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Think I can make it?

  1. #61
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kev with laissez faire capitalism, you would be eating out of a dumpster, dumbshit
    no more welfare for you

    at least hikki has a mom willing to pay for his upkeep, who would pay for yours?

    You really have no self awareness at all, do you?

    With Laissez faire capitalism, business owners would be able to invest in tamper proof dumpsters that charge a fee for the timer lock to be opened and I would not be desperate enough to beg for change to try and gamble with the waste boxes.

    You are thinking of an anarcho capitalist system with zero government. I'm just saying laizze faire, no government INTERFERENCE. Different things completely.

    My upkeep is already paid for and it always has been. I'm always looking for the next "thing" to make the big bucks, i'm looking at several crytocurrencies right now and i'm thinking about getting a position on that and I am learning about how to make money from video games and trading card games

    Less/no government regulation is always best because it means you have more opportunity to make money. I am starting from the bottom so whenever I try to make my own money all I face is regulation and obstacle from the government. Are people really that surprised that as a poor person on welfare I hate government regulation?

    I need to make more more than anyone else! why should I have to pay $100,000 for a license and an inspection when I am starting from the bottom. How about we start taxing the 1% instead of the 99%, or how about JUST LeAVE EVERYONE ALONE so we are all on an even playing field and can compete fairly.

    Is that such a radical idea? I don't think so.

  2. #62
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Wariat I never insulted you I just responded to you insulting or putting hiki down. I mean how is it too late for him if you turned out so well?

    I didn't turn out great at all. I've struggled and fought through many uncomfortable and difficult situations buy have never been one to run to the cocoon of ease and stagnant growth. Hiki consistently demonstrates his inability to grow and how far he will go to prevent change. If you aren't willing to get out your comfort zone it's too late to grow
  3. #63
    Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo I didn't turn out great at all. I've struggled and fought through many uncomfortable and difficult situations buy have never been one to run to the cocoon of ease and stagnant growth. Hiki consistently demonstrates his inability to grow and how far he will go to prevent change. If you aren't willing to get out your comfort zone it's too late to grow

    is your comfort zone acting like a little bitch?
  4. #64
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Deanna Troi is your comfort zone acting like a little bitch?

    My comfort zone overlaps with "the bone zone" and is adjacent to the "danger zone."

    I fucking dare your bubble yum ass to step into it
  5. #65
    Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Sudo My comfort zone overlaps with "the bone zone" and is adjacent to the "danger zone."

    I fucking dare your bubble yum ass to step into it

    Hubble Bubble Go Fuck Yourself.
  6. #66
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost My upkeep is already paid for and it always has been.

    by taxpayers. You are a shitstain on society.

    the gubmint forcing others to pay for your upkeep is totally not interference in peoples lives am i right?
  7. #67
    Ghost Black Hole
    it's not forced on anyone

    I also don't agree with taxes but that's another issue. Maybe I wouldn't be on welfare if I got to keep all the money I made instead of getting fucked by fees, taxes and regulation.

    You sound like a kike
  8. #68
    Kev Space Nigga
    not forced on anyone? did any of your neighbors who work for a living agree to give 1/5 of their paycheck to some useless methrat? youre a parasite, kind of like a kike.
  9. #69
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Wariat On the other hand plenty of people want me part of theirs because I am a world traveled college educated self made man martial artist world traveler etc. etc.

    Aren't you a convicted pedophile as well for that 12 year old girl you asked a police eoofficer to heelp yoou molest?

    no one wants a pedophile arund except ur boyfriend HikkiMorri/Japan is Forevere
  10. #70
    Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost it's not forced on anyone

    I also don't agree with taxes but that's another issue. Maybe I wouldn't be on welfare if I got to keep all the money I made instead of getting fucked by fees, taxes and regulation.

    You sound like a kike

    They take ur welfare?

    That's super fuckeed up. Why eveen give you 800 a month just to takee some back? JUst give me fucking less money.

    My SSI is tax free at 920 or so smackaroonies a month

    (I live at half thee american povoerty line and still send a couplee bucks to my Nigger friend in Gambia for him to buy rice and beans and alcohol with)
  11. #71
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
    bradly you get freebees and under the table for being proactive disassociator

    a tool for the profit team. secretly employed.
  12. #72
    Bradley Florida Man
    I GET THEM OVER THE TABLE dad and u know that
  13. #73
    Quick Mix Ready Dark Matter [jealously defalcate my upanishad]
  14. #74
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kev not forced on anyone?

    Nobody is forcing them to pay for my upkeep. They just pay taxes as per the law and have no control over how the government spends their money. They also send a lot of it to israel but if you disagree with that you're labelled a racist.

    So clearly the problem isn't what the tax money is being spent on, but the very idea of taxes themselves breeds corruption and mismanagement. More regulation always means someone will make a buck making someones else's job harder. That's just how the world works.

    You might not know these things because all you do is keep your head down and play by the rules. For people like you i'm sure you can't see any problems.

    Originally posted by Bradley They take ur welfare?

    That's super fuckeed up. Why eveen give you 800 a month just to takee some back? JUst give me fucking less money.

    My SSI is tax free at 920 or so smackaroonies a month

    (I live at half thee american povoerty line and still send a couplee bucks to my Nigger friend in Gambia for him to buy rice and beans and alcohol with)

    No, they don't touch my welfare (not yet at least) but when I had money and wanted to invest that money and use it to make more money is when the hands started to gravitate towards my pockets.

    Legal regulatory scam artists are like predators who's vision relies on movement. You are invisible unless you have a few thousand dollars and an idea, then they are on your ass and never forget about you.

    People say less regulation will mean more of that but I already live in a world with predatory monopolistic unfair greedy assholes so why the fuck should I want MORE LAWS MORE THINGS ILLEGAl. So they can press the boot down on my neck harder?

    You people are all fucked in the head. Do any of you own property? Maybe if you keep sucking the bosses dick and working hard and get that once a year vacation you can save up and afford it. Or maybe you can try to take that vacation money and flip it by starting a business, maybe you lose it all maybe you won't.

    Most people don't care to find out they just want to line their bank accounts, collect that $200, get to work early and be another cog in the machine.

    It's not for me.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. #75
    Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Didn't read
  16. #76
    Bradley Florida Man
    i read every post
  17. #77
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Nobody is forcing them to pay for my upkeep. They just pay taxes as per the law and have no control

    second sentence contradicts the first. its not voluntary exchange for people to be forced to give you money by law, idiot. get a fucking job.

    and as of when do you get the impression that im someone who plays by the rules? you realize the state department wants me dead right?
  18. #78
    Deanna Troi Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Kev second sentence contradicts the first. its not voluntary exchange for people to be forced to give you money by law, idiot. get a fucking job.

    and as of when do you get the impression that im someone who plays by the rules? you realize the state department wants me dead right?


    The state dept wants you dead hmm?

    Fucking hilarious
  19. #79
    Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kev its not voluntary exchange for people to be forced to give you money by law

    nobody has to give me anything. You have a fundamental lack of understand of how taxes work or are distributed, spent or managed so I don't expect you to "get it"

    I pay taxes too. If I did a cash job today at a temp place I would be taxes on that which means I would be forcing myself to give myself money.

    Clearly the system is at fault here. I have had the governments hand in my pockets when it didn't need to be so I have no problem taking their handouts when they have no problem taking my hard earned
  20. #80
    Kev Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost nobody has to give me anything. You have a fundamental lack of understand of how taxes work or are distributed, spent or managed so I don't expect you to "get it"

    I pay taxes too. If I did a cash job today at a temp place I would be taxes on that which means I would be forcing myself to give myself money.

    Clearly the system is at fault here. I have had the governments hand in my pockets when it didn't need to be so I have no problem taking their handouts when they have no problem taking my hard earned

    then stop taking handouts and get a fucking job, you worthless shitstain on society
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