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Posts by 88✝ĦShadow88Legion✝Ħ88

  1. Isn't that the one they tested on prisoners or whatever

    that makes you puke your guts out if you try drinking

    Unlike varenicline (brand name Chantix), naltrexone is not useful for quitting smoking. Naltrexone has also been under investigation for reducing behavioral addictions such as gambling or kleptomania as well as compulsive sexual behaviors in both offenders and non-offenders (e.g. compulsive porn viewing and masturbation). The results were promising. In one study, the majority of sexual offenders reported a strong reduction in sexual urges and fantasies which reverted to baseline once the medication was discontinued. Case reports have also shown cessation of gambling and other compulsive behaviors, for as long as the medication was taken

    wtf, sounds vile.


    You know it's good when it has EPOXY in the chemical name lmao
    never seen that in my life before.

    I'd rather lock myself in a dungeon than take that shit but I hope it works for you OP
  2. the pipes probably have a fuck ton of residue js
  3. Originally posted by Kafka I'm already dead and feel calm for once. There is no conflict, nothing tying me to earth. I probably won't be me when I die but it doesn't matter.

    You cannot escape his wrath in death. He will come to hell and RAPE YOU

    With the help from my demonic energy

    Originally posted by Ghost I might have stumbled onto something thanks to drug abuse without realizing it . This one is pretty retarded.

    My youtube gave me this video because I have been listening to lots of tommy wright

    Apparently it's a legend that memphis rap is like black metal equivalent of rap @ it contains demonic energy.

    Weird shit man maybe you can attract demons with tek and horrorcore
    They are telling me the jedis won, it's too late to do anything except lose slowre and I should murder everyone I see……., the government is more evil than I could ever hope to be though, whats the point FUCK TYOU YOU CANT MAKE ME DO ANYTHING YOU SUPER ENTIYY FUCK HEADS@!!!!!

    Apparently you have to listen to the actual original tapes to do demonic shit but nobody tried meth and minecraft

    I talk to demons every day and they tell me sophie is alive, well and more powerful than anyone I know. I believe THEM
  4. Originally posted by Kafka If that really was the last day he posted then it's safe to assume he's dead.

    No it's not. You and haxxor and Bradley are all fucktards that don't know shit

    Running some kinda gay operations

    I can see through your fake trolling fake being mad at each other. It's all a fucking gay ops

    For every word you speak against dear Sophia he will come back with a vegenhange and HACK all of you losers

    Your computer will be locked down and destroyed with malware
    You cannot hide

    Keep painting that target on your backs though make it niiiiice and big. When he returns I will be sure to inform him of all the evil fuckers trying to Sully his good name

    You might think it's fun and games now. It's all fun and games until someone loses and eye, then it's hilarious
  5. Originally posted by Instigator He's dead ain't he?

    I hope China invades Tibet now . I hope they fucking poison him like they did the last 10 nonce llamas
  6. You could kill a man with that tree
  7. Well hung is a faggot
  8. We lost a potential good member today and even 3 dh posters can't make up for 1 new blood

    Fuck this gay forum
  9. I didn't know they had those

    Now I gotta look for them THE QUEST IS NOT COMPLETE
  10. I appreciate the effort but he's probably never coming back

    could have been the next kafka

    we will never know
  11. Yeah they bounce off my window constantly , scares the SHIT out of me
  12. "Wat je zegt ben jezelf, met je kop door de helft"
  13. Originally posted by Kafka That can't be right, I thought he disappeared for five weeks over the summer. It also says he made 111 posts in a day. Stop spreading false information.

    you and bradley and haxxor do nothing BUT spread false info

    I bet you are all in a discord together, bunch of faggots, none of you people are his friend

    Originally posted by SBTlauien So maybe he took off on another adventure. He never announced it before hand.

    Like I said, I looked into this weeks ago and at the time he was only gone for a month, I was worried until I saw 2023 updoots from him. Looks like he went quiet.

    Everyone else is just making shit up and it's based on NOTHING just pull it out of their ass. I'm the only one claiming something based off information I have

    so take that as you will. That hacker story timeline seems to line up but doesn't sound like anything he would be involved in, laundering MILLIONS in crypto? It didn't say the funds were stolen... where the fuck did sophie get MILLIONS in crypto?? from hacking? I dunno, plus I don't think he's 25 but I could be wrong.

    None of us know anything really, it's really just guessing at this point. I think my theory is most likely though

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  15. Originally posted by 88✝ĦShadow88Legion✝Ħ88 His social media has updates from 2023

    A new research project that created a tiny virtual town filled with AI inhabitants, called "Greenwood." The town is designed to mimic a small, rural community, complete with a town square, homes, and shops. The researchers used various AI models to populate the town with diverse and complex AI characters that could interact with each other and the environment.

    The project aims to explore how AI can learn to interact with humans and the world in more nuanced and complex ways. By observing how the AI characters in Greenwood interact and learn, the researchers hope to gain insights into how AI can be designed to act more human-like
  17. how about this

  18. Originally posted by WellHung I want to get used like a gloryhole
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