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The worst panic attack I have ever had was while I was sober

  1. #1
    HapaGod420 Yung Blood (banned)
    Not even being high off a huge dab hit scared me like this one time I just lost it
    I was here in the apartment and suddenly I felt off, almost a type of dissociation and then I worried my mind would suddenly shut down and I would die, all I could think of was why am I alive and I could die any moment, then my heart started racing and I was worried I would stop breathing.
    I ended up going to the hospital, the whole episode lasted like three or so hours.
    I think this was triggered by alcoholism, as I was hungover and had drank three days in a row, this was around Christmas.
  2. #2
    WellHung Black Hole
    nice. Sounds like a good one. 👍
  3. #3
    "I drank for 3 days in a row then stopped while hungover, I dunno why I got so anxious"
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