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Thanked Posts by troon

  1. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Enigma Scron and I already have sifted our community for them and he got one, we ran the other one (troon) off the site. Good luck, if you find some lmk so I can directly compete against you.

    did you fuck
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  2. troon African Astronaut
    fust jelt like it
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  3. troon African Astronaut
    when i was 15 i sprayed deodorant down on my crotch for when my gf was gonna give me a bj. she actally stopped sucking to ask if that's what i'd done and when i said yes she laughed, but not in an amused way, more like in a "you fucking arse" sort of way, and it wasn't a good bj after that.

    i never sprayed my balls again. slide22 is telling it straight, don't do that shit
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  4. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready my modem driver

    did you post this in the mid 90s?
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  5. troon African Astronaut
    i heard it sank because there were pajeets on board

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  6. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump The designated shitting area is by the viewport up front.

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  7. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls imma shank dat yute if he touch my kaffacakes

    she's taken mate

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  8. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka I don’t want to have a baby alone because I’m easily stressed and it isn’t ideal for them not to have a father. I really can’t see myself getting married though… I’m going to get my eggs frozen in future anyway

    please god no kafka. your threads could dismantle the pro-life lobby.
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  9. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra could you ever be sure it was COVID and not a cold or flu though, considering they mutate constantly and some years are far worse than others? generally speaking it's the persistent dry cough that differentiates COVID but it's not that uncommon of a symptom regardless.

    when I had it (twice) the only thing that really felt different to me was the complete lack of energy; I could barely bring myself to move for a few days. the first time was way worse but I was also withdrawing so I imagine that didn't help a whole lot

    I'm sure it was covid. Symptoms that were new to me were the dry cough and loss of smell, but also a headache which I never get with colds or flu, maybe a little if really congested, but it was sore at the top/back of my head which i'd never had before. I also got floored for maybe a day or so.

    It's not impossible the tests picked up something else, but five people get colds etc. with negative results, then all five get covid with covid symptoms and corresponding test results. It's stretching reason to think it was anything else.
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  10. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra 2023 is going to be wild

    car dealers and loan providers know that people cannot afford to pay off their loans and won't be able to trade in because loan costs are outpacing the value of the vehicles themselves, so they're apparently dropping the stipulation that you cannot have an existing auto loan to get a new one.

    they're counting on people defaulting on their existing loans with their existing providers to get new ones, and they're encouraging this behaviour because it's the only way they stay in business

    they're normalising people getting their shit repossessed so they can take out fresh loans

    i keep hoping, but they just inflate their way out of everything. it's the benefit of having a fiat currency.

    every time i think of everything going properly tits up I get that 'christmas morning' feeling of excitement but, continuing the metaphor, i just get socks. used ones at that. there's always something. money's a myth.
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  11. troon African Astronaut
    It's interesting to see how actual experience can differ from reporting. There were five of us together in a house during the covid times (all leading relatively normal lives, independently mixing with other people).

    We all avoided covid for ages, but when one got it, we all eventually succumbed with me being last. We'd had various other minor bugs previously, and tested negative as expected. We knew when it was covid, because of the weird symptoms.

    Nobody ever got a false-positive or a false-negative, and PCR tests always independently corresponded to lateral-flow results. My own positive result felt significant because I was last, and so had accumulated a whole load of previous negative results.

    It's enough to convince me that covid was detectable and could be detected reliably enough (whether it always was is another matter).
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  12. troon African Astronaut
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  13. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra NO GIRLS ALLOWED

    they were queuing for a monkeypox vax

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  14. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley What are you doing, troon, that you are so afraid of being discovered in the act of?

    i'm secretly trying to enslave you so that YOU'RE the bottom, not me

    ETA: honestly bradley, i'm not actually that bothered about being doxxed, i'm a pretty boring person lol

    i just have the knowledge to do this stuff, so do it. i don't have to worry about having some smelly little basement dweller come throw shit at my door, because then i'd have to kick his little cunt in and i can usually do without the hassle (unless i'm in a bad mood).
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  15. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Not a guess…I've visually confirmed dozens.

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  16. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Bakhmut is a nightmare

    Soledar directi situation as of 13.00 on December 14, 2022

    The assault detachments of the Wagner PMCs are fighting on the eastern outskirts of Bakhmut in the industrial zone and on the approaches to the settlement.

    🔻 At the Bakhmut site, Russian troops are fighting street battles in the east of the city. Intense clashes are taking place on Fedor Maksimenko Street and on Pervomaisky Lane.

    ▫️ In the Opytne "Wagnerians" are pushing through a powerful fortified area in the village. The forces of the 53rd ombr are trying to restrain the advance on Shkolnaya Street by equipping strong points in houses.

    ▫️ Also, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are advancing to the northeast of Bakhmut, approaching the positions of 128 ogshbr in Podhorodnoye.

    ▫️ To contain the advance in the north, engineering and sapper groups blew up a railway overpass over the highway on the northern outskirts of Bakhmut.

    ▫️ In addition, the Ukrainian command of the 28th ombr, responsible for the Kurdyumovka — New York line, decided to undermine the dam in the Ozaryanovka area by sabotage.

    ▫️ A counteroffensive of the AFU is planned in the vicinity of Bakhmut. For this purpose, 500 mobilized without heavy armored vehicles are being transferred to the area of the city and Chasov Yar. At the same time, the arrival at the unloading station is delayed.

    🔻At the Soledarsky site, units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation established control over the platoon strongpoint on the approaches to Soledar.

    ▫️ Positional battles are continuing in the Lisichansk area in the Belogorovka area. An armored combat vehicle with nine fighters was sent to assist 81 oaembr APU. However, the BBM got bogged down in the mud and the Ukrainian group abandoned it, heading to the village on foot.
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  17. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    i'm hoping they at least fuck. i want to imagine they reach resonant equilibrium
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  18. troon African Astronaut
    I'd like to thank Dr Peter Daszak for a total chill couple of years. Cheers nigga!
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  19. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka thought I was going to cry in public or attack someone.

    fucking lol you maniac

    Originally posted by Kafka There should be an app to find a cuddle buddy. I don’t want sex.

    i no longer endorse bradley for physical intimacy, not even platonic, at least not without some kind of sturdy ass shield.
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  20. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ My home is like I feel so uncreative here. When I go out anywhere I instantly feel different like a different person. At my place lately, it's like it's a creative trap. It's actually pretty intriguing how just the atmosphere I'm around can change my brain chemistry to such a degree.

    i think vinny's right. you need to change the layout or even the purpose of rooms to change the daylight you experience.

    I have a dream that's recurred a few times, it's just a place, a stone wall that's too high to see over on an otherwise empty street. it seems quite dark or at least shady. I love the feeling of that place, because I don't know what's over the wall. It's a visual representation of hope and optimism.

    Some actual places can give me the same optimistic feeling.

    Also, what home is not improved by the addition of a cat?
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