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Posts by Lanny Lanny

  1. Originally posted by jerryb Just normal cold war stuff, the cold war never stopped. Russia and the US fucking with each other way before I was born.

    Putin is demanding an Emergency Session which is usually reserved for a more serious matter. he's ready
  2. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Wonder Woman and Cat Woman comics.

    never been into cartoons. how can anyone get aroused by a cartoon?
  3. smells nice though. I love the smell of pine trees but its a short lived thing because you sinus swell up in 30 minutes
  4. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood the air strings when i breathe

    Oh yeah, I'v seen this in my backyard with evergreens.

    the worse is Pine Pollen. sappy ass shit stuck all over my car when we used to have one behind the condos we lived at 35 years back. but it starts off this yellow cloud and it's hell on the sinus but then starts to get sticky and drips everywhere.
  5. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Oh, well then, the Sears Catalog should be fine.

    Craftman Porn is Best Porn
  6. Originally posted by Dirtbag The future of the working class.

    Irish are good at construction work.

    did you make that yourself you little slag
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No smoke, no smell with PLA…It's just melting plastic, not burning it…if you're getting smoke you're doing it wrong

    (ABS gives off a stink though)

    we had a demo at my job of one. I don't know if it was smoke or steam but I recall it coming off and stank a bit. maybe it was a shit quality.
  8. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ How about National Geographic?

    Open nudity isn't my thing.

    you have to have some imagination
  9. Originally posted by Kinks you can drink alcohol and still look fine if your diet is healthy otherwise and you arent spending more time dehydrated than not

    I dont know how that's true. alcohol is empty calories and sugar.
    had a beer yesterday (even thought Im not supposed to). a 24oz (two count) can of Modella lime. goes good with a few hits of birthday cake weed I got

    had a nice sandwich on the beach yesterday. it was pissing me off trying to light a bowl with the fucking wind. No matter what direction I rotated my body, I couldn't get the bic lighter to stay lit. needed one of those little crack pipe lighters that are like a blow torch I guess.

    speaking of which, people were looking at me like i was trying to hit a crack pipe.

    rule of thumb, dont try smoking weed at a beach. its difficult to do.
  10. Originally posted by Elbow mmm delicious bean pies and cakes i love delicious pies and cakes and pastries

    are you chinese? i had that last lunar new year. it is pretty good.
  11. Originally posted by Narc Some covers are better than the original



    we dressed so much better in the day.

    the 90s killed it with oversize XXX'LG tshirts and baggy jeans hanging off the waste line like someone shitted in their adult diapers.

    I remember some dude was like "The 80s are over" and I looked at them and was trying to figure out how in the fuck they could keep their jeans from falling down.

    needless to say, I stopped dressing 80s but I never once dressed like Eminem. and guys pushing age 50s now are still dress like that. as a matter of fact, I dont think the KRIS KROSS hand-me-down look ever ended.


  12. Originally posted by Lanny I'm tired of fighting over clothes. The other day lala was unhappy with the pants I put on, and she kept harassing me until I had to do a domestic abuse to get her to be quiet.

    could of been tactical. is she into daddy issues spankings?
  13. Porno is degenerate.

    just get some old Good Household magazines and beat off to the beautiful tattless women of the 1950s
  14. will so
  15. I bet Putin is telling Kim to start fucking with the USA. testing us with threats and active rocket launches just off the coast of Hawaii or California.

  16. Originally posted by jerryb I can't see my neighbors house. Rural living is great, they don't bother me and I don't bother them.

    what happens if you have chest pains and go into cardiac arrest and the phone is out
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson No, and no toxic stink either.

    yeah but that smoke that comes off of it. that can't be healthy to breath in
  18. Originally posted by Dirtbag There's a girl in my estate who wears a hijab and it offends me. I feel like if people started to rip it off her head maybe it would be doing her a favour, she wouldn't get in trouble for it being stolen.

    Why you hating on her? it's her business.

    didn't Sinhead O'Conner convert to islam
  19. Originally posted by Kinks none of them are muslim, we dont really have many of those here

    I am no longer blonde

    You live in Mi, You have an Entire town ran by them. it's just a matter of time before they move in
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