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Posts by Back Lane Madders

  1. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Paper towel I meant then sit an iron on medium and push steam into it
  2. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I have a white one of those

    got hammered and spilled wax everywhere, still haven't figured out how to get it out of the lounge

    Towel and an clthes iron on top
  3. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny not after the coming tropical storm

    Which is one season a year..and maybe 3 weeks if that
  4. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny insulators dont insulate one against wetness.

    I can't help it you live in a third world district of a first world nation

    Get a dehumidifier
  5. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny your mentally unwell

    They may make some shitty grade of styrofoam from melted beads today but it's just chemicals that foam up..hense the name, StyroFOAM
  6. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny insulators dont insulate one against wetness.


    I live in a mostly dry climate. Unless we get monsoons from gulf of Mexico the bay area is fairly dry. The delta is a bit dank but nothing like Houston or Louisiana.

    Most of Texas is bone dry. El Paso for one.
  7. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny styrofoam is the #1 contributor to microplastics in our environment.

    It's not mad from microplastc. It's a chemical mixture. They're not beads they're just liquids.
  8. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny nobody needs insukation in tex has.

    He lives in eastern tex, it's pretty humid there. I traveled through outside of Houston to NOLA once

    Baton Rouge we had dinner. Like an armpit of fucking slime. Nice people though. Proper. But that was the 80s
  9. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Twice as efficient in heating and cooling as a wood structure

    They should build moldings and fill in-between liquid styrofoam and then remove the moldings , do all of the electrical (solar/Tesla battery pack) then apply the lightweight concrete mix and mud and finish it

    House knocked out in 3 weeks

  10. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Shipping containers are like 6k last time I checked. You can cut the sides to make a wide doorway and mirror 2 and weld or bolt them together to make a good size room.

    There is still a lot of fiberglass required for insulation

    There is a new styrofoam house that they pour concrete over that can be built in days but the styrofoam is assembled in pieces as the molding of sort

    It's pretty cool. It is also the insulation
  11. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster I helped to develop a similar medical device like that for pedophile sex offenders except it just slices their dick off when they stick it inside

    Ngr Fgt
  12. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    I have ADD and I can't read more than 2 long pages before mental drift.

    Reading forum threads is my reading level
  13. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    I believe we died in 2012 and many of you are demons who are here to annoy us during the cleansing period of purgatory
  14. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Rape Monster If you buy land how far underground do you own it

    500 feet unless you own the mineral rights

    I doubt anyone would dig deeper than 30 feet tops without heavy duty equipment
  15. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Your in wariat mode with your post content.

    Not one post

    You're delusional and require memory care
  16. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker He is his own douchebag.

    You are queen of Douchebags, Mary
  17. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by cigreting You can apply for an easement

    There are several people's property bordering thousand of acres. There isn't even a public road between the collective properties. We're talking miles away from a public road.
  18. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    He was taking an emotional break from his suffering.

    He wasn't laughing at the death of his child
  19. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny idk.

    idk any landfills and i dont speak their language.

    They would tell you their tummies hurt from the poisons
  20. Back Lane Madders African Astronaut
    Current Batteries are a nightmare for landfills
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