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Posts by kyli0x

  1. kyli0x Yung Blood
    e85 will rust the inside of your fuel lines if your vehicle doesnt have the correct fuel system. not recommended unless your vehicle calls for it.
  2. kyli0x Yung Blood
    just buy toms
  3. kyli0x Yung Blood
    chevy isnt as reliable as kia (within the last 10 years), plus Camero parts are more expensive. Also convertibles typically have more issues, and less rigid frames and unibodies. Id go with the kia

    with that being said. counter argument is that a lot of kia models might get recalled soon due to them being very easy to steal, as they might of not met the federal anti-theft requirements. I believe there are software updates, and they are fixing them free of charge, but its something to look into and see if this will affect that particular model of kia you might buy.
  4. kyli0x Yung Blood
    element uses electron, which im not a fan of. i might give it a shot and see how it turns out
  5. kyli0x Yung Blood
    just let them bleed out, it builds character in the long run anyways.
  6. kyli0x Yung Blood
    anyone have good client suggestions?

    been using weechat-matrix, but want to switch it up
  7. kyli0x Yung Blood
  8. kyli0x Yung Blood
  9. kyli0x Yung Blood
    just learn krav maga
  10. kyli0x Yung Blood
    just use super glue
  11. kyli0x Yung Blood
    just buy an Anom Phone, easier for feds to track you down
  12. kyli0x Yung Blood
    arch is the most stable and easy distro for me to use..
    if you want to use debian i recommend adding multimedia repo and buster backports repo to your apt sources list so its actually up-to-date
  13. kyli0x Yung Blood
    if you are using firefox, and would like to turn off WebRTC open the about:config and change the value:

    media.peerconnection.enabled true


    media.peerconnection.enabled false
  14. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Capstone-engine is really handy, i suggest looking into that if you have not already.
    Also someone mentioned Cuckoo to me, but i personally never used it before, so i'm not aware if its shit or not.
  15. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Some of my obscure aliases.

    alias watch-network='sudo watch -n 1 -t lsof -P -i -n'
    alias scanlan='sudo nmap -n -sP -PE -T5|grep report'
    alias mylan='ip -4 addr show eth0 |awk '\''/inet/ {print $2}'\'''
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