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Posts by Deanna Troi

  1. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo My comfort zone overlaps with "the bone zone" and is adjacent to the "danger zone."

    I fucking dare your bubble yum ass to step into it

    Hubble Bubble Go Fuck Yourself.
  2. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by netstat i miss him

    What's there to miss about him?

    Him dead is a net benefit to his abandoned daughter. She's got a good 10-13yrs of financial help now. Before all she had was Bill Krozby dogs with stale buns and beer soaked brown bags. Sick shit.
  3. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Then wrap it yourself you lazy wreck
  4. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost go ahead and travel hundreds of miles to pee on some dirt thats all you can do because you're too much of a scared bitch to meet IRL and fight. How about you use the trip money to fly me to you or you to me and we will have a fight until one person gets knocked out.

    I'll pee on you after i set you on fire and cut your feet off with a rusty saw, bitch

    LMAO, sorry but I don't want to hurt you. Maybe you should get your boyfriend to fight me? Might be a fair fight then. As I remember it, he kicked your ass under the bridge after you stole his fleshlight... the one for his penis.

    remember that or no?

    I remember it ;)

    I remember
  5. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo I didn't turn out great at all. I've struggled and fought through many uncomfortable and difficult situations buy have never been one to run to the cocoon of ease and stagnant growth. Hiki consistently demonstrates his inability to grow and how far he will go to prevent change. If you aren't willing to get out your comfort zone it's too late to grow

    is your comfort zone acting like a little bitch?
  6. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Mexico> Better culture that people around the world love.
  7. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked gargling cum has spiked ur T levels to monstrous proportions

    you would know about gargling cum you fucking snorlax
  8. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    why don't you stop fawning over Bill Krozby, candy?

    He's gone and never coming back.

  9. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost how about you just live in the country where you were born or where your family was born, fucking globalist weirdos.

    Okay. Go back to Europe then. Leave the Americas for the true Americans.

    Remember that all white people are evil except for 8 in particular.
  10. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Who is Keenan? The only person I see here is you, the little fool about to get creamed by me, the bean eating fuck you up machine.
  11. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Deanna Troi
  12. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by A College Professor okay penis-woman with a big mouth and no cream

    Are you upset because your little bromo died?
  13. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Move the Republicans to Russia

    Americans can now live and work in New Zealand unrestricted.

    Open borders with Mexico
  14. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by A College Professor pretty much this. opey is a total keyboard worrior-rat who always blabs out his shithole-pussy. i could easily kick his ass, hes a total woman with a penis who has no love for his block

    Little bitch I would cream you hard.
  15. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost you don't even know how to set up a stream, faggot

    Yea I do I'll just drop my trousers and let loose over his grave.

    I do it all the time
  16. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Ghost In my school lots of kids were Lebanese and they talked about how they were gonna join hamas and fight for their country.

    When they say "use kids" I think that ignores a large cultural aspect that these kids grow up in an occupation, it's a cultural thing on both sides.

    To the jedis they are all just evil terrorists which is why they have no problem blowing the kneecaps off a 14 year old for throwing a rock at a tank because next time it probably won't be a rock.

    They need to put the jedis and Palestinians in the Chinese camps and move the Uighurs and Rohingya to Israel. Chinese people love jedis for some reason so they wouldn't mind.
  17. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Misguided Russian Shut up faggot. Palestine uses both child and women suicide bombers all the time.

    Sounds outlandish, but you're westerners.

    Not a source but ok
  18. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    You don't need money to travel all you need is your thumb and the grace of God
  19. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo Imagine trying to drag a deceased easy targets name through the mud for clout on a dead message board.

    Just imagine some star trek character nobody gives a fuck about

    Bill Krozby was gay

    You're gay too

    I'm the only straight man here
  20. Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by General Butt.Naked I did leave bc of how shitty Bill Krozby n some others were being here over fubi, but i really cant imagine hating someone youve only met online.

    Even as repellent as i find wariat, id probably just give him a hig bc hes just a broken lil man continuing the cycle of noncery that was bediddled unto him when he was a wee gont,

    U gay faggit
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