Originally posted by Ghost
tha underground. I could find them in an hour because I am a magnet for the underground. I would tell them to get the hell off the streets and send them to a youth shelter. If there are enough people like me in the world hopefully you will never find a vulnerable girl no matter how hard you look because they will find someone not evil first
how am I evil man? Im not evl. sex is fun its a sport how is sex evil?
i did meet two of the hottest ukrainian girls through the 16 yr old i took to the club who would come over every saturday and suck my dick and tried anal once with me but she used me just for clubbing and as a pad to stay the night at. but through her i met the hottest two 16 yr olds now theyre 17 remember those two offeing a threesome for one thousand zloty everything but anal including nrimming? i fucked up bad not tkaing it but just lsot my job and have been unemployed since at the time and also i suspected it could be like a scam they woudl take the money and not do shit i also had like underperformance anxiety becaus eive never been with two girls or women before.
again so can anyone explain to me why so many young hot who could do anything in their lives chech and hungarian girls at age 18-19 choose to do this? dont they have fmailies, aprent,s high schools to go to? why would lady dee such a beauty chose to do porno with grnadpas and not a single polish chick woudl do this or has such a brain even for them im too old being half their ages etc. etc. etc. can anyone explain it to me? star trek?