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Posts by Deanna Troi

  1. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    He's slammin pigs in the sky now

    He died a good Christian
  2. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by WellHung how did doug die?


    I think Epstein killed him.
  3. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra did one of ours drop the raid off? weird choice if not intentional

    The memorial is actually for a queen that got killed by a cop with an itchy spraying finger. The Raid can is symbolic
  4. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai Hey, I'm not a felon. Mostly for the very simple reason that Canadian law doesn't have the misdemeanor/felony dichotomy. That said, the felony equivalent in Canadian terminology - an indictable offense - is still not a thing I've ever been charged with, let alone found guilty of.

    If it looks like a felon

    Smells like a felon

    Talks like a felon

    It's probably a felon, felon.
  5. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai Don't worry I make a conscious effort to avoid communicating with people. I'm never going to try to get a hold of you. In fact, if you message me I also probably won't respond. We can mutually ignore each others presence on our friends lists. It's fine. It's perfect.

    That's how a friendship should be
  6. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    One of them translates to:

    Brotherhood of the Gunslinging Latinos
  7. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Yeah, most of you stew alone and become angry and resentful and as a safe outlet go online and troll and shit up online forums with your paranoid and hate filled schizo bullshit.

    I don't know if Bill Krozby had any mental health issues but I really appreciate that he was always fun to be around.

    Very fun when he chokes people

    Or spazzes out in public trying to steal phones

    Getting fired for sending dick pics

    Really just a fun, jovial guy
  8. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Yeah, I'm not saying they just make up a bullshit price. Its just an inefficient business model and its awesome to see an efficient one in action. A lot of the hemp stuff I get comes straight from the labs or farms that make/grow it. They always have the best quality and price. Buying from a shop or dealer just sucks by comparison.
  9. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo Shut the fuck up faggot, Bill Krozby had a better personality than you and was infinitely and objectively more likeable. Nobody cares that he did some shitty things, there's no point in saying that besides as an acknowledgement of how jealous you are

    Source? Your post was literally thanked by two felons and you're a felon and Bill Krozby was a felon. Scron SHOULD be a felon, but he's only sleeping with HTS the felon.

    Birds of a feather, I guess...

    Maybe one of you will suicide next?
  10. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Poor Douglas. Another one bites the dust.

    Yes but now his daughter can collect survivor benefits/child support from the grave
  11. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by aldra wait the government pays you for that?

    Ya you better go collect
  12. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost seriously thats pretty fucked

    Why are you on welfare anyways. I thought only HTS was because the government paid her off not to hold knives to anyone's throat again
  13. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready could of sworn you were mocking them in another thread.

    is there two of you?

    ? There is one of me
  14. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Fonaplats Who left him a can of Raid?

    Fucking lol
  15. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by chzbrgr I've had cyclical depression since I was 13, which leads me to think it may actually be something more like bipolar disorder. I've been anxious ever since I could remember, even as a young child. My mother is terribly anxious and believe I absorbed that energy in the womb. But, I nearly committed suicide when I was 18, so they sent me to the doctor finally and I was just diagnosed with depression and anxiety. A therapist I went to briefly then I said I had severe social anxiety. Over the past few years I've done more self assessment and research and think I'm falling more in the realm of ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and/or autism spectrum. And I've got some PTSD from some of the things Doug put me through, unfortunately, but I finally went to domestic violence survivor counseling a couple years ago after the last time we engaged with each other and I've been doing a lot better the past year or so in that regard.

    I've never been much of a drinker. I've only got drunk enough to puke once. Only drugs I've done were mostly with Doug and it was infrequent and nothing very serious; Klonopin, Gabapentin, Vicodin, Acid, GHB, all about once each except for the Gaba, but that was only a few times. I just smoke weed daily, but usually just after work or on days off. I've had issues with binge eating; I guess you could say that's my vice, but I've been in control of it better lately.

    Who does opiates ONCE you crazy witch
  16. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ All the scary science thing test animals died within two years.

  17. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    I don't know who Gigi is
  18. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready is it true that you're related to Luigi? like half siblings or cousins?

    you dont look anything alike. he looks like a Frenchman Guy Fawkes mask and you look like a plump snapping-turtle left upside down out in the sun too long.

    Yes its true wtf. Who told you that
  19. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Meikai Apparently not everyone does. At least I read something to that effect at some point. I also remember an episode of the Ricky Gervais show where Ricky was mocking Karl Pilkington (as he is wont to do) for having an internal monologue/thinking in words. Ricky thought Karl was a fucking idiot for not just making abstract connections between ideas like "normal people". Ricky is kind of a dipshit.

    Fuck Ricky
  20. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by mmQ Sometimes I think about how many fucked up people there are inevitably like rapists and serial killers and whatnot, and it seems weird to me that humanity has existed this long without one of those fucked up people actually just pushing that proverbial red button.

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