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Posts by HapaGod420

  1. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Solstice It's not exactly a pleasant topic of conversation

    He talked about his crew in the military all being slaughtered but they let him go
    Think about that, had things gone differently I wouldn’t be alive.
  2. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Solstice In China they grind up all their dead people and make them into a stew then serve it to their factory workers.

    My dad never mentioned anything like that
  3. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    I was a member of a crip gang on yahoo messenger
    We rolled hard, shouting people down in chat rooms spamming our colors with emotes and I would boot people
    Real hardcore shit man

    Hat I funk wariat
  4. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    The only gang OP has ever been involved in is a gang bang involving lots of men
  5. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Folks I hope my balls will be ok
  6. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Not even being high off a huge dab hit scared me like this one time I just lost it
    I was here in the apartment and suddenly I felt off, almost a type of dissociation and then I worried my mind would suddenly shut down and I would die, all I could think of was why am I alive and I could die any moment, then my heart started racing and I was worried I would stop breathing.
    I ended up going to the hospital, the whole episode lasted like three or so hours.
    I think this was triggered by alcoholism, as I was hungover and had drank three days in a row, this was around Christmas.
  7. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Chick fil a breakfast burrito and pot stickers
  8. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Being paranoid on weed is not harmless.
    You have a rapid heart rate, hallucinations and think people are out to get you.
  9. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    I’ve been deathly ill since yesterday
    Slept the whole day and even then felt like shit all the way through
    Puked over nine thousand times pic is my bucket

    Fuck this shit I’m done with alcohol for good this time
    I’m so tired of being sick all the time, I’m literally hungover every other day
    I’ve been struggling with this for 12 years, none of you have ever experienced such torment.
  10. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    ^ awful taste
    Typical normie dude weed stereotype

    This is what I listen to when blazing

  11. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    It’s thc extract, you dab it on a special bong where you use a flamethrower to heat up a coil and then vaporizer the extract
    It gets you extremely high, this one mexican in San Diego gave a huge one and I got super paranoid.
  12. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Wariat whats a dab?

    Are you seriously telling me you don’t know about dabbing?
  13. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Hey wariat you know what would be really awful

    Imagine doing a dab while being inside a prison
  14. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Originally posted by Wariat the original og classic?


    Originally posted by Wariat have you played mother 3 yet?

  15. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Maybe eventually
    I’m playing deus ex right now
  16. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
  17. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Scorn is such a piece of garbage
  18. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
  19. HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Back in the early days when the DK1 had come out and soon the dk2.

    There was so much enthusiasm back then, people were actually pioneering a new technology and everything was from scratch.
    People didn’t even know anything back then, things like locomotion and how to interact with virtual worlds were not yet solved and still aren’t to this day.
    There weren’t any minorities or normies, just techy fuys and one or two females (trannies).
    This was like the mid 00s web and internet before everything went to shit.
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