exhcange they will determine your local rent value and deduct it from the pay. but if you're making money on top of that, anything over 1450 (I think it is 1550 now) will get deducted 50 cents to the dollar. so make sure you do your taxes properly, Bradley
  15. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Good maybe millinials will get social security

    They might but they will create a cut off. The people who get it now will most likely keep getting it. however they might change reasons for getting it. Having R.A. isn't going to be a qualification. My mom had that, she continued to work. its caused by an immune deficiency response or some shit. I started getting it. I kept working. My one finger started doing this goose neck and felt like a chemical or hot burn on the skin while it started going crooked. I thought I broke the fucking thing while sleeping and it getting caught and turning on me. the reason I thought this was my hands and arms go to sleep on me. so I thought I injured it while it was numb and didn't wake up.

    turned out R.A. comes and goes. BradleyB found a doctor who believed he didn't need to keep working to keep it mobile

    however BradleyB has no problem coming onto the internet and talking non-stop
  16. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Everyone who isn't retarded knows that chow chows are the superior dog to all.

    are you oriental or have epicanthic fold
  17. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rough Rider U one of those mentally ill people that you can't tell if they're on drugs or need drugs.

    You stab dogs and are "Not mentally ill"

    Like who has the bigger problem. who's the bigger threat here, BradleyB and his 90th Alt
  18. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Your voodoo shaman in a lab coat reading a list of 20 questions at you and then signing a piece of paper saying you're deficient does not legitimize your drug use.


  19. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Why does everyone pick on Indian people? and how many tribes of Indians are in India? Is it possible that just like the USA deep south you have crazy groups of people isolated so long that they do unconventional shit.

    I mean smearing cow dung on you because it helps the immune system is super gross and all but it might be a real thing?

    and the fact that people shit in the street is a bit much. not sure why they don't just have porta toilets everywhere. a nation of public toilets to use and people hired to clean them.

    they focus on Going to Mars and did so but can't have an international sewer system in place. thats odd. I can't think of a reason for this.

    however are they the worse group of people on earth? probably not. the scam centers suck. those piss me off but what percentage of Indians do this or willing to do this.
  20. Landy Pamm African Astronaut
    Originally posted by 6835378gjjsjs Aluminum foil hats reminds me, I read the other day that Puharich figured a faraday cage should stop telepathy but when they tested it, the cage or shield actually enhanced the telepathic or psychic ability of anyone that was in it.

    Someone suggested it may be due to the cage or shield reducing interference.

    do you require a lattice pattern for it to work and can a common chain link fence work or does it have to be copper or??
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