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Posts by slide22

  1. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Your brain grows and responds to how you use it no matter how old you are so I’ll keep trying.

    You want to be my Girlfriend? Do you have daddy issues and into middle age 50 year olds? I love you Kafka.
  2. slide22 African Astronaut
    Ghost is always hopped up on something and always looking for some conflict and you better concede to his notions or he will give you another long wall of text explaining in ways that you don't know where it begins or ends.
  3. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls I Had to sit through a zoom (heh, zoom) speed awareness course so I didn’t get points on my licence

    Anyway as it happens she was here visiting family and I felt used afterwards

    She left her IG on tinder and I thought why not give it a go, after a few attempts of trying to start a conversation with her she finally replied one morning a few weeks ago saying she’s flying back home in a couple of days

    Obviously sex was the first thing on my mind and she was fucking hot so I tried my best (legally) to get her back to mine after entertaining her for the day

    Long story short I took her to 2 museums and she was a generous cunt because she had coins to pay for parking but besides that she really was a cunt but a sexy cunt I would have fucking licked her ass out before ravaging it but seriously she was a cunt, not even a fucking hug just a thank you kha



    Aren't you that Christian Dude?
  4. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Incessant Wondering if my Lyft driver was flirting with me the way I suspect they were. You can only put two stops in max so I had the Drs office I was dropping off paperwork at and then a small bakery and coffee shop. And when we got there they asked what I had going on for the day and if I was going straight home. I said yes and then they offered to stick around to give me the last ride when I called it. Then when I asked how to be sure they picked up my ride they said I could just Venmo them $5 and they would give the ride off the app. They were super chatty the entire ride too.

    Wait what? there is a cheat to bring someone back? is that a third-party app or built-in? I haven't driven for Uber in nearly 2.5 years.
  5. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker They should have called Safelite

    sorry, the resin isn't going to fix the demon mirror.
  6. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker I know who you are frog fucker

    I bet you don't
    hows T.A.
  7. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by troon the large spider that crawled across the floor. it was giving me the beady eye.

    turn it into your pet. find a large jar and put rocks and a little tiny log-stick in it and pebbles as flooring. and it will spin a web and you can try and catch insects and toss them in there
  8. slide22 African Astronaut
  9. slide22 African Astronaut
  10. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Are you afraid of a machine that intentionally fails the Turing test?

    the turing test is both human and machine up against a person who has to figure out which is real and which isn't.

  11. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by slide22

    ANGST as fuck. I should make a shortfilm playing this part. I got a greenscreen and software somewhere. havn't done anything real constructive in years.
  12. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker How about Pauliwogs

    Why? how does that make sense?
  13. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker The largest Walnut Creek racial/ethnic groups are White (64.0%) followed by Asian (17.9%) and Hispanic (9.9%).

    hi, 1980s before I got married. i'd say it was higher. Lafeyette too. trust me. Though Asians are filthy rich too. and a lot of Hispanics have buku money from their own establishments. blue-collar, 2-3 million-dollar house.
  14. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That's all about to change for you. Better make space in your wallet for an EBT card.

    why would I?
  15. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster Scrape together $10 for a gym membership so you have some here to shower and refill your water and stuff. Cozy up to restaurant or food service workers, tell them your situation and some might be cool and hook you up with food being wasted/thrown out.

    Call 988 and tell them you want to kill yourself, you'll get three hots and a cot in a mental hospital for a week or two with social workers who might help you get on your feet.

    Cali Mental Institutes are almost as bad as Prison. people wait for a bed and have to sleep on a stinky stained mattress with piss and fuck knows what else on the floor next to people with body lice. it's just a "Monitor the situation" establishment. It's fucking unbelievable that the State of California wastes money and doesn't build a larger clean establishment with private rooms and personal baths and they bring you food and you're free to take walks if not on a high suicide watch.

    Im not happy with this place right now. I've been to these fucking places a few times. they're far grosser now than 30 years back.
  16. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Never been homeless a day in my life. Never took a dime of public assistance. I'm not a pathetic waste like you.

    I have honestly never been on Welfare. I took unemployment for a while and Covid money while shut in. that's it. No Food Stamps, No Free Housing, Nothing that was off the dole of taxpayers. I paid into my Unemployment.
  17. slide22 African Astronaut
    Walnut Creek is full of esoteric tribes. I have walked into a small boutique there decades back with a friend on the way to the Punchline Theater that used to be there and these Crystal Worshiping people had some half-naked lady with spread legs and like an Indian scarf dress covering her unmentionables (Barely) and chanting and it was like "very progressive and bohemian for rich folx" not super rich but like Well upper middle class. California Upper Middle Class. which is like 3-10 million in their portfolio and enough to spoil a token wife.

    there is a massive Temple there too. Sufi Reoriented (Which Im told are chill. Sufi get harrassed by the Wahabists) and there is some compounds where if you drive up to their gates (not sure who they are) they greet you with automatic rifles which might not be a big deal in the southwest or deep south but in California, it catches you off guard. I rolled with one of the totse crew at a hookup who was telling me this crazy shit.
  18. slide22 African Astronaut
    Why doesn't the Admin make a replacement word for Zoomer?

    How about The Zeldas
  19. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat

    I feel bad for rektin her on tiny.

    I was just playing around but she was having a bad day and started crying and I tried to say I was sorry and comfort her but some other faggots booted me out. :( You just can't troll with MOON PERSON or Zoomers because they're so overly sensitive.
  20. slide22 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker You are stupid Paul

    I am not PAUL. get your facts straight. Im' sure we're not neighbors either
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