2021-04-16 at 1:03 PM UTC
Why is porn getting so bad?
It’s your fault op.
Also stop looking at trash for porn.
Yeah, I see no difference.
Other than what I already specified.
I don’t know the person that told me that.
That’s why I’m asking, because it doesn’t make sense to me.
Between a laptop and a tablet pc?
A touchscreen laptop might as well be a tablet pc, and a tablet pc is just a laptop minus the keyboard, even tho you can still buy one for them that it docks onto.
So what’s the difference?
If they both had the same amount of programs, memory, ram, and processing power/speed.
The reason I ask, is because someone told me the tablet is less secure. How?!?
You can literally put the same shit on it that you have on your laptop.
Or am I blind to something fuckin obvious? Lol
2021-04-14 at 6:09 AM UTC
Best Sin?
Lust is actually the least worst. Lol
With pride supposedly being the worst.
They all go hand in hand tho, so I don’t really care, cause sinning is winning.
2021-04-13 at 3:49 AM UTC
Did Wariat have a stroke?
I’ve read hieroglyphics that were easier to understand.
2021-04-12 at 4:02 AM UTC
anime is cool
Gay... why do my img tags or whatever always fuck up...
2021-04-09 at 3:22 PM UTC
Best Sin?
I can’t vote on just one.
I’d have to say Greed, Gluttony, Lust.
2021-04-08 at 12:21 PM UTC
Who got their Covid Shot?
I know...
It’s fucking dumb.
But had to fuckin get it cause traveling during work etc etc
2021-04-08 at 6:08 AM UTC
Who got their Covid Shot?
Had to for work.
I got the two doser.
It only made my arm sore, but some people got fucked up by it. Lol
Tbh I think it was all in their head tho.
Unless they’re weak as fuck.
2021-04-08 at 4:52 AM UTC
Meeting Single Moms
Only if they’re good looking.
I hate how most just let themselves go after.
It’s like, at least make an attempt to stay decent looking.
I met this one chick, she was my waitress, I was hitting on her and before things got to serious, she made it a point to say that she had 5 kids... I said HOLY SHIT! I couldn’t even tell you had one, let alone 5! ...she got this smug grin and said good genetics I guess.
Now she has 6. Loljk
But that’s probably how she ended up with 5 kids.