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Thanked Posts by Totse2k1

  1. Totse2k1 Houston
    Folks I have prostate cancer and I am going to be starting chemotherapy. I have stage 3 so they may be able to treat it.

    I want to thank everybody in our community who didn't call me a pedophile and had good discussions with.

    I hate BradleyB but I secretly liked all of his posts and threads too, just not all the gay stuff but he does have a really nice cock. If I was gay I would want to be gay with him.

    So I'm not going to be posting much anymore. I guess there's some other guy pretending to be me, PauL Wozny the original Beige Warlock, Totse2k1, and Quick Mix Ready and that's fine. I'm tired of fighting with internet trolls and need to focus on my cancer treatment.

    So I guess this is it everyone. Bye.
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  2. Totse2k1 Houston
    Red I am really disappointed in you. Are you a fed? You a glowie? Trying to get us to call the police number? Is that funny to you?
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  3. Totse2k1 Houston
    I eat healthy for 2 meals out of the day then I have 1 cheat meal and 1 desert. So because of the milkshake I will count this as my desert meal. If I have a bowl of Cheerios, this desert meal of salmon and milk shake and pita bread (which is really healthy for me the doctor said), it's not bad to go to Burger King or Taco Bell for lunch and have something healthy like Mac and cheese for dinner.

    I'm losing a lot of weight (8 pounds this year so far) and my A1c is a lot better after I started limiting myself to 4 sodas a day.
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  4. Totse2k1 Houston
    Eating smoked salmon with buttered pita bread and a chocolate milkshake. My diabetes isn't under control but the doctor said it's better because I've been eating healthier.
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  5. Totse2k1 Houston
    Hey everyone local pedophile Paul Wozny/Totse 2k1/Pete Green/etc

    Folks it's super easy to understand.

    Did they have a weapon?

    Did they cause you "substantial bodily injury?" (a bloody nose or a split in the skull will work, if they do anything with the weapon, yes.)

    Did they make violent threats or any verifiable third party about you?

    Did they brandish (Pull out the knife, point the gun, after hitting you hold their hands up, anything will probably work)?

    Were you afraid for your life because they were committing a violent felony against you?
    You already know they were.

    Remember if you can legally do something to them once, you can actually do it to them 17 times (firearms, depending on clip size) or 2-5 stab wounds, but you have to do it in one sitting, you can't stop and then shoot him again or stop and them stab him on the ground, that's unacceptable.

    But if you stab him twice back to back in two important place or (if not a felon) dump the entire clip on them in 3 seconds.

    You were justified in using deadly force to resist the attempts at your life. I hope youa ll remember this and do not allow yourself to be victimized by criminals.
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  6. Totse2k1 Houston
    If I ever go to St Louis I swear to God I'm going to cut you in half p****
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  7. Totse2k1 Houston
    Honestly I hate to say this but I got past the pedophiles I got past the weirdos I got past the chink that's a f****** weirdo pedo too and I got past every single thing that I could possibly think I could get over but I cannot forgive someone f****** going out of their way to f****** tell him a little old Bradley be who the f*** is he f****** tell him m************ that I'm going to f****** do bad stuff m*********** why don't you go do something with your f****** life other than leave me a f*** alone f****** rip told you you're a f****** b**** and f****** trayvon Martin hates you too. Everyone does.
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  8. Totse2k1 Houston
    What a fuckin faggot
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  9. Totse2k1 Houston
    Polecat commented on it at one point, rick has never had a wife. Most completely gay men who are 'receivers' don't have children, ex girlfriends, any commitment to anyone (the flamboyant fag son) Most homosexual men from like the suburbs, or the woods, or "up north in upper New York Snowmobiling country" dont come off as gay, but like these fruits.

    Folks this faggot is gayer than me.

    Him and Lil Richard have been "roommates" for 13 1/2 years, in a single bedroom trailer, there nearest neighbor is one mile away.

    Rick does not work, does not have government money, receives no food stamps, does not file taxes, u know what he does for Polecat to give him half of everything he owns?

    He sucks his dick and gets fucked like a little faggot is supposed to.

    Now Polecat goes to work full time, he raises chickens, this nigga is always traveling and he likes outdoor sports...

    And has a man at home living for free whose one job is to feed the dog… Oh and have dinner ready.

    Folks I was not born under the dumbfuck tree.

    So Rick the Dick sits at home 24/7 for the last 12 years straight, doesn't work, doesn't buy food, doesn't have anything contributing, just lets a dog out a couple times a day.

    Folks Polecat is a homosexual. I welcome him to the LGBT&T Homosexuals United. Please tell Rick to make an account too, he sounds like a really wonderful (32 year old man who doesn't pay any of his bills while Poley takes care of him, and 'really takes care of him')
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  10. Totse2k1 Houston
    The second book, if you care to discuss it ever, is one of my favorites.
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  11. Totse2k1 Houston
    I agree with Brad for once more over I regret that I lost my quick mix ready account when my computer went on the fritz and GiGi told me the Colorado expenses were priority. I had invested in the stock market in 94 not in Netscape but something like Netscape except I didn't make any money. And I knew the markets
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  12. Totse2k1 Houston
    tara told me she has multiple accounts including futureman that she pretends to be when no one will talk to her because she has a strong desire for attention &&&&& no one to give it to her.
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  13. Totse2k1 Houston
    Yeah. You are really blessed
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  14. Totse2k1 Houston
    Why? Literally I do the same thing as you except I choose to prefer meth to coke and prefer to snort it instead of smoke it.

    Same political belief.

    Same sexuality.

    Same irrational knowledge.

    Same worship of the Triangular.

    Same economic position.

    Same racial make up.

    Same class in society.

    What don't you like about yourself that you see in me?
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  15. Totse2k1 Houston
    except (this is where I think a lot of your jealousy comes in)

    Germanic Round Face > Rat Face

    Crippling alcoholism > Crippling hard drug addiction

    Showered > Unshowered

    Full of teeth aside from half a molar i cracked getting kicked in the face > Meth Mouth

    Enough intelligence to pursue middle age college > Not enough intelligence to get a GED

    Large Cock > Small Cock

    Is it our differences that bother you Ratface?
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  16. Totse2k1 Houston
    OK Hey Candy, I can't getintoo my regular Bradley account.
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  17. Totse2k1 Houston
    Wow and i thought bradly was stupid.
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  18. Totse2k1 Houston
    ya that's pretty gay bro
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  19. Totse2k1 Houston
    Hey folks, I really enjoy reading books when I'm incarcerated, especially if they're long as fuck. One of my favorite authors is Kevin Follet, better known as Kevin Filet-o-Fish, he writes some fire book sand is like 60 years old (people that begin their literary writing careers in the 20s with successful novels generally only get better and better till about 80 when they're too old to construct long winded plots like Harpee Lee, Steinbeck, etc)

    So ok here me out, this nigga is only getting better at writing. I've read about 75% of his books. This series is 4 part tome. Now I'm talking about 950 pages of small print, 1100 on the second one, 980 on the fourth one. (we'll get to the missing third book soon)

    So the book is about uh ok so i haven't read the first one in awhile, like 8 or 9 years. I found it in the non library book pile (where you can take them and have them forever and destroy them or color on them or anything, like books they getting rid of) without a cover. I made sure the last page was there (a lot of people are dicks in prison and rip out the last chapter for lulz then write "haha bitch!" on the last page)

    so i'm thinking ok and read probably 8 books so far by Ken Follet and they were pretty aight, his older ones like the Key to Rebecca were 1970 or so era, you can tell he evolved as an author. And as a best selling author he got to devote his life to researching relatively obscure topics which brings us to the first book in this series:

    summary from my bad memory:

    This one nigga builds bridges or some shit, and by nigga i mean an strong pure anglo saxon white man who is not gay at all like bradleyb but not as good looking but equally smart (which is very) so he be building bridges, oh by the way it's like 1235 AD and the romans run england. So this nigga good as fuck at building bridges and kinda comes up with some ideas that make his bridges super leet and he gets asked by the church (the great authority of the land at this time) to start working on cathedrals. Now you might htink this is boring but it follows his 35 year career as he builds cathedrals. at one point his wife gets raped by his brother and ken follet is a dirty man and probably a sadist cuz he wrote like 4 microprinted pages of the rape which kinda says a lot the ending is kinda i don't know, good but not memorable it follows a bunch of the improvements in archetecture.

    oh and there's some buttfuckery (homo) between a priest and a young (but legal age) boy. I jacked off to that part.

    summary from Wikipedia

    The Pillars of the Earth is a historical novel by Welsh author Ken Follett published in 1989 about the building of a cathedral in the fictional town of Kingsbridge, England. Set in the 12th century, the novel covers the time between the sinking of the White Ship and the murder of Thomas Becket, but focuses primarily on the Anarchy. The book traces the development of Gothic architecture out of the preceding Romanesque architecture, and the fortunes of the Kingsbridge priory and village against the backdrop of historical events of the time.

    it was pretty fire.

    Second book in the series:

    World Without End

    It follows the niggas great grandson who also is an innovator but this one is more focused on a plot (thank god) i was on a lot of shitty drugs at the time so I dont remember good details but essentially it has the black death and a long war and there's more rape (but no gay shit) and basically painted the catholics as pieces of shit with their ulterior motives for the 100 years war

    summary from the interwebs:

    World Without End takes place in the same fictional town as Pillars of the Earth — Kingsbridge — and features the descendants of some Pillars characters 157 years later. The plot incorporates two major historical events, the start of the Hundred Years' War and the Black Death.

    apparently they made this into some faggoty ass TV miniseries along with the first book. Kinda cringy lookin, but IDK I don't suck BBC but in England it was pretty popular on their socialist television station.

    There is a third book, but because I don't actually buy books that are fictional (Not paying for lies), i also don't reread fiction books except 1984, but i do reread non fiction books to further learn and enhance my recall so anyway, I didn't really know there was a third book but apparently there is. Not gonna post the summary cuz i'll probably read it in my next prison bid.

    But anyway, the third book is called A Pillar of Fire. This niggas books are just getting better and better not gonna lie.

    As many of you know I worship Odin, the alfather of the Germanic pantheon, so get this!!!

    I'm at the library in the colored part of town and they have a book sale, hardcover 2$ softcover 1$ and I see a book with Runes on the binding and i grab it on a lark, see it's a kevin filet of fish book, about VIKINGS. READY FOR THIS

    DUDE WROTE A PREQUEL (that's a pre book before another book that previously was released) about England leading up to the Pillars of the Earth novel!!!!

    I was like no fucking way, and because niggers don't read 960 page books about White people in 997AD the shit was brand new, the coverpaper wasn't even creased. And it's all about Odin worshipping vikings raiding Normandy & northern England just straight fucking these christians and im like yaaaa! and all his books are relaly factually accurate so i'm like a hunnit pages into it cuz i got it two days ago and there's been a countess daughter who was fuckin on this other little girl and she was a freak and then she finds this big strong bradleyB lookin ass nigga from far away who was sent to her town to ask her father for help defending against hte viking berserkers (raiders) and she was steady gettin piped aned then there's another angle where this boat building family survives a viking raid but the town burns so they gotta go try farming at this shitty estate some gay (literally a homo) priest gave them because it's worthless land and it's pretty straight how the different protaganists are all coming together.

    Haven't seen too much of the Odin worshipping guys but I'm sure they'll be included in the 85% I have remaining. All of them look like BradleyB and are really successful and violent and have huge cocks.

    The Evening and the Morning is a historical fiction novel by Welsh author Ken Follett. It is a prequel to The Pillars of the Earth set starting in 997 CE, and covering a period in the late Dark Ages and under the backdrop of Viking raids, through the year 1007 CE. The book expands upon the history and founding of the fictional town of Kingsbridge, England, and the construction of the bridge and cathedral there. It was released on September 15, 2020

    shit was a 34.95$ book on the MSRP that's expensive as fuck and it's got Rating: 4.6 with ‎54,206 reviews. That's pretty fucking good for a historical adventure novel about a fucking boat builder's son and some young little slut.

    54k reviews in 22 months? God damn and that's just Amazon.

    & that folks wraps up my book series review of the kingsbridge series by ken filet o' fish
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  20. Totse2k1 Houston
    The series has been described as being "as comprehensive an account of the building of a civilization — with its laws, structures, customs and beliefs — as you are likely to encounter anywhere in popular fiction."[15]
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