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Posts by MEGA MOLE

  1. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Enigma That watch looks like something a homosexual astronaut would wear on the moon

    It's worn by millions of nautical-nauts on the ocean every day
  2. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Newman was a loser, a bum, he didn't know his ass from a fucking hole in the ground
  3. MEGA MOLE Houston
    I think newer technology is better in that specific department actually

  4. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Still there's a different feeling to something made of 500 delicate cogs and gears and springs and windings and flywheels and tourbillions and stuff.
  5. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Aviator shades, fresh haircut, collar shirt with rolled up sleeves, and this bad boy I rock so well

  6. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 What do you think of G-shocks?

    When you talk about engineering are you only talking about auto-winding watches? It's the only thing that is guaranteed to work when Russia and China finally get fed up and start hitting us with EMP's…. If we're lucky.

    They've got their place but that place isn't in my world. It's funny because I like and own some Casio digital watches and think they look quite cool. But no G-Shocks. I think they are great watches for people in rough professional etc.

    But yes I do just mean mechanical watches when I talk about the beauty and engineering etc. On some higher end watches, you get creative engineering require to create "complications" like moon phases and stuff like that. A lot of engineering was required to figure such mechanisms out and perfect them.

    Still, I do like digital watches too. On some level they are still functional objects and it's hard to beat a nice clear digital display for readability.

    As a bonus, like I said, some digital watches look pretty cool too. Like how can you not love this classic pirate looking mofo:

  7. MEGA MOLE Houston
    My watch is like my partner, my buddy, something so reliable I could lose my sense and come back, and defer to it to have kept track while I was out. A watch is like a soldier, a partner, a keeper of accounts. It's a precision machine that is always by my side and it does exactly one very specific set of things, and it does so hyper reliably. It is like if "competence" was condensed into one artifact of human origin, it would be watches.
  8. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Somehow every time I go looking at watches, I find like 50 that surprise and delight me in new ways. There are son many out there already and then there's new ones released all the time! And in such a tiny target envelope, people make such lovely and tasteful designs, sometimes they're even fun and wild and still manage to pull it off with class!

    Watches are expressive. They tell you a lot about the designer. More importantly, they tell you a lot about the man wearing them. There's so much room to choose, both well and poorly. Like if I see a fucker wearing an Invicta, I know he is lost.
  9. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag What do you love about watches?

    "A dandy on the boulevards (…), strolling at leisure until his Breguet, ever vigilant, reminds him it is midday."
    Alexander Pushkin
    Eugen Onegin, 1825-1833

    They used that in a Breguet ad too and specifically

    "… ever vigilant…"

    That was a perfect articulation of what attracted me to watches.

    A modern watch is a beautiful object. It's a lot more engineering than most people care to think about, packed into a a perfectly compact envelope. Back in the day, timepieces were artifacts of cutting edge engineering. You should look up "Marine Chronometer" and read about the history, take a moment to appreciate what it took to get to a modern watch.

    Keeping time is important. It's critical. It is deeply fundamental to what makes us human now, not just in the past when we were primitive animals.

    So to me a watch is emblematic of a lot.

    Then there's the aesthetic aspect of it
  10. MEGA MOLE Houston
    You gotta just imagine that if you buy stuff like that, you set it on fire. Not that you shouldn't have or indulge hobbies but recognize you are doing a stupid thing because it won't affect you very much, no need to cope about it. In fact that is why it's kinda balling in the first place. We don't need to be 100% efficient in our lives. Sometimes we do stupid things just to feel some sense of power over our lives. If you have the resources, it's not a big deal so who cares? If it's not you then it's no one else's right to care hmwhat you do with your money. Even if you put it all in a big pile, pissed on it and set it on fire.
  11. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Cars are the worst, I hate guys who act like cars are investments.
  12. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Ennui and shit
  13. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I disagree, it's important to have investment items other than savings, because those can quickly disappear like what's just happened to Nigerians. I started collecting antiques at an early age, someone in the future will always pay for them.

    Watches aren't an investment the same way baseball cards aren't an investment, the same way gold isn't really an investment. Some can appreciate in value.

    They are a hobby.

    I am saying this as a mole who genuinely loves watches.
  14. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag What watch do you wear?

    I have 83 watches.
  15. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 Come to think of it aren't new IPhone models like $5000? That would be even dumber than buying a Rolex and a lot more people do it.

    iPhone 15 Pro Max starts at $1200. But it is a bad comparison.

    Relatively speaking, you can get like 10 years of software support and a really functional device.

    You can probably resell most 4-digit+ watches at least for around what you got them for but as a legit store of value or investment, they are very stupid and should be considered more like baseball cards.

    Even if you have $1 billion then still no, objectively it's still not a good idea to have $40,000 of it tied up in some random baseball card rather than as cash in a savings account or something... No it's not going to affect you at all at that point but doesn't mean it's not stupid.
  16. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag I think it makes sense to have one if you have to go to events with rich people. It's better to be over-dressed than underdressed. That's if you can afford it though. It's embarrassing to dress above your station in life.

    Wearing a dinky little $6K Cartier Santos is probably more embarrassing than a $300 Orient.

    I remember one time I saw a guy with the cheapest $12k Patek Philippe, it told me he couldn't really afford that watch when he got it.
  17. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013 That's fucking stupid. It only makes sense if you're just so rich you couldn't think of anything else to spend $6000 on. And if you're that rich you should be shot and have your watch stolen but I think they have serial numbers on them anyway. So it's fucking stupid either way.

    Are fancy watches like that autowinding or what?

    It is frankly a bad decision no matter how much money you have. But you are learning how different people have different relationships with money. For many people the whole point is to subsidize their bad decisions. Like they genuinely don't understand what the point of having money even is if you don't spend it pointlessly i.e. "have fun with it".
  18. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Dirtbag Mik's watch.

    Cheaper Cartier tbh
  19. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Originally posted by Enigma Dark brown leather is okay, I used to wear a Timex Expedition with a brown leather strap for years and years

    I said fuck it and I decided to get this one. I tried to return the other one and it says it's SHIPPED already so Idk what that means since they fucking deliver it from their own shipping van from their own warehouse that day but I might end up with two watches.

    upload image website

    That's a decent one
  20. MEGA MOLE Houston
    Look at you, Tony 2-Watch
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