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Posts by kroz

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    i agree 100 percent that whytes are dying out but cucks like you and inifintiycuck and linzy syzweilcel do nothing but live in your cars and bitch and moan about it, be the change you want to see, you talk about handsome and well tanned individuals but obviously you're a shit head which is way worse than being a handsome and well tanned individual


  2. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Hikikomori-Yume mmq is an idiot who refuses to see the truth

    there is an ongoing war right now against European people
    the jedi is literally attempting to genocide European people out of existence using covert means

    it's all good though because what the handsome and well tanned individuals don't realize is they are literally digging their graves right now

    lol aren't you dying in your car grave?
  3. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  4. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
  5. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † Windows. Many of them.

    You're the quintessential window licker

    Danke~!, Derpadew!
  6. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † Sorry but I don't drink. I'm not a loser.

    Danke! Dir auch.

    Yeah I gotcha I'm not a loser either I don't smoke bongs and stare out of my window
    of my mothers house all day err day being sad and perpetually butt hurt
  7. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † I wish I could get myself to read this thread because I'm sure it's a proper trainwreck but I just can't.

    Are there any posts here I'd thank?

    you can thank this one you cuck
  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † I'm none of those things. Want a hug?

    sure as long as we can have a brew before hand and talk our differences out, I don't like half assing things.

    Either way happy thanksgiving riser.
  9. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    welcome to trumps america, hurrrrrr

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-11-22T22:34:55.996616+00:00
  10. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by RisiR † Never happened.

    You look like sploo by the way, chubby cheeckster.

    Source that it didn't happen? And actually I cut my hair so I don't look like sploo anymore, but who knows he could be a distant relative. And I've actually been losing weight recently

    why are you so butt hurt constantly and toxicity and negative riser?
  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    ^hey riser why you so butt hurt again?
  12. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    I was drinking earlier today and drove my friends pristine condition white oldsmobile listening to some tunes on the radio as it doesn't have an aux hole or a cd player, just being happy go lucky and gonting it up to go get a wendy's baconator. And I have to drive through the heb parking lot to get to it and its crazy busy because everyone is getting stuff for tomorrow, and some old black guy and his wife park right in front of the store blocking all of this traffic even tho there are signs saying to not park there, usually there is a security guard that shews them away, anyways I'm like whatever their old and I stick my head out of my window and shake my fist at them calling them wippersnappers and they bet hurry up just joking and the black guy starts laughing and I start beeping my horn, not leaning on it but just light beeps *beep beep beep beeeb beep* and the black lady tells me she will leave the cart in front of my car if i do it again, so i beeped again and she laughed and moved her cart away.

    All of suddenly some lesbo with blue hair and all these piercings in her ugly face at the entrance of the store started walking up towards me but stopped like 20 feet away yelling asking why I'm an asshole and just don't go around them (I couldn't go around them because I was too close to them at that point and theres uncoming traffic)and people actually started looking at that point.. and I yelled back to her, why don't you mind your business? and she yelled back well why do have to be an asshole? And I yelled back why don't you mind your own business you fucking slampig?! and her beta cuck bf was like 5 feet behind her in a defensive yet submissive posture smirking, because he knows she's not like those other girls and theirs no one else like her in the world, theirs something different in her eyes, she's something hard to find.

    At the same time some guy was sitting in his truck 50 feet away watching this entire exchange right after he got hung up on by a girl who was complaining about how she's getting a divorce from her husband and he's not allowed to have thxgiving with his mom but she is, while her poor mum has thxgiving by herself in houston.. the guy said "whimpy wimpy whimpers" and there was a pause, then a dial tone...

  13. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by bling bling dougan my boddy if u dont choose something to belief then u become the ghost ship lost at sea

    ygm rt

  14. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by bling bling dougan my boddy if u dont choose something to belief then u become the ghost ship lost at sea

    ygm rt

    i dont get it...
  15. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by Totse 2001 The people who used her should be held just as responsible as the raper.

    pretty much
  16. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by benny vader just make sure you dont ever get yourself jaggermaster or gin. those things are shits.

    I like jager and if I would drink it i definitely wouldn't water it down that would suck and i dont like gin, but how much do you water down say whiskey? do you just ice cube it or what?
  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by benny vader yes, i do.

    as a matter of fact, heineken used to be one of my favourite beer. but after a while i quit beers becos they gave me stomick bloats,

    and i moved to whiskies & vodka, i'd water them down to about 8-12%abv becos theres really no reason to torture myself and burning my throat with 40%abv. its a more efficeint way to get the buzz without bloating my stomick.

    thats actually a good idea, I think I will try that thanks for the advice lil bromo
  18. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    But anyways on a much lighter note, we are here in cuffing season and I already have a gf so I'm getting hit up constantly by slammers on okcupid so I'll give my lil rap and be cordial and suggest that they loan me some money or want to party but im lacking funds.

    more like cucking season am i right fam?

  19. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink

    absolutely disgusting and deplorable, she was sodomized

    "The federal government today sided with the guardian of a teenage girl who was raped during a botched sting operation in the boy's bathroom, arguing the Madison County School system was liable under federal law to investigate harassment and protect female students. "A school board cannot avoid summary judgment as a matter of law when a school administrator willfully ignores a plan to use a 14-year-old special needs student as bait to catch a student with a known history of sexual and violent misconduct, and as a result, the student is sodomized," reads the federal brief filed in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals late today..” *

    the degeneracy of the alt-left never ceases to amaze me, disgusting
  20. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by benny vader be a man and get some tall cans. those short canns are for girls.

    im pretty sure that is a tall can considering the length from the top of the can to the logo.

    Do you even beer?
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