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Posts by Fluttershy

  1. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    The ego only exists to balance the id, the ego is what makes human intelligence. Unfortunately, I haven’t met too many intelligent humans. Most of us are barely a step up from monkeys, simply consuming what superior beings have created.

    Where would you be if lanny never existed to make this website? You’d exist on a private Instagram page with restricted comments just like all the other vapid middle aged women online
  2. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka It's not my bday yet but I'm not going to eat it all in one day and it won't be as fresh if I wait.

    Oink oink 🐷🐽🐖🐗
  3. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka At least you admit you're sick in the head. It is 60% of the population. Having strength of character means not becoming like them to avoid being a target.

    Yeah Kafka, you’re the first person that comes to my mind when I think strength of character.
  4. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka More like you couldn't last, they turned you into a twisted creep. I will always have a pure mind no matter what people online say to me.
    Most people are sick in the head. Turning a blind eye to that is it’s own form of sickness. Delusional women disorder.
  5. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood I fuck rare-spotted femboys for sport

    The spots are really just monkeypox
  6. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka I can't imagine anyone liking a creep that goes online to bully people. That's the difference between you and me, people who know me like me, people who know you don't.

    My name is Nathan
    The ladies think I’m weird
    But that does not bother
    Me really it’s ok
    Because these bitches talk heaps of shit
    But at least they know my name!
  7. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka Are you aware all trolls are seen as pathetic? That you turned out this way means people really got to you and you're mentally ill as a result.

    Are you gonna answer my question? Trolls are only seen as pathetic by people who plaster their name and face all over pseudonymous Internet forums and then cry when they get made fun of. You wouldn’t last ten seconds on any real social media so instead you post here, where you can exist in an echo chamber where you and candyrein can jerk each other off for eternity. And if anyone calls you on it you scream “troll” like a jedi screams “antisemite”
  8. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka @ having to hide behind an alt to say that.

    Is every single woman on this website so stupid and shallow that they think it’s impossible for someone new to show up and dislike them? I mean it makes sense, but it’s still surprising to me.
  9. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood i like the lil 2

    I believe it’s called an “ampersand”
  10. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka It is the will of the universe that I exist to fight misogyny. I am nature and I am meant to be here until I no longer am.

    It’s the will of the universe that I tell you you’re a pathetic little cunt who will never amount to much more than painting your nails and posting it to this website on a weekday when people are actually working. Kill yourself.
  11. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kafka If you don't come up with at least one idea you will be known as being braindead.

    Here’s an idea : kill yourself
  12. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina your loss.

    now you wont get to experience sexual asssault on your bike unless ..

    Fona isn’t bisexual
  13. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    By musk do you mean body odor? Kafka are you one of those weird girls who likes sniffing armpits?
  14. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Whip it good
  15. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Click bait lol

    I clicked that and got baited so hard.
    Speedy, you’re a master baiter
  16. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Yes and I have ocean front property in Arizona.

    Pm me if you’re interested in a trade. I hear the oceans in Arizona are lovely this time of year =]
  17. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman now with 10% less niggers and 30% more space.
  18. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Oppie,

    Like every other day there are ads here on the forums for fake passports, buy one of those, job done!

    I’ve got a bridge for sale, too, if anyone wants it.
  19. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker His experience consists of drug abuse, crime, and buggery.
    Nonsense, Bradley is highly experienced in, sales (ripping niggers off for crack), diplomacy (not getting the shit beat out of him by his ex’s new boyfriends throughout the years), property acquisition (this one is self explanatory) and he did spend several years on this website acting as a “love doctor” of sorts… I’d say Bradley is probably more experienced and capable for the business world than anyone else here.
  20. Fluttershy Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl He's lying!

    I have faith he’ll do the right thing
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