Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina
well if the Lord didnt intend for children to be sexed then He wouldnt have made it possible
Its only possible during and after puberty, prepubescent is for teaching the child to function in the world and for what they are meant to do. During puberty is for them to explore and learn about bodies, near the end of puberty is where they care for the child they made during puberty
Originally posted by Crispy
Its only possible during and after puberty, prepubescent is for teaching the child to function in the world and for what they are meant to do. During puberty is for them to explore and learn about bodies, near the end of puberty is where they care for the child they made during puberty
then can you tell me why its possible for an adult man to insert his genital into the genital of a prepubescent female child.
its not possible for an adult male dog to insert its genital into the genital of a prepubescent female puppy because theres no opening there.
Originally posted by Crispy
Its possible, but it rips and puts the kid in pain. So its not there for sex.
the same happens to a 19 year old if that was her first time, r u saying virgins arent suited for sexes ?
If she cant get wet, she shouldnt be fucked
not even every adult women get wet everytime a man tries to penetrate them. but fuck they did.
also, let this be known:
johnson&johnson baby shampoo can be used on more than just babies or hairs. regardless of where you deploy it or on whom, it is guaranteed to keep its promises - no more tears.
Hmm, that's kind of a problem in having sex with older women, lack of natural lubrication. Especially when your penis size is thicker than the average.
I hate that. Even the largest size condoms are painfully tight on my penis.
But I don't have sex anymore, been celibate over 10 years now. I just want to be traditional. If there's no love it's pointless. I really only ever had sex just to experience it once before I died, and it was addictive but I had to call it quits because there was no love. I'm shallow and I will die alone but that's what I've always wanted, to die alone in the forest, fighting the elements or wild animals, or government fags that are trying to hunt me.
Originally posted by 🦄🌈 MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING - vaxxed and octoboosted 💉 (we beat covid!) 👬💕👭🍀 (🍩✊)
I don't like those who are intolerant of others and who go around making lists of things they don't like