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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by Michael Myers At least you got fans, Candy! That counts for something. You live rent-free in other people's heads. :D

    when she spams the top 6 latest threads with her gifs and likeness of her knee, its hard not to notice or bump into.
  2. Originally posted by Instigator

    across for attention, along for effect.
  3. Originally posted by CandyRein Every night in every thread I’m in just begging for attention…

    Now you in this new profile and just as desperate acting as ever lol

    i dont who your taliking about.

    im charles and im new here.
  4. Originally posted by ner vegas

    Iran deploying shipping container launched ballistic missiles, system is called DEZFUL and looks like the Russian CLUB-K but I don't think that ever made it to the field

    because its not for field use.

    its for use along the ports dragged by trucks.
  5. Originally posted by ner vegas I will after he kills himself

    i belive he will still live rent free in your head after hes dead.

    theres no way you can unsee his face, or his praphic desígns
  6. Originally posted by Michael Myers The Hindu Kush is a mountain range in Pakistan and Afghanistan, its name makes zero sense but it means "Killer of Hindus" because non-natives of the region taken there would die due to the cold atmosphere.

    The reason it makes no sense because the term "Hindu" is derived and refers to the Indus river, a river that flows in Pakistan.

    we all know hindu refers to the pagans that worship craven images of hindu deities.

    and kush means slaughter.

    it refers to a place where hindus were slaughtered en mass.
  7. Originally posted by Michael Myers It was a gradual process, starting with the conquest of Sindh in the early 8th century, but we did not mix with Arabs.

    We reverted out of free will but it took a few centuries for the entire region to become Islamic.

    Plus, South Asia is genetically very diverse, it's called a subcontinent for a reason. So your "they're just X and Y" claim doesn't work.

    whats hindukush mass-acre
  8. Originally posted by ner vegas why are you like this

    why can't you just take no for an answer and leave them alone

    for the same reason you cant leave warriat alone
  9. Originally posted by infinityshock

    no actual photos from the ground tho
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock They all claim to have been in the concentration camps or have relatives that were…yet there is only fake made-up bullshit about concentration camps. Like that kike mayorkass did the other day when they were reaming his hebe ass for being a treasonous traitor.

    I just read an article about how the kikes claimed to have 'found' nazi documents authorizing the concentration camps yet real nazis pointed out they were fake because the signature weren't real people and the routing information was completely inaccurate…proving their forgery

    thats why every 90+ year old former nazi, including their secretaries needed to be either jailed or executed.
  11. Originally posted by CandyRein Getting my go pro wet ..because I’m not a scaredy-cat …

    It got wet because I just cummed

    stolen property.
  12. Originally posted by ner vegas Indian astrologer stopped me on the street to talk, among other things told me not to wear black on tuesdays and not to trust women. nice guy, wanted me to go to the park to talk further but I was busy. wasn't sure if he wanted to interfere with me or try to get me to join the hare krishnas.

    maybe he wanted to suck your dick.

    did you offer him that ?
  13. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Some of the best basketball, football and baseball players of all time are black, which takes a whole lot of hand/eye coordination, so, no.

    those arent "prescision" sports as you can miss by inches as long as you dont miss feet to score.

    and the only reason asians dont dominate those sports is because it involves lots of negroid activities like running and jumping that consumes lots of oxygen leaving too little for superior, oversized asian brains.
  14. Originally posted by CandyRein My father was literally a sharp shooter in the military ..while dude is literally too afraid to get his go pro wet


    with guns or somwthing else hes shooting
  15. Originally posted by infinityshock And intellectual prowess. Not many nigger sharpshooters.

    because racist boolerts and wind make it extremely hard to calculate their trajectory.
  16. Originally posted by CandyRein


    finnys been camping rent in you're head,
  17. dang, the discount rack is overflowing again
  18. ie; sex partners at work
  19. as i do frequent discount section at the supermarket whenever i was there
  20. Originally posted by ner vegas 'there is no intention by Egypt to withdraw from the Camp David Accords … The peace agreement with Israel has existed for 40 years, and it will remain so' - Egyptian Foreign Minister

    the head of the Mossad is in Egypt for 'negotiations'

    looks like Egypt chose CUCKOLDRY

    honour arent edible
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