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Posts by Charles Ex Machina

  1. Originally posted by Donald Trump I kinda want to shoot a cow with an RPG.

    a cow isnt hard enough to set the fuze off
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump Muti is more powerful if the person being used for it dies in distress. And there is no rule against fucking your muti sacrifice.

    yea but at least she doesnt have to live the aftermath.
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock That's what happens when niggers aren't kept im cages.

    Prisons or zoos…either will do.

    thats an insult to animals in the zoo.
  4. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The 12 year olds I had to deal with are now in their forties and posting here.

    pedo announced.
  5. Originally posted by Meikai meth is a helluva drug gawd dayum i actually did research to make this shitpost

    your research is inaccurate.

    do more meth.
  6. Originally posted by CandyRein


    He got me a ring to go with the bracelet he got me for Christmas! ❤️

    well, why didnt he get you BOTH on x-mass.

    thats like peepuh who break dog treats into half and then try to pass the half off as one whole dog treat.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock It's all fun and games till you find out that strapon…

    Isn't a strap on

    what difference does it make.


    i mean once you have embraced getting loved thru your asshole what difference does it make if the love is beimg conducted through a piece of plastic or live flesh.
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock tap on the wall until you feel the difference between a hollow/vibrate-ey sensation and a solid/thud-ey sensation.

    walls arent always 16"…as a matter of fact, in todays day and age of the j­ews sticking their dirty cheap noses into everything, the 'on-center' distances between studs could be anything. hell, theyre even using shit-tier aluminum nowadays.

    what kind of effiminate construction do "americans" use to build places of dwelling.

    over here everything is steel reinforced concrete and if its an expensive house, real red brick.

    hanging a tv onto the wall here means drilling into real strong and masculine concrete with carbide tipped drill bits and impact mode.
  9. Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Life for white people in Africa.

    Muti = African witchcraft, meat based.

    it could be worse.

    she could have been sold to pedos.

    which do you think is worse, star trek ?
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock Well yea, the best way to transition is to get your package blown off by a land mine.

    And your other lower extremities

    anti-penis mine
  11. Originally posted by infinityshock If any of them survived …that screen-grab is going to be the ultimate social media picture

    i wonder if any of them was taking a selfie at that moment.

    thatd be the littest selfie of all time.
  12. Originally posted by Kingoffrogs Yes you do, VAN VUTHY

    i wuz never gettin' sucked like a merchaum pipe.
  13. Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina ah got muhself a new used japanese phone fo 30 o less.

    now i might need to buy a new battery fo it that cost 20-30.

    ho ho ho

    i got new battery for it fo less than 10.

    ho ho ho
  14. did you trade your ass for food ?
  15. vinny doesnt have doxes
  16. Originally posted by Ghost

    now may i
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein No one on this site could deal with the retardation that I do on a daily basis …

    If I don’t block anyone one should block anyone


    yes, thk you tara, for sharin' n sheit.
  18. Originally posted by Ghost the ultimate act of free speech would be lanny banning wariat because for free speech to be truly free in an anarchist society that would mean the people in power also aren't beholden to any code or rules and are totally free to ban anyone

    but only if the reason he got banned wasn't for breaking any rule but for the reason "Unfit for community" what rule did he break? Get fucked, that's what rule, complain too much and get banned too KIDIOT

    bans are not speeches

    for real and true freespeeches to prevail, child pornographies myst be legalized.
  19. genuine africans dont wear tops.

    wearing tops is White Supremacy
  20. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Can we send complaints and inquiries directly to you on behalf of China?

    yes and my regional feedback collection point just happenes to be located near you, very near you.

    just put your complains and enquires in written form and drop it into our suggestion box that happens to be located just right between your legs, in the center of that clearly marked brown hole.

    just stick your feedbacks in there and our friendly customer support officials will be attending to your complains and enquiries straight away.
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