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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer..................................

  1. Originally posted by Sudo What are some things that you do for attention?

    insert various protuberances into assorted orifices without prior notification
  2. Originally posted by Fox The part where what we did wasn’t terrorism, but the other guys are. Just admit Israel and the United States are terrorist organizations just like the other guys and I’ll be fine with it

    'terrorism' is a newspeak term intended to invoke emotional reactions in those with weak will and it has no basis in factuality
  3. Originally posted by Lanny I agree an aggressor is more accountable. Won’t even go into who that is in this case because I bet we wouldn’t agree.

    And if that’s what you in your heart believe constitutes terrorism then cool. I just don’t think the distinction is all that relevant. I doubt anyone who gets killed in war is particularly concerned about whether or not they were specifically targeted or collateral damage. I wouldn’t. So I don’t really give any brownie points for not targeting civilians if they’re still killing civilians.

    youre so adorable...trying to insert yourself into a scenario that would never happen. i guarantee if there were ever a shooting war you'd tuck tail and flee to the furthest point away from whatever is dangerous to your fragile little vegan self

    also, youre an idiot and your mother is a whore
  4. people that OD on drugs and survive are just doing it for attention
  5. Originally posted by totse2118 No he doesn't

    its not only that...its the extreme degenerate abusive pedo-bullshit content he posts
  6. Originally posted by toilet clogger wellhung spams the shit out of the forums
    warioat is hilarious

    that isnt hilarity. thats degeneracy.
  7. Originally posted by Wariat The young girls who prostitute themselves in shitty countries or even in the u.s. i hear places like vegas although i never saw it, do they look at it diff than a boy their age going fag or prostituting themselves to men while being straight? like is it diff or less damaging because aybe they are attrcted to men or at least some of the clienbts or the idea of having sex with the opposite gender?

    pray i never find you in a dark alley. ill show you how much youre going to enjoy getting fucked by a man. and if youre a good girl ill even give you a tip.

    just the tip...i swear
  8. Originally posted by totse2118 They probably tried to poison the wells and got kicked out of there too

    they have. i read a book that was written in the late 1800s about multiple jedis in europe during the black plague being 'arrested' for spiking drinking wells with unknown substances...allegedly a plague source.

    oddly, theres no reference to such things on the modern internet
  9. Originally posted by Fox Why don’t you post on your original account, looks like it’s unbanned

    lanny would just molest it.

    he banned that account multiple times for literally no other reason than hes a bitch

    look in mongolvoid...hes banned literally hundreds of my alts that didnt spam one single iota

    as soon as i post on the post-banned screen name he'll ban it, no matter what i post, because in his estrogen and cum-addled brain he thinks that sort of shit is funny
  10. Originally posted by jerryb So infinityshock was the reason I couldn't reg for a long time. LOL cool, I enjoy his posts. Well not his colorful ways of raping members, ok sometimes even that.

    He is knowledgeable on military matters and probably lots of shit most have zero clue about.

    its not rape if the'special friend'...cant say 'no'
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