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Posts That Were Thanked by Chios Honey

  1. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by totse2118 i've actually been sober for over a month, stay mad altfag

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  2. Originally posted by Speedy Parker and increasing the efficiency of the staff and reducing the need for 22 people.

    so, in any other words in english,

    "reduce the numbers of "americans" employed".

    thays it folks, the first thing a "patriot" like sholomo here at bussinessing is to reduce the numbers of "americans" employed and their pension and food security.

    our kind and benovelent shlomo parker.
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  3. You look like if Homer Simpson was a real guy
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  4. This is sensational crap. It’s normal for the sun to do shit like this as we approach solar maximum, because its magnetic poles are getting ready to switch. It happens every 11 years.

    What isn’t sensational is that whenever this happens there’s a small chance that a coronal mass ejection will be directed at earth and cause a geomagnetic storm that could devastate modern infrastructure.

    There are things we can do to mitigate the effects like spinning down power generation for a few hours when we know it’s coming, but it will still at a minimum cause trillions of dollars in damage, destroy many of the satellites we rely on for communications and geolocation services, and probably brick a lot of our electrical devices like phones, cars, the internet, etc.

    The odds of this happening are about .7% per year, and it’s been about 160 years since the last one so do the math on that. It probably won’t reset modern society like you see in the movies but it will definitely get pretty bad for a few years. So yeah that’s coming
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  5. This is like how a bunch of mosques became “hotbeds” for home grown terrorism, because the FBI had a habit of walking in and handing out bombs to everyone
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  6. cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Chios Honey She's a filthy typical American tramp prostituted by Disney. her vagina is completely wrecked. her vagina looks like a herd of waterbuffalo trampled on it more than a few times. she's a blown 0-ring

    took the words right out of my mouf
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  7. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    I got it on game pass and then paid $40 for the premium edition (despite the fact that I don't actually own the game) like the dirty little paypiggy consoomer whore that I am. Just for the early access, y'know? And I gotta say: I have approximately 0 regrets. I will probably buy the game outright at some point in the future, but doing it this way saved me like $30 for this month. First impressions? "Shit's lit." It's everything The Outer Worlds could have been... should have been.

    It really hit me while I was reading computer entries in the pirate base you're sent to near the start of the game, on a miserable little shithole called Kreet. In The Outer Worlds, every terminal would have read something like this:




    And instead of being greeted with the most quirky, ham-fisted, shitty satire ever put into words, I was instead greeted with... just... intriguing logs about the trials undertaken at that location by a faction's "xenowarfare" research division. Not to say it was completely devoid of Quirky Humor - you can't escape completely from that in the Year of our Lord 2023 - but Bethesda opted to avoid beating you over the head with it (whereas Obsidian seemed keen to pulverize players' heads into Evilcorp™ Nutrient Paste with their writing). What I'm sayin' is it was a lovely. Compelling lore! Flavor! (Relatively) restrained attempts at comedy that don't make you groan constantly! Refreshing. Haven't been playing it for long (well, I have, but I am slow and haven't gotten far - I just reached "the Lodge"), but holy shit this game's got alotta potential.

    I fiddled with the shipbuilding for a good 45 minutes before giving up on it because I couldn't figure out how to rebuild mine in a way that met all of my functional and aesthetic needs. It's some pretty in-depth shit though. I was considering getting Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon because I had an urge to customize mechs, but surprisingly this is satisfying the underlying desires behind that urge pretty well. I mean what is a spaceship if not a... mech... bird? I guess?

    Anyway, 10/10 would recommend.

    Or like, more genuinely, tentatively 8.5/10 (it's nailing the tone and atmosphere, gunplay is solid, ship building is cool, no bugs to speak of so far... but it's Bethesda so you can count on there being some hilariously bad ones at some point, *and* my 1070 can actually run it despite technically being below minimum specs!). Maybe even a 9/10 tbh, but I'm not very far into the game. Would 100% still recommend. It's grrrrrreat.
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  8. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny planet of the rapes

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  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Chios Honey She's a filthy typical American tramp prostituted by Disney. her vagina is completely wrecked. her vagina looks like a herd of waterbuffalo trampled on it more than a few times. she's a blown 0-ring

    You sound just like the guy from Chuck Palahniuk's Pygmy, it's funny.
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  10. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by aldra man I wish I had a racecar bed

    what a baffling thing to use as an insult

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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    make him your battered wife
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  12. Rape Monster Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by Pete Green I guess no Halloween this year

    UK and the rest of Europe expected to be hit hard.

    I'm sick of this shit. I thought it was endemic now. now a strain deadlier than the original? how is that possible if everyone has it in their bloodsteam now and the body knows it. even a different strain. its no longer new.

    You stupid enough to actually believe them? Look at the fucking timing
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  13. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    We're going into an election year, silly. Elections make COVID angry.
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  14. Bradley Black Hole
    remember when u were gonna be a web designer/administrator for a web company in spain and when it was pointed out you don't speak spanish you said "ill just use google translate" and proceeded to submit a misspelled application to them?
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  15. Migh Houston
    I just ate a free burrito.

    Bout to drink for free. The get more free stuff. Then free dinner and free movie.
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  16. Obbe Alan What? [annoy my right-angled speediness]
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The clowns and their clown posse are going to change the weather by picking your pockets. It's like magic.

    What do you mean "going to"?

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