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Posts by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladybody lapdancer

  1. Originally posted by Wariat In a way when you face and feel deep inside adversery, you experience nirvana or in a way coming of the self. Realizing the self and the truth. When sent to a prison, especially being innocent or railroaded.

    tell more about how you used your holes to earn cigarettes and honey buns for your husband
  2. Originally posted by Wariat This dude wanted to fight me. I am telling you guys Polish people a lot of them and some Ukrainians are just mentally ill or something. Like this dude wanted to fight me for no reason. And I was sober so I calmed him down and was in no mood to start whailing on him. This was in some pub that I havent been in a long time. The thing that is weird is he was made I embarassed him in front of his like ex girlfriend who had or has a husband he claimed she promised to dirvorce for him and he claimed and still claims he is in the middle of a divorce so he has a wife himself while he explained to me how he almost went to prison once because he beat someone half to death and haf a knife in his hand he wanted to throw but dropped for cheating with either his girlfriend at the time or wife on him he walked in them having ex. so hes already nuts in the sense how much of a hypocryte he is. But the thing was this guy like didnt have issues with me in like forever he saw me multiple times and we avoided each other because in front of his girlfriend I put him in like a choke he resisted or tried to make me look stupid becaus ethey claimed to like train krav maga and he wanted to show me he can escape any move so I said ok lets see this one and he was unable to do it but he resisted so hard it was almost turning into a fight and I didnt want to drop him unconscious so I let go and instead like grabbed his upper neck from behind as he turned and body and lightly put him to the ground. but apparently he felt so disrespected for me like putting him on the ground in front of that bitch he held a grudge and claimed he wanted to fight me for months and not fight me but like sucker attack me or some shit. so I knew this guy is on one or some shit because he probably wants to knife me or glass me as I doubt he can beat me straight up or thinks he can or otherwise all those times he ignored me he would have made a move. but he claimed he just all of a sudden recognized me after we started talking in a friendly manner. This just seemed nuts to me because his own girlfriend whow as with himw rote to me as I exchanged facebook with her and she actually tried to set me up with her friend and she even invited me to some party or some shit and he and her were gonna be there just not to train anymore not only this but when I saw this guy a few days ago I jokingly said remember that funny incident when we got carried away and he nodded yea. Only later he came all weird and agressive at me like out of the blue. I think it was because he saw weakness in me as I was sober still and alone and sort of polite to everyone how I am usually. But as I started drinking a bit I now was getting pissed he came at me like this for an incident many months ago when nothing happened to anyone and he himself started resisting to try making me look stupid and wanted to fight him now. after a while i told him if you really want it lets go outside and go for a round then we can come back. i said if you still need it or want it. then he like backed out or asked if i want to do that? I said now that I had a couple dirubnks I can but its up to you. But qwas still careful because again this guy could just take out a knife or glass me. Something was wrong with im. like when he confronted me I started havbing this nerves in my legs like this guy is literally going to try either sucker hitting me right now and I have to put my weight on my legs a certain way and make sure im concentrated so he doesnt get a good hit or come at me with some weapon. He later mentioned as we talked that his great grandfather murdered polish people and was in upa. This was a pure polish guy not ukrainian at all doesnt even speak ukrainian or russian but had a great grandpa in upa. weird ass shit. anyway i still regret I didnt do anything and sort of let him talk to me like that but I am not a violent guy anymorwe at least especially sober. Like he even made these weird hand signs showing me later I could have just broke this bootle and cut your neck with it like all intense showing me with his hand how he would get my neck touching it and I just sort of rolled back my head as I dont want this guy to be touching me like this. What the fuck is wrong with these people in poland? Like this isnt the first time I met someone so fucked up recently. I should have just took him down behind and choked him out like luciano when he first approached me and started like threatening me or simply went then outside with him and not came back to the bar but at the same time it would be just another place I couldnt go back in anymore as this guy would probably as he alluded to just use weapons inside the bar at me. He also made a bunch of lies up like claiming he told his girlfriend that chick who actually invited me to sit with them and made eye contact as she walked by numerous times and even said hi to go in a cab later and was planning on assaulting me somehow but she he claimed knew him and told him to go with her which was such a lie as he himself at the time talked to me afterward and just said in normal voice without offering to fight or anything just lets not practice moves again or some shit and i believe she even called the friend to try setting me up after all that. plus if he never recognized me and all of a sudden this when he claimed i should fuck you up i was planning on when I find you to assault you not fight but assault you and all the mad shit he talked if he never recognied me aft firs tin the bar why continue to make small talk to a guy he never seen and why nod when I said remember that one time and made a fighting stance as sort of a joke to him. like he totally looked like he knew me and all of a sudden just got pissed or went on a rant with threats at me. He kept saying upokorzyles mnie or you punked me in front of my girlfriend or some shit. I was like nah man it was just one move and if you didnt resist me I would have just let you go but you wanted to show how bad ass you were so you ended up on the ground lightly taken down for one second. then he kept syaing you atatcked me from behind etc. which I never did I simply took him down from behind after he turned as the move was face to face but he was supposed to let me put it on him not resist it 100 eprcent to make me look stupid. how would you guys handle such a situation? if some crazy fuck just starts making threats accusations and lies at you all of a sudden like out of the blue? I think I felt some fear due to his size but later after me and him were drunk he lightly tried to spar with me again or some shit and I held his wrists and realize this guy has nos trength or would be no threat to me depsite the fact earlier my mind making it seem this guy was a huge threat just because I was sober and he has size.

    stfu and post nude selfies for me to fap to
  3. Originally posted by Donald Trump Lanny only bitched out cos Finny was so hard core sperging.

    that bitch bitched out like a little bitch because i made her my bitch
  4. Originally posted by WellHung Nigger.

    have cock. will travel

    bring your own lube unless you want me to slam it in dry
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